
Biden's relationship to children hurting his chances

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Between friends and family I've noticed that people are unsure about voting for Biden because of his brain thing, but also because of how he interacts with kids. 

Conspiracy or not, people are waking up to sex trafficking and pedophilia and becoming less tolerant. I'll attach a picture a friend posted on Facebook, but it's hard to look at it and tell someone, "yeah but he's still better than Trump" and also also convince Them that it isn't worth voting third party. 


I'm taking the turd sandwich over the giant douche this year. I just don't know what to tell people that see him as incapable, a pedophile, or just creepy. 


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Friend with child sex traffickers. Wished one of them luck. 

He hired the judge that gave Epstein 13 month prison sentence in which he was able to leave prison during the day to "work" for sex trafficking children. That same guy is planning to cut funds to fight sex traffickers by 80%. 



Prosecution of sex traffickers of children is down under Trump. 


25 women accused Him of sexual assault one of them was 13.




If they don't think this is 100 times worse you will never get through to them they are basically zombies. Just move on with your life and dont waste time on them. 

Edited by Opo

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Joe has some issues with personal boundaries and can enter inappropriate zones with touching, yet put things in context. Joe’s physical contact is often related to empathy and caring, not creepy sexual desires. The below video is full of contact in which one can take a single frame and contextualize it as a creepy predator. Yet consider the larger context. In the video below, Joe is introduced to a boy that is struggling with a stutter. The kid has been bullied and has low self esteem. Joe has also also struggled his whole life with a stutter. Joe shows empathy and compassion for the kid. Joe shares his experience and tries to empower the kid to overcome his stutter. Did Joe go too far with physical contact? Perhaps, yet also consider it in the larger context.


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Joe "grab-em-by-the-pussy" Biden ... oh wait :P 

Nope, this isn't going to affect his electability.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Just now, Findus said:

@Carl-Richard I hope this is a joke

What didnt you get about it? :D 

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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14 minutes ago, Findus said:


How can you compare him to the sexist monster that is Trump?

I didn't compare him to Trump lol. The "oh wait" was supposed to indicate that "grab-em-by-the-pussy" is already taken (by Trump). I really dislike explaining my jokes like this, but oh well.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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3 hours ago, Opo said:

Friend with child sex traffickers. Wished one of them luck. 

He hired the judge that gave Epstein 13 month prison sentence in which he was able to leave prison during the day to "work" for sex trafficking children. That same guy is planning to cut funds to fight sex traffickers by 80%. 



Prosecution of sex traffickers of children is down under Trump. 


25 women accused Him of sexual assault one of them was 13.




If they don't think this is 100 times worse you will never get through to them they are basically zombies. Just move on with your life and dont waste time on them. 

Thank you for this

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4 hours ago, Zega said:

people are waking up to sex trafficking and pedophilia

Let’s say everything you say is true. 
But PLEASE let’s practice that 2 things can be true at the same time. 
Everyone is corrupt. TRUMP IS ONE OF THEM TOO. 

Ps. “Waking up” is a Qanon indoctrination frase


Edited by Jennjenn

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47 minutes ago, Findus said:

Like honestly. 

Inform yourself before you post something like this....


This video clears the accusations. Watch it.

GOOGLE IT BEFORE YOU START MAKING JUDGMENTS. Stop taking things out of context. 

You don't have to be so aggressive. I agree with you.

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A lifelong corrupt politician and a narcissist oligarch are both scumbags that like to abuse their power in all forms of their life, colour me shocked.

When your democracy boils down to choosing between who is less disgusting and heinous of a child predator............

... it might be time to consider packing and jumping ship LOL.

The United States is a third-world country and a rapidly collapsing neo-imperial empire. Get out while you can.


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@Jennjenn Yes yes, fully agreed.
I figured I could use the phrase "wake up" here among people who should understand what that means, not like "woke" culture.

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6 minutes ago, Roy said:

When your democracy boils down to choosing between who is less disgusting and heinous of a child predator............

That's falling down low, yet there is still much further to fall.

If a society is still able to elect which sexual predator they prefer in a fair election, there are still shreds of democracy left. There may be lots of corruption and unethical behavior, yet there is still some democracy. 

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@Roy  That's exactly how my 3rd party-voting friends sound. The system is due for a collapse and reform, but that isn't happening today, tomorrow, and probably not after November. So once again our country is faced with the decision:

-Vote for douche or turd

-Vote 3rd party (or not at all)


What do alcoholics say? Give me the power to change what I can, and the strength to accept what I cannot. something like that.

If voting for Turd Sandwich swings the pendulum the other direction (even a little bit) then isn't that better than protest voting or opting out entirely? Last election I would have disagreed, but I've grown since.

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2 minutes ago, Zega said:

@Roy  The system is due for a collapse and reform, 

If the system collapsed it would cause so much suffering that what is happening now would look like child's play. 

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8 minutes ago, Findus said:

@Opo You are clearly devaluing the suffering that is experienced now by most people in this system. 

How could our situation be any worse than the current state of r/LateStageCapitalism 

No u dont understand how bad it could get. Watch Leo's video on libertarianism he gives extreme examples there to make it obvious and spiral dynamics stage red to understand the mentality of what we could regress to. 

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21 minutes ago, Zega said:

That's exactly how my 3rd party-voting friends sound. The system is due for a collapse and reform, but that isn't happening today, tomorrow, and probably not after November. So once again our country is faced with the decision:

This is a main difference between democratic socialists and leftist socialists / communists. Democratic socialists want to introduce socialist policies and remove toxic capitalism within existing governmental systems. They would prefer some rapid radical changes, yet can settle for incremental progress. Leftist socialists / communists want a revolution to dismantle existing capitalist systems and create a new socialist / communist system. They are not satisfied with incremental progress - and distrust those who call for incremental change.

I would resonate more with democratic socialists. Vote Trump out, put pressure on Biden, elect progressives and try to form a viable 3rd party. Hopefully in 10 years there will be a power shift toward progressives shifting toward more socialist policies (green) and less toxic captialism (organge) in a socialist / capitalist hybrid system (yellow).

Yet I can also see how untenable the current level of wealth inequality, corporate corruption and suffering is. Imagine an incompetent government have caused millions of evicted Americans to be homeless on one side of the street looking at vacant apartments / houses on the other side of the street. Law enforcement prevents the homeless from entering the empty apartments / houses, while trillions of tax payer dollars make billionaires richer. That system is rotten to the core. I can see it collapsing unless real action are taken. Greed for money and power goes deep. 

13 minutes ago, Findus said:

How could our situation be any worse than the current state of r/LateStageCapitalism 

It can get much worse. 

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