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The Patumba Cove

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struppeh is like a central axis 


There are elements in the universe that are eternal or have such a quality. 


Elements of the universe 

Non living elements of the Universe 





Living element of the universe 

God or Spirit 


The living element is present in all living beings 


This element is dual in nature 

It has a loving nature (philic nature) and a divine intelligence. 


One symbolism to define and understand God nature that comes to my mind right now is Bioluminescence. 

This is a phenomenon in which water in the seas glows. 

It looks spectacular. 

And to me it represents a magnificent combination of light and water. Something that is like God. Because God is wisdom and love. Wisdom symbolised by light and love symbolised by water 

Why water? 

Because water softens even the hardest things. Just like love softens the hardest hearts 


Water flows like milk flows from the mother to the child 

Water quenches thirst just like love quenches hunger 


Bioluminescence the symbol of God. Water and light combined. 



Now God also has an energetic component to him/her. 

Because God is a spiritual force. So it cannot be devoid of energy. In fact in God there is a concentration of spirit energy or spiritual energy. 



Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Now coming to the concept of the Struppeh. 

struppeh is like a central axis 

This axis represents the spirit component. Now struppeh is not a God or symbol of God. It is simply the symbol of the spiritual side of things or the spiritual world. 


Struppeh is like an obelisk but a more primitive version of an obelisk. 

Imagine a tower of strength. It is full of energy and when you touch it you feel energized. Imagine a tower of solar panels that conducts solar energy and this is then circulated elsewhere. 

Struppeh is like a power tower. So when you touch it, it energizes you spiritually. And energizing is not it's sole purpose. It's also a conduit to the spiritual world. The meaning of conduit is a duct or a pipe. The Struppeh acts like a connecting pipe to the world of spirituality and gods. So when you touch it you are instantly connected to the spiritual forces of the Patumba Gods.


Why do I call the Struppeh the central axis? 

An axis is supposed to mean a core or a center 

Also geometrically when we use the term axis, we mean something around which something revolves in a circular fashion. 

For example the earth rotates around its own axis in a circular fashion. 




Now as you can see in the diagram, a ball revolves around the central spindle or axis. 

This means the ball uses the central pole as a foundation or base to revolve around it. 

Thus the pole in the center acts as a supporting base or supporting foundation for the movement. 

We often use the phrase "our lives revolve around so and so...." 

By which we mean that something is important to us and we base our lives on it. 

Thus, anything in the position of an axis is considered significant and more important than the stuff that revolves around it. 

Often we call the center the core and anything around this core is called the fringe. 

Now the fringe is something that depends on the core 

Just like the ball depends on the axis or spindle. 

The Struppeh is like a central axis. It is the main spiritual pillar around which everything material revolves. 

The Struppeh is the foundational axis or spindle. And everything physical /material is like a fringe ball revolving around it. 

When the material is based on the spiritual it has a firm base or a foundation. When the material is simply suspended in air without a firm base or foundation, it is simply wandering without a purpose. This material is in a state of scattering or chaos. And will soon collapse. 

But the material with a firm foundation will continue to grow in a specific direction guided by the base or foundation and thus it will always be in a state of growth and order 

Our lives without spirituality are lacking in a foundation. Our lives are wandering directionless. This leads to chaos 

But with spirituality our lives are in alignment with the order of the universe and universal forces. In this harmonic state, our lives are most productive and this is a superlative state of existence. 

When we are in harmony with the universe we incorporate the spirit energy (the energy of the gods) of the universe into our lives and make our lives purposeful and fruitful and spiritual. 

The Struppeh is a central axis of spiritual forces. It's the conduit to the spiritual energy of the universe. 

When we touch it, we are not only energized by the touch but we are also are taken into the spiritual realm of the universe. Instantly we feel uplifted and energized. And instantly we are put in touch with the spiritual aspects of things. 

And instantly we are reminded that spirituality is the base or foundation of our lives and so it should be. 




Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The Patumba tribe has many struppehs around their houses and other buildings and in open spaces. 

They regularly touch the Struppeh many times a day to feel spiritually connected and energized. 

This is how I imagine the Struppeh to look like. 

Either they are conical rocks or like messy obelisks with magical lettering on them. 




Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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God with his light  or intelligence will create intelligently designed creations and with his love he will guide and nourish them, charge them and with his energy he will set them in motion. 



God is an abstract notion, like a universal force and so has no gender. However I constantly use the pronouns "he" or "him" for the sake of simplicity. 


In a single blow,

God will destroy ignorance... With his wisdom or light 


God will destroy deprivation ... With his love or water 


God wil destroy inaction apathy... With his energy or wave 




Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The universe is 5 dimensional. 


Non living elements of the Universe 

Space - infinite 

Time - eternal 

Energy - infinite and eternal 

Matter - infinite 

Living element of the universe 

God or Spirit - eternal and infinite 

Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I'm going to put a spin of sacred geometry on this. My own recipe 

A square is a 3 dimensional structure. 


A pentagon is a 3 dimensional structure. 

A hexagon is a 4 dimensional structure. 

An octagon is a 5 dimensional structure. 

A decagon is a 6 dimensional structure. 


Since I consider the universe as a 5 dimensional structure, I think of the octagon as a sacred shape. 

To me the Octagon is very special. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Yesterday I had a horrible dream

Hmm. The dream was weird. 

It was many animals on display in a zoo. And then they showed animals. And these elephants were battered. Sk I was furious. So I told the authorities to stop using elephants 

Most animals were aggressive. 

Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The sacred geometry of the universe 


An octagon 





The universe is 5 dimensional. 



Space - infinite 

Time - eternal 

Energy - infinite and eternal 

Matter - infinite 

God or Spirit - eternal and infinite 

Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The Patumba people love bonfires 


The campfire is a symbol of goodness and riddance of all toxins. 


The Patumba people will use the campfire to chant their spells. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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