
The ego and the smartphone

9 posts in this topic

Dear actualizers,

I believe that the smartphone is a vital part of one's ego.

(In more general terms I think objects and activites that imply a hightened frequency of control are objects and activities that the ego binds to itself.)

With the smartphone I see it in the following way: A tool that is always available, easy to reach because it's in my pocket and omnipresent with all its apps it seems like it has already become an extension of my body. If it is an extension of my body it automatically is part of my ego because "I am ego".

If I tell somebody that I dont feel respected or listened to due to the other person being busy with one's smartphone  during a meeting or conversation this person easily feels offended. The ego feels offended. What are you observing here?

People are looking at their egos basically all the time because they are looking onto their smartphone screens. 

I am wondering how you see the connection between the smartphone and the ego. 

Looking forward to your replies :-)

Edited by Mrs_C

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Very interesting! Sounds about right to me, it's probably tied up with peoples' survival instinct through the addictive side of the smartphone, and identity & status tied up with the social media side. Plus people rely on them so heavily nowadays it's basically like an extended limb

A holistic approach to self-development:

"Only from the heart can you touch the sky" - Rumi

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I agree, good point. It does feel  like part of me. Sadly.

I have much work to do........

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Ownership = ego

Anything that falls under the category of "mine" or "my" is ego.

It could be your smart phone. But it could also be your guitar. Your shirt. Your spouse. Your child. etc.

Even invisible stuff like "my happiness" or "my anger" or "my stress" or "my confidence".

Anything under "mine" or "my".

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Yes, ego also applies to objects and habits in your life. The more emotionally invested you are in something, the more vital it is to your identity.

Smartphones are definitely a big one since it is such a big part of "my" everyday life. And, if my smartphone didn't exist, it wouldnt be "my" everyday life anymore. (see how the ego looks at your routine and claims ownership of it? This is how it makes things personal and creates an identity out of it)

Describe a thought.

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So now we have a great situation: The ego revealed itself completely. It is manifested through ones smartphone. It is ones flag to carry around perpetually. It is much easier to observe it this way. Ironically, that's what we basically do when we look at our screens, however, most of us are still looking THROUGH it instead of ON it.

The question is: How could we use the smartphone so that it reflects ourselves instead of manipulating us into its world. I want it to reflect me instead of making me an unreflected user. 

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I almost never carry my cellphone with me because of the radiation. If I have to I put it on airplane mode. Did you know that you are not supposed to be less than an inch away from your cellphone? If I make a phone call or if someone calls me I use headphones and I use a cellphone tripod, so I am safe.



Edited by Arcangelo
grammar error

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Thanks for the replies. I myself am not too concerned with radiation and I think I would like to see this topic more from a perspective of unconscious behaviour.

If the smartphone is an extension of the ego, then it has the potential to reflect me, meaning that it reveals certain behaviours and ways of thinking and habits. I argue that people often fall into the trap of using their smartphones when certain behaviours don't want to be processed and lived through. I imagine someone feeling embarrassed in a social context, alone with oneself, bored. I actually believe those three emotions are the most prevalent to reach out to one's device. It's absolutely okay to this of course but its actual purpose being a handy tool will be undermined. Afterwards, the reason is obvious why the smartphone has been used: I couldn't bear my inner state.

There is no need to blame the smartphone. Our points of attraction could be anything. I would like to consider it from the persepctive of that the smartphone is by far most unconsciously used material object of nowadays. 

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