Don Wei

Advice for a person moving out of their parents house to another country

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Hi guys, i'm 18 years old and I just finished high school so i'm gonna move to another country tomorrow and go to a university. So as you guys probably understand, this is a new part of my life and I feel very strange right now. I'm gonna start a new life and i'm first gonna move in with my brother and his wife who live in the country i'm going to. 

Does anyone have any advice for me ? It could be about any topic, dating, money, independence, actualization, spirituality, my social life, things to avoid etc

Btw i'm not just moving to another country, i'm moving from a third world country to a very rich developed country

Edited by Don Wei

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First of all, congrats for making it out of a 3rd world country, not everyone has this privilege.

1. Always wear a condom.

1.Try to make friends within college, it will be a lot more easier for you to get trough courses/lectures/homeworks etc.
2. Also try to be socially active, but watch out for drugs/alcohol/gambling. I don't think that there is a need to explain that.


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Don't waste your time. Make something of this opportunity.

Which country are you going to?

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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@Javfly33 I am going to the netherlands. I'm right now waiting to go in the plane btw

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Congratulations @Don Wei  My advice is: have a plan to move out of your brother's house ASAP. That means you must get a job and study at the same time. It is very difficult but very worth it.




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1 hour ago, Don Wei said:

@Javfly33 I am going to the netherlands. I'm right now waiting to go in the plane btw

Netherlands is a freaking awesome country. Be sure to be open-minded ! One of my favorites if not my favorite of Europe.


Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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@Arcangelo that's good advice but I first have to get used to this country and not being underage. I think I first need guidance before I can do that. I'm also writing a book right now not just for the money but because I have a passion for it. So I will start selling it once it's finished.

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@Don Wei congrats! Netherlands is an amazing country. 

I would advise focusing on the university to get good grades in the first few years. 
With a good start in education, you will have more freedom in later years of study. 

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@Don Wei great to hear! :) 

Then, just enjoy timing with your classmates. Personally, I was living in a university hostel for 6 years, unforgettable timing :D 

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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