
Resting in presence but not feeling "peace"

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Question, I sometimes hear teachers like Mooji say in his guided meditations that when one is fully present and resting in the witness that a great peace and joy comes over us. I don't always have this experience. Most of the time when I'm fully present I feel...nothing. Just neutral. I'm aware of thoughts/sensations/emotions occasionally arising and watch them pass or say my mantra word to return to stillness. Often I get to a point where nothing is arising and I feel a sense of clarity, but I wouldn't label it as "joy" or a great "peace." Am I missing something? Or am I just overthinking these labels? Thanks for the help. 

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Just keep resting in it, its takes time for the joy and fulfilment to come out. At the moment there is a subtle resistance from the ego to it. You may even notice negative emotions appear but this is just energy being cleared keep going until you completely dissolve into it. 

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You can't really be present until you're absent....

(oh shit I'm doing stupid word games now  ?  )

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@tuckerwphotography after you have a mystical experience or an awakening you will open up.   Right now you are still closed off to Love.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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