
Spirituality,Religion,Existential Crisis,Supernatural,Mysticism,Morality,Consciousne

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love and joy 

 wisdom and knowledge

















kindness and mercy   












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God, give us your love 

I come to you in faith 

Bring me your light 

Help me walk on your path

Provide us with your food 

Provide us with your love and joy 

With your  wisdom and knowledge

May we live by your  laws 

By your truth  

May we live in your divinity  


This is my prayer  

I ask for your abundance 

For your protection 

May your  intelligence guide me 

May your blessings   be upon me 

May your compassion save me 

 May I Rejoice in prosperousness 

I have deep faith  in you 

May I live by your hope  

May I be filled with your wholesomeness 

May I be renewed by your forgiveness 

May your kindness and mercy   be upon me 


May your strength empower me 

May your food strengthen me 

May your potion nourish me 

May your justice honor me 


 May I Rejoice in fruitfulness 


May your  healing restore me 

May your  grace be upon me 

May I be welcome in your eternal embrace   



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Repentance is also a way of burning through karma 





Edited by Preety_India

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Eagle Mountain Spiritual Prayer 




God, give us your love 

I come to you in faith 

Bring me your light 

Help me walk on your path

Provide us with your food 

Provide us with your love and joy 

With your  wisdom and knowledge

May we live by your  laws 

By your truth  

May we live in your divinity  


This is my prayer  

I ask for your abundance 

For your protection 

May your  intelligence guide me 

May your blessings   be upon me 

May your compassion save me 

 May I Rejoice in prosperousness 

I have deep faith  in you 

May I live by your hope  

May I be filled with your wholesomeness 

May I be renewed by your forgiveness 

May your kindness and mercy   be upon me 


May your strength empower me 

May your food strengthen me 

May your potion nourish me 

May your justice honor me 


 May I Rejoice in fruitfulness 


May your  healing restore me 

May your  grace be upon me 

May I be welcome in your eternal embrace 




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I was telling Andrew about my feelings. How awful I was feeling. 

I told him that Life sucks and that I don't like anything. 

Then he said when we persevere and push through the hard times.. There will be peace and happiness after. Life has it's Peaks and Valleys

Then I asked him how to persevere because I can't take it anymore 

And he said recite your prayer daily, stick to it, that's a start. 

And I told him that sometimes I get very ominous feelings. It's very difficult to get rid of them


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This is a very special prayer I will be making to God as a way of giving me protection from some demonic forces that have been casting an ominous shadow over me for years now 

I don't like this particular person in my life. Let's just call this person, person B

Person B has caused me tremendous trauma in my life. 

Person B is also emotionally blackmailing me every day 


I always get an ominous feeling around person B. 

Last time I was feeling suicidal because of person B. I want freedom from person B. 

I want freedom from this cult. 

I'm very sad and I get ominous feelings. 


This is a special prayer to God to liberate me from the longest struggle of my life. 

God, give us your love 

I come to you in faith 

Please help me 

Please help me to be free of an ominous person from my life 

Please set me free from this trap 

Please save me and rescue me 

Please have mercy on me and liberate me from this suffering 

Please show your grace and compassion 

Please get me out of this trap and psychological malevolence. 

Please set me free from this evil presence. 



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God, give us your love 

I come to you in faith 

Please help me 

Please help me to be free of an ominous person from my life 

Please set me free from this trap 

Please save me and rescue me 

Please have mercy on me and liberate me from this suffering 

Please show your grace and compassion 

Please get me out of this trap and psychological malevolence. 

Please set me free from this evil presence. 

Please set me free from Person B


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In the eagle mountain system I will use a unique language to define it. 

It will be the Shetlandic language.. 

The language of magic and myths. 



Perfect language for my witchcraft practices. 



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Satanists and Demoniacs 



Why do people follow Satanism 



I think I have many  explanations for this is when some people want the license to do all the wrong things in life without feeling like they will be going to hell for it. They want the freedom and guiltless-ness to do wrong things in life. They can't do it by going to church because that will hurt their conscience. But as a Satanist they feel free to do wrong things. That way they are worshipping Satan and in their minds if they serve the Satan then the Satan will protect them from eternal damnation or from hell. They don't need to fear hell anymore because Satan will prevent them from reaching hell. 





2 because they feel extremely moralized restricted by their religion. 

Christianity can be a very moralistic religion. Obviously there are benefits to this. But some people might feel suffocated by ultra morality. It can appear militant. Also some people might have been rejected by their Christian communities and by the church and continuously condemned for little things or mistakes they committed. I think they want freedom from such moralistic cultist authority. This is reasonable. They think Satanism is a breath of fresh air and a bounty of freedom and liberation. Not feeling abused or demonized anymore. But being accepted for your human nature being accepted for who you are can feel very liberating. 



3 as a trendy thing. 

Some people are attracted to the mystic appearance and the aura around Gothic fashion. They get attracted to the ethereal appeal of wearing clothes and makeup that makes them look like characters from a novel. They like the romanticism aspect as well. 

A dark rose looks very attractive. It's pleasant. 

Some people prefer lighter colors. Some people prefer darker colors. Because darker colors can build romantic feelings. 

Not everyone finds Gothic fashion attractive. 

But for  some people it represents something mystical, mysterious and sensual.. It represents something cool and hip. 

The like the "cool and trendy" appeal of satanic fashion. 

They might find going to church really boring.. 

They might want to be Satanists just to be cool. 



4 for attention seeking 

A lot of people might want to follow Satanism for its dramatic aspects. The burlesque aspect. Clothes and makeup that inspire horror or shock value. To get the attention of the crowds. 



5 to find peace with their shadow self 

I think some people have a certain degree of self hate. They hate their shadow self. But at the same time they are not able to get rid of it. They want to shake hands with this self and be done with it. They want a compromise. The non judgemental nature of Satanism just like Santa Muerte is very attractive to people with a strong shadow self. They don't want to feel judged. Deep down they are aware that they will never do wrong things. Yet they don't want to feel judged for fetishes and feelings and desires they have. They don't wish to condemn that shadow self but rather be in peace with it. 

Satanism helps with this by freeing the person from judgment. 




6 as an adventure or a misadventure 

Some people just want to know how it feels to be a Satanist or a demoniac 


7... One principle in major Satanic practices is to accept people as they really are. Acceptance of reality. 

Basically you just be whatever you want and as long as you are not inflicting upon the free will of others then you're good.. 


 in Latin, Satan literally
means "opposition" or"adversary". Satanism does not believe that a devil or god exists. Satanism is the belief that there
is a balance between "good" and "evil". Satanism at its core literally condemns hurting other people and animals as long
as you are not being threatened. Basically defend yourself but do not harm anyone who isn't hurting you. Satanism is the belief that I am Satan. I am God. I am good and evil. We are not specifically one. We are a
balance. Satanists perform rituals in order to gain a balance. None of these rituals include harming others.  When a "'satanist" harms another in a sacrifice or ritual they are not true satanists. The official church
of Satanism revokes membership with no
chance to re enter if a person has sexually abused or physically or verbally abused or murdered. Satanic crosses, the number 666, etc. have no significance in Satanism except for their way of making people feel uncomfortable. They also may give an emotional response to the person using them. 
Satanism generally is just the belief that you should take care of yourself, be yourself, Iove yourself, as long as it does not hurt anyone else WITHIN REASON.

"it harm none, do as ye will." (Which is technically Wiccan but it seems to fit lol)




8 greed and glory 

Some people turn to Satanism thinking that serving the Satan will probably bring them fame and glory and wealth. 




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Supernatural forces and dark entities. 

What is the connection between karma and Suffering 


I think bad karma is one source of suffering. 

Because a continued accumulation of bad karma will create bad energy and dark chaotic forces will feed like vultures on this energy. 

There are other sources of suffering 




Condition of being human. Natural suffering 

Wretched system. Oppressive system 

Ego or ego preservation 


Any place which is the place of sin and bad karma, it will attract the devil 

Sin is an invitation to the devil

Crime is an invitation to the devil

Evil is an invitation to the devil

Bad karma is an invitation to the devil

Suffering and misery is an invitation to the devil. 

Vulnerability is an invitation to the devil

Indifference is also an invitation to the devil 

Whenever bad karma rakes up through crime, misery, suffering, agony, lack of respect, indifference, evil, sin, the forces of the devil and chaos start to circle the place like vultures. They feed on the darkness. They can't feed on a place where there is wisdom, strength and light. Where there is God's grace and strength. Where there is true love, joy and compassion. 

The forces of the devil bring further destruction and devilry and cause cataclysmic problems in that place. 


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Part 1 




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Part 2

 lndifference is also a form of sin


Real people care about the important nothings like love, true friendship, loyalty, pets, empathy, deep feelings or real values



Fake people 

All they care about is money position status, huge number of likes and friends, fake friends, grades, high jobs, science, fake religion


Real people have real insight 


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Spiritual lessons that I learned today 


Ways to rapidly burn through karma 

Dark dark karma 

Not burning the karma leads to heaviness of the conscience and restlessness. And more bad karma keeps getting raked up. 

Lessen the burden of bad karma 




1 Repentance for your sins 




2 stop committing sins



3 daily prayer 


4 acts of charity and goodness 


5  cultivation of love and empathy and compassion 


6 good relationship with God 


7 asking for forgiveness 


8 clear your conscience.. Throw out whatever is bothering your conscience

9 God's blessings, grace and protection 



New karmic burden gets counted because of your sins. Your ongoing wrong acts and you walking the wrong path. 

This karmic burden gets added to your existing karmic burden and leads to future suffering 

Your past or existing karmic burden or heap of bad karma is not from present actions but this  burden has been incurred somewhere in your past or derived from your  total bad karma from all your past lives. 


Resolving past karma is important. 



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22 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

For the Patumba tribe, the Badua Moaneh is the main God or universal force or creator 

Asty Moaneh 

Adim Moaneh 

Dambi Moaneh

These are lower Gods.









These are type of statues. 



Carnaabi statues are ancestral spirit beings

They are also tutelary deities 

Carnaabi statues are also for universal force and for masculine and feminine forces. 


       Zhuntarra   statues are for good luck. Good luck totems 



Burheymuth statues are for deliverance and protection from demonic forces. 




   Wagabeh   statues are for nature, to connect with nature 








10 hours ago, Preety_India said:


The God that Patumba will worship. 





On 8/21/2020 at 6:57 PM, Preety_India said:

The Patumba will worship ancestral statues or statues that represent past ancestors. Whose spirits will be used for communication through these statues. 

Some statues will be abstract or represent abstract concepts like good luck or blessings or good fortune, protection etc. 

Some statues will represent an abstract concept like a higher power example God. 









On 8/21/2020 at 7:11 PM, Preety_India said:


Part 2

Moaneh gods 


Asty Moaneh 

Adim Moaneh 

Dambi Moaneh

Badua Moaneh 


They will believe in an amount of higher and lower gods, sometimes including a supreme creator, belief in spirits, veneration of the dead, use of magic and traditional medicine.

Their religion will be animistic. Polytheistic and pantheistic aspects. 

They will believe in harmonizing nature with the supernatural. 




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On 8/24/2020 at 9:09 AM, Preety_India said:

Right now I have assembled 22 pillars of spirituality and I will assemble more as I go along 



1 One pillar is religion 

2 One pillar is consciousness 

3 One pillar is witchcraft 

4. One pillar is Satanism and exorcism 

5 One pillar is Animism 

6 One pillar is philosophy and psychology 

7  One pillar is soulism 

8 One pillar is Occultism 

9 One pillar is theism 

10.One pillar is shamanism 

11 One pillar is Mysticism 

12 One pillar is morality 

13 One pillar is tantric and Tantra 

14 One pillar is romanticism 

15 One pillar is esoterism 

16 One pillar is supernatural 

17  One pillar is insight work and shadow work  self inquiry and Visualization 

18 One pillar is art 

19 One pillar is rebellion and renunciation - of the material world and materialism 

20 One pillar is communing and balance 

21 One pillar is paganism 

22 One pillar is mindfulness 



On 8/25/2020 at 5:04 PM, Preety_India said:



1 One pillar is religion  - sun 

2 One pillar is consciousness - rain

3 One pillar is witchcraft - fire 

4. One pillar is Satanism and exorcism - fire 

5 One pillar is Animism - fire 

6 One pillar is philosophy and psychology -  desert 

7  One pillar is soulism - mountain 

8 One pillar is Occultism - moon 

9 One pillar is theism - sun 

10.One pillar is shamanism - mountain 

11 One pillar is Mysticism - wind 

12 One pillar is morality - fish 

13 One pillar is tantric and Tantra - star 

14 One pillar is romanticism - star 

15 One pillar is esoterism - snake 

16 One pillar is supernatural - bird 

17  One pillar is insight work and shadow work  self inquiry and Visualization - wind 

18 One pillar is art - snow

19 One pillar is rebellion and renunciation - of the material world and materialism - air 

20 One pillar is communing and balance - rain

21 One pillar is paganism - deer

22 One pillar is mindfulness - earth 

23 one pillar is Karma - thunder 


On 8/25/2020 at 5:10 PM, Preety_India said:

23 pillars and 16 elements. 


1 Bird 




2  Desert 

Philosophy and psychology 



3  Earth 





 4  Star 

Tantric and Tantra, romanticism 



5  Air 

rebellion and renunciation - of the material world and materialism



6 Deer 



7  Thunder 



8  Rain


communing and balance


9  Snow



10  Fish 



11 wind 

Mysticism, insight work and shadow work  self inquiry and Visualization 


12  sun 

Theism, Religion 


12 and a half - mountain 

Soulism, Shamanism 


14  snake 



15  fire 

Witchcraft, animism, Satanism, exorcism 



16  moon 










On 8/25/2020 at 5:37 PM, Preety_India said:


Spirituality Chart that I'm going to follow. 






23 pillars and 16 elements. 


1 Bird 




2  Desert 

Philosophy and psychology 



3  Earth 





 4  Star 

Tantric and Tantra, romanticism 



5  Air 

rebellion and renunciation - of the material world and materialism



6 Deer 



7  Thunder 



8  Rain


communing and balance


9  Snow



10  Fish 



11 wind 

Mysticism, insight work and shadow work  self inquiry and Visualization 


12  sun 

Theism, Religion 


12 and a half - mountain 

Soulism, Shamanism 


14  snake 



15  fire 

Witchcraft, animism, Satanism, exorcism 



16  moon 





On 8/25/2020 at 6:24 PM, Preety_India said:


My Spirituality System. 

From now on, I will use this chart as my spiritual system. 









Spirituality of the Bird 




 Spirituality of the Desert 

Philosophy and psychology 



 Spirituality of the Earth 





 Spirituality of the  Star 

Tantric and Tantra, romanticism 



   Spirituality of the    Air 

rebellion and renunciation - of the material world and materialism



 Spirituality of the Deer 



 Spirituality of the   Thunder 



 Spirituality of the Rain


communing and balance


 Spirituality of the Snow



 Spirituality of the Fish 



  Spirituality of the wind 

Mysticism, insight work and shadow work  self inquiry and Visualization 


 Spirituality of the sun 

Theism, Religion 


 Spirituality of the mountain 

Soulism, Shamanism 


 Spirituality of the snake 



 Spirituality of the fire 

Witchcraft, animism, Satanism, exorcism 



 Spirituality of the moon 




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1 hour ago, Preety_India said:

For the Patumba tribe, the Badua Moaneh is the main God or universal force or creator 

Asty Moaneh 

Adim Moaneh 

Dambi Moaneh

These are lower Gods.









These are type of statues. 



Carnaabi statues are ancestral spirit beings

They are also tutelary deities 

Carnaabi statues are also for universal force and for masculine and feminine forces. 


       Zhuntarra   statues are for good luck. Good luck totems 



Burheymuth statues are for deliverance and protection from demonic forces. Morality. Karma. Fighting evil 




   Wagabeh   statues are for nature, to connect with nature 








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On 8/6/2020 at 5:24 AM, Preety_India said:


So this is the model I developed of a double trinity since a single trinity wasn't sufficient to hold all the values 






On 8/6/2020 at 6:06 AM, Preety_India said:


But there is this thing 

In my opinion, love and compassion is also a truth. Manhood and righteousness is also a truth. Justice is also a part of truth. 

So I will collectively call it truth. 

So now I'm left with truth, courage and beauty. 

This is the final trinity. 










On 8/5/2020 at 8:00 PM, Preety_India said:

Made my own character set of gods, goddesses, devils and angels. 




















On 8/6/2020 at 6:15 AM, Preety_India said:


So my God character set is now complete with all the values as well as the archetypes. 

Of course, deities, values, archetypes, statues, representations had a huge value in ancient cultures. 




















On 8/6/2020 at 1:01 PM, Preety_India said:

Certain concepts and ideas discussed so far in this journal and other journals combined. Only recent ideas. 


Quick Recap through concepts 

  1. What is beauty? Part 1
  2. What is beauty? Part 2,yet to be discussed 
  3. The Necessity of Evil 
  4. Self, Ecosystem and Process 
  5. Pyramidal model of growth 
  6. Natural Essence and Delusion and Deception. 

  7. Difference between beautiful and pretty 

  8. Why do we need a mirror? 

  9. How words are powerful 

  10. Power of supernatural forces 

  11. Tantric sex 

  12. Empower yourself, use the mirror, use positive affirmations 

  13. Dissolving Mind Shafts. Red, green and blue mental shafts

  14. God is like a mirror 

  15. Prayers 

  16. Demonization of Stage Purple in Spiral Dynamics 

  17. Vertical and Horizontal progress on Spiral Dynamics 

  18. Integration of Stage Purple Beliefs 

  19. Progress in Stage Purple 

  20. Supernatural causes of problems and Supernatural solutions 

  21. The creation of the full circle, Swan and Wolf complete the circle... "it comes full circle.." 

  22. One door closes then another opens. Supernatural forces hold the key to the secret door

  23. Prayers and devotional life 

  24. Cardinal virtues. Double Trinity. Masculine Trinity of Values. Feminine Trinity of Values. Final trinity of truth, beauty and courage 

  25. God character set - Assyrian God, goddess and devil and angel. Four character set. 

  26. How will paradise look like in my eyes? The idea and picture of paradise! 

  27. general human culture. Why I hate general human culture or GHC



On 8/6/2020 at 5:20 PM, Preety_India said:

I'm thinking how it would feel like if I was a part of a divine community, full of angelic people 

I came up with a name for such a community - Aethereus Gaudium 















On 8/8/2020 at 8:52 AM, Preety_India said:


This world is a place where true hearts bleed 



The demons will attach to your heart like vampires and parasites 







The Devil's hand will always be on it. 




But you are the princess 









Build  the fortress



A thousand doors will open.... To bright light. 












Because in heaven you won't have demons. You will be free and happy. You won't suffer in the garden of reeds. 





And the roads to darkness will close. 






On 8/8/2020 at 10:43 AM, Preety_India said:




When you hear the intense roar of thunder, the witch will descend on earth. 


I dreamed of a flat endless land
I dreamed of the wolf and coyote
Sparrow and hawk
I dreamed of the bear and dog
Of the buffalo and man
  Great thunder
A dark cloud over the ground
Hooves raining on the Earth
and thunder, great thunder in the sky



The witch will make a wish 




She will cast a spell. She will call for her lover and she will call for the wolf 



Your fortress will protect you 



The witch will open a secret chest. And a light will shine bright in the sky. A wolf will appear in the skies. 




The wolf will descend from the moon 





The witch will make a protection spell to the wolf 





The spirit of the wolf will enter the witch 



Now all spells will come true. The witch tells the raven to keep an eye on the Devil's hand. 



The witch will pray the demons away and shine the divine light of love and wisdom and divine protection. 



The promise will come true. 





And with the spell of the witch, the demons will die. 



The waiting will come to an end. 



And you will be set free 





On 8/9/2020 at 9:09 AM, Preety_India said:


A planet where all suffering souls helped each other live and grow both materially and spiritually 

I will call it Belphezar. 

It's like creating heaven on earth and using spiritual forces to get liberation from suffering. 


Hell is a private hell of eternal damnation, a place of indifference and restlessness, a place of chaos and no growth and those that destroy growth and goodness are forever damned to live a life of ignorance and restlessness and never finding peace. A life of destruction and no joy, only restlessness.. Restlessness not created by situations but by the self. 




But for the one who chooses to end suffering, one who is supportive of growth and blissful in his heart, the heaven awaits as a garden of reeds, an eternal place of pure Bliss and joy and no more suffering. 

Yet a similar place can exist on earth, Belphezar. 

















And hell is eternal damnation. The fire pit represents eternal restlessness and ignorance of Bliss and peace. 








In life we are seeking enlightenment, we are seeking liberation from suffering. 





This is how belphezar will be, constantly seeking enlightenment. 




Both good and evil are reincarnated. 



How should I represent my new concept Belphezar? 

Belphezar is represented by a bird, flying bird which will be half material and half in spirit or partially transparent invisible form 

This is a complex concept that I was formulating last night. 

How wonderful would it be if I were a bird? 









On 8/9/2020 at 11:28 AM, Preety_India said:


Ordo Templi Goetia Abraxas Agares 


Ordo Templi Belphezar 
















The concept. It's poison versus poison. 

The Guardian demons are the ones who tell the object (the one who does the bm) what to avoid. 

Whereas the rest, the dukes, are illustrations of what they do to create chaos and problems. 

Guardian demons upon invoking even take up protective roles of provision, charity, deliverance, generosity, exorcism, liberation and mainly deal with evil and suffering, generational curses etc. 

Objects are divided into sinners, sufferers, the ones that are repentant and the non-sufferers. 

Satan and devil are two different. Satan is the king of guardian demons. And devil is the king of the dukes who have legions. 

Guardian demons have legions that are guiding/liberating /protective. 

Duke demons have legions that are destructive. 





Category of guardian demons 








Category of Dukes

Duke Valefar
Duke Barbatos
Duke Gusion
Duke Eligos
Duke Zepar
Duke Bathin
Duke Sallos
Duke Aim
Duke Buné
Duke Berith
Duke Astaroth/
Duchess Astarte
Duke Dantalion
Duke Focalor
Duke Vepar
Duke Vual
Duke Crocell
Duke Allocer
Duke/Count Murmur
Duke Gremory
Duke Vapula

Dukes have legions of demon forces under them. 

The only king and Devil, the king of all dukes, king Paimon. King of chaos and destruction. 










Atheistic Satanism 

Taking the best  Secular humanist enlightenment values and wrapping it up in mythology, art, ritual,  community and all the good parts about religion and throwing out all the bad parts, that is about blind obedience to crazy ideas. They are largely libertarian. For a lot of people, the appeal lies in Satanism being a shadow side of Christianity. For a lot of people who feel bonded by Christianity and knowing that they won't be going to hell, it's a hugely cathartic experience. They know that they are not liked and I think that's heroic. 

Is there any petering out?

No there is no petering out happening, in fact there are new chapters opening up and there's so much demand for new chapters so much so that the National Organization had to put a freeze on it because of the paperwork. 


Esoteric Satanism - they believe in the concept of satan






To me Satanism is 



Shadow work 

Cleaning the inner toilet 

Understanding the influence, power and role of the devil. His operation. 

Using poison to defeat poison 

Talk therapy 


Removal of inner dark entity 

The struggle or battle between psychic forces and evil 

Studying demonology 

Embodying the flying spirit 

Understanding Evil and Suffering 

Exploration of evil and suffering 

Finding solutions to suffering 


Understanding the dark side of life and the world. The side of hard cold suffering. 

Supernatural causes of sufferings and their supernatural solutions 


Looking at the supernatural aspects of life and the world 

Dark entity removal 

exorcism, talk therapy, mild hypnosis, calming, cleansing inner toilet, trauma release, shadow work, liberating and dealing with personal suffering, helping the person cope and deal with their suffering and obtain liberation from the suffering, help people work through their deepest emotional traumas. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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On 7/30/2020 at 7:30 AM, Preety_India said:





3 things to focus on 





Process /Function 

This is basic purple stage thinking. Rest everything is Green, Orange, Blue, Yellow and Turquoise. 


A healthy orange, a healthy blue, a healthy green, a healthy turquoise and a healthy Purple are absolutely essential. 


I have developed my own system of growth. I will call it the pyramidal model of growth. It's still in formation stages. It starts with something foundational and then the pyramid grows upward rapidly towards... 

.. And then goes to infinite growth and maintenance. The base or foundation remains as strong as ever.


So I created a three dimensional model for my growth. 

And this is how it looks like 

The upper portion is still in building mode and it represents infinite growth because it continues to grow infinitely. 

The bottom shows a fortress gradually building around the center pyramid of growth. 

The pyramid shows a foundation at the bottom and stages of growth in a gradual manner. 




Another image is this pyramid surrounded by a block or wall that can represent a fortress. 



This is the same triangle but it includes various stages of Spiral dynamics combined, the colors are a bit misplaced. 








INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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