
Spirituality,Religion,Existential Crisis,Supernatural,Mysticism,Morality,Consciousne

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Spirituality,Religion,Existential Crisis,Supernatural,Mysticism,Morality,Consciousness and Shamanism 



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Materialism is the real devil 




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I come from a complex background of complex cultures. Growing up I witnessed people from different religions. 

I had a genuine curiosity even as a child about spirituality and Mysticism. Things like the paranormal or supernatural were very intriguing to me and I used to collect books on such topics as a child. 

I used to read mystery novels and even real life stories. 

I had a huge hunger as a kid to explore the unexplored. And anything even remotely relevant to the unknown world was very fascinating to me. 

I like to explore and study and research ancient cultures, their religions, their lifestyles, their ideologies, their principles, their practices 

 To me its a way of connecting to roots. To understand humanity in general. 

To understand the purpose of humanity. 

Growing up, in my teens, I suffered greatly. I went thorough episodes of Existential Crisis. I remember when i was 15 I used to ask my friends about the purpose of life, what's our aim on this planet and they used to laugh at my questions and dismiss them as philosophical garbage or they used to tell me to just focus on my studies and not think too much. 

I sabotaged my own thoughts and decided to keep these questions aside and just focus on my life. But these questions were always buried at the back of my mind. 

They would sometimes come up during pensive moments but I was in the habit of neglecting them. 

In the past few years, around in early 2016, especially after adoption of Christianity in late 2015.

In 2016, I began writing scores and scores of materials in loads of journals, physical paper diaries. Many of them. Of course I lost a lot of them. 

But the curiosity was sparked and it turned into a never ending flame. 

I knew that I had to get to the bottom of this. 

So over the past few years, I researched every material I could get my hands on to study spirituality, Religion and explored a lot. 

By synchronicity I found 

And my journey was expedited. 

I fast tracked my research into these areas and I learned so much that I never knew so much before. 

It's like a huge encyclopedia that opened up to me. 

I continue to explore and learn but I really wish to record and document my experiences, thoughts, reflections and whatever ideas I gathered through my exploration of Religion, Existential Crisis, Supernatural, Mysticism, Shamanism, Morality, Spirituality, Consciousness and all other relevant and related subjects and areas. 




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My passion to learn about such matters continues to fuel my inclination in this direction. 




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I have realized that there are many branches and religion has many schools of thought 

There are many ways to pursue spirituality, with or without religion. Religion is just  one of those ways but even then it is one of the most pursued and accepted ways in the world. 

I have explored many religions and continue to do so. 

And what I found is that no particular religion holds the answer.

Different religions have different theologies and understanding these theologies and bringing them under a common umbrella is what I'm trying to achieve. 

Different religions have different beliefs and thoughts or ideas. 

The Religion Umbrella  consists of many things 


1 Standard Religions - Monotheistic and Polytheistic 

These are Christianity  Islam, Judaism, Hinduism Buddhism and many others. 


Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Taoism, Judaism, Confucianism, Bahá'í, Shinto, Jainism, and Zoroastrianism.

2 Witchcraft - Although not a standard religion this is was how paganism used to be. 


3 Black Magic - Sorcery, not exactly a religion but it delves into the supernatural aspects of the universe's psyche. 


4  philosophical religions - Although Buddhism is a standard religion it's also often considered a way of life. It focuses less on mythology and more on daily wisdom on better living. 



5 Occultism and Paganism. These are all encompassing and consist of many different pagan religions that are similar in traditions and concepts. Whether it's animal worship or nature worship it all falls under this category along with Occultism which is an esoteric science of secret knowledge mostly adopted by gnostics. 




6 Voodoo. I never got the chance to completely explore this religion which I will do in the future. But many of its aspects are similar to primitive religions like paganism and witchcraft 




7 Animism 

The dictionary definition of animism is 



the attribution of a living soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena.


the belief in a supernatural power that organizes and animates the material universe


8 Satanism 

I recently ventured into Satanism and honestly it's a breath of fresh air. It delves into the evil aspect of the world and does a good job at explaining certain things. 

9 Consciousness based religions. Like certain factions of Hinduism and Buddhism are more consciousness focused. They focus on development of consciousness 


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I want to do a course in Clairvoyance. 


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My definitions of religion and spirituality are always overlapping. 

A lot of people follow the dictionary definition of the word religion. 

But I don't consider that to be the definition of religion, mainly that religion is worship of a deity or God or Gods considered as Supreme power. 

So what does religion mean to me? 


To me religion means a path. 

And there cannot be many paths to the ultimate. There can be in my opinion only one path. 

The final destination is the same. 

Maybe the forms of this paths are different. Like some take the air route and some take the water route. But the direction of this path remains the same. 

All spiritual people, whatever spirituality they will follow will come to the same destination. 

So for me spirituality is the same as religion because in spirituality also, we follow a path. 

Spirituality, whatever form is itself a religion. 


Now let's dissect the Merriam Webster Dictionary definition of religion 

Definition of religion

1a: the state of a religiousa nun in her 20th year of religion

b(1): the service and worship of God or the supernatural

(2): commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance

2: a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices

3archaic : scrupulous conformity : CONSCIENTIOUSNESS

4: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith


Of course the first few definitions are the standard accepted meanings of the word religion. 

But look at the 4th definition. It means a system of principles that you hold on to. Something that you consider important to you. 


Now let's look at the synonyms of the word religion. 

Synonyms for religion








Notice that religion can meaning anything that you decide to adhere to. 

Now let's look at another definition from a different dictionary. 

English Language Learners Definition of religion. : the belief in a god or in a group of gods. : an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods. informal : an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group.

Again the focus is on the word passion. 

Something that is important to a person. 

What I would consider as important to me is also a path I would want to follow in life. I would call this my passion. 

So religion in short to me means - "a path to follow", "a system of beliefs", " a passion" and "something important to the person." 

Religion does not always have to be something about a belief in a God or a prophet or a book or multiple Gods.

Religion can be anything. And spirituality in some ways is also a path and therefore it is also a religion. 





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Man's role in the world 


Another poor raccoon lives to be collared,
cage, and controlled. The purpose of Humanity is to commune with life, Knowing
that all life is sacred. We have and open Our lives to 4footed friends, I feel all pet owners are on the same level as slave
owners. How would you feel collared, leashed, caged and controlled. The universal law, action and reaction; "Do to other as you would want done to you"
Henry Beston, author of "The Outermost House" quoted this in 1928 and it has helped me see from another perspective.
"We need another and a wiser and perhaps a more mystical concept of animals. Remote from universal nature, and living
by complicated artifice, ma n in civilization, surveys the creatures through the glass of his knowledge and sees thereby a feather magnified and the whole world image in distortion. We patronize them for theiri ncompleteness, for their tragic fate of having taken form so far below ourselves. And therefore we ere, and greatly ere. For the animals shall not be measure by man.

In a world older and more complete than ours, they move finished and complete,
gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices
we shall never hear. They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other
nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendor and travail of the earth"

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Man's role in the universe 

in harmonizing nature with the supernatural. 

Commune with nature. 

Commune with the universe 


Commune with life - The purpose of Humanity is to commune with life, Knowing
that all life is sacred.

Commune with the Soul 

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My main source of spirituality is coming from African culture and tradition. Ancient Africa. 


I have explored many branches of spirituality. 

A lot of them are suitable to me in different ways. I'm excited and delighted to see how different cultures in the world evolved different paths to spirituality and these are more than enough. 

African spirituality is one of those paths. It's fascinating. 



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In this journal I'm going to explore and work on different forms and paths of spirituality. 



I'm going to call these paths pillars of spirituality. 

So I can easily have like at least 8 pillars of spirituality. As I continue to research and explore I will get more ideas. 

One pillar is religion 

One pillar is consciousness 

One pillar is witchcraft 

One pillar is Satanism and exorcism 

One pillar is Animism 

One pillar is philosophy and psychology 

One pillar is soulism 

One pillar is Occultism 

One pillar is theism 

One pillar is shamanism 

One pillar is Mysticism 

One pillar is morality 

One pillar is tantric and Tantra 

One pillar is romanticism 

One pillar is esoterism 

One pillar is supernatural 

One pillar is insight work and shadow work  self inquiry and Visualization 

One pillar is art 

One pillar is rebellion and renunciation - of the material world and materialism 

One pillar is communing and balance 

One pillar is paganism 

One pillar is mindfulness 


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Edited by Preety_India

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Right now I have assembled 22 pillars of spirituality and I will assemble more as I go along 



1 One pillar is religion 

2 One pillar is consciousness 

3 One pillar is witchcraft 

4. One pillar is Satanism and exorcism 

5 One pillar is Animism 

6 One pillar is philosophy and psychology 

7  One pillar is soulism 

8 One pillar is Occultism 

9 One pillar is theism 

10.One pillar is shamanism 

11 One pillar is Mysticism 

12 One pillar is morality 

13 One pillar is tantric and Tantra 

14 One pillar is romanticism 

15 One pillar is esoterism 

16 One pillar is supernatural 

17  One pillar is insight work and shadow work  self inquiry and Visualization 

18 One pillar is art 

19 One pillar is rebellion and renunciation - of the material world and materialism 

20 One pillar is communing and balance 

21 One pillar is paganism 

22 One pillar is mindfulness 


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Today I wanted to talk about the forces of chaos and the forces of balance. 

The world has more forces of chaos than balance. 

When we choose to do good things in the world, we move closer to the forces of balance.. 

And we engage in toxic things we are moving closer to the forces of chaos. 

This can be an important insight contribution from my side to animism. 


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@Preety_India is it the principles of polarity and correspondence? You are the source of all chaos and or balance, it’s crazy (the evolutionary spiral) 

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@DrewNows  yea kinda correlated. 

But I didn't arrive at it through duality. That was not in my mind. I was thinking about balance and chaos through an animistic perspective. 

It's a principle of absoluteness. 

Because if you look at anything in life, just about anything, it can either contribute to chaos or balance, there is no remainder, there cannot be anything outside of it. 

Now if I reflect on polarity, it does seem like a dualistic principle. But then once again it affirms the dualistic nature of the universe seen in every phenomenon. 


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Pillars of Spirituality 



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@Preety_Indiai consider the 7 hermetic principles as universal laws revealing different ways of SEEING the same One multidimensional coin xD 

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@DrewNows to me they are too limited. 

I see too many things that govern things in life and the world 



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@Preety_India what do you mean? It’s a philosophy but we choose the limits (they are our experiences), I just tend to resonate most with those principles, I know they will look and mean differently in ascension 

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