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Hey, I have some questions that I would like to hear others thoughts on.

Why do I get emotionally attached to women without being sexually attracted to them?

As a guy I notice that time and time again I will become overly interested in other women without wanting to fuck them. Rather I just want them to like me and forge some type of ''romance'' that is just them validating me I suppose. Or being intimate without sex.

On the other hand, I will have meaningless sex with guys who I get horny for - but otherwise have 0 emotional connection with. Whenever I do this it feels so easy and 0 effort, but I don't get caught up with any idea of me wanting them to like me, or vice versa. It's legit just physical attraction with no thoughts on their personality.


Is this some way for my mind to try and make women into my mum or something? Making up for lost time in childhood? It's confusing because I've come to the point where i'm confident I'm into guys, but there is this really weird energy around women that makes no sense  to me. I feel like because I don't want to fuck them, there is no possibility of it happening, yet I engage with them in this strange meandering fashion that gives the illusion that I want sex but actually don't. Which ends up with me getting rejected and grumpy over something that I didn't want?

Or do I want it and it's an elaborate coping mechanism to justify not getting what I want. But I'm not aroused for them? But I get mentally attached.


Really weird and clueless as to what the answers are. Thanks for reading. 

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