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Do most people feel embarrassed watching videos of themselves?

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So I am confused. 1 year ago I started self actualizing and I found out I judged myself a lot. Worked on that and loved myself a lot, and judgement was greatly reduced. For example I would take photos of me and make videos on Instagram and I wouldn't feel embarrassed.

But it has been some months already since I don't post any videos on my social apps.

Today I wanted to upload some short video of myself talking that my friend recorded me some weeks ago, and, to my surprise, I can't even watch the video because I feel so embarrassed to watch me talk!! (I am judging myself again? Wtf).

If you feel embarassment for videos or photos is it REALLY always because of embarrassment? Couldn't be also because naturally humans beings we have a minimum of self-consciousness and everything that goes through a screen we instantaneously feel "shy" you if you are not used to record videos and share them when you do it you feel this "social embarrassment"? 

Edited by Javfly33

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I can def. relate. I cringe a lot when i see vids of me talking. How to fix it? Probably practice ?‍♂️

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Yeah the cringe is normal.

I find its the same but lesser with forum posts, and it also depends on your mood. Sometimes I'm in the right mindset and i dont cringe.

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Yeah it's perfectly normal. We tend to focus on the things in our appearance that we don't like, completely pushing the whole picture out the way.
I think that practising self-love is the key here. And of course fixing what you can fix - hair, style, develop social sklls etc. And learn to love the things that you can't change - height, voice, facial structure etc.

Edited by meow_meow

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