
My Twin Flame?is with another

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47 minutes ago, Dodo said:

Yeah don't oversimplify. That's from the ultimate perspective. In the relative perspective you and me are humans on Earth and there are girls ? and there are guys. 

Evolve out of this nondual nazi attitude. It's not what nonduality is about. I am the same as you sometimes, but we have to be able to see the relative and appreciate it. The illusion is borrowing reality from the ultimate, but while borrowing that reality it is also true. 

Dont throw the Yang to your Ying.

Dude look around the relative and you will see soul mates are not real. People are failing miserably at relationships, also too much cheaters for there to be soul mates. Oh no i cheated on my soul mate. Shouldn't that be impossible as your feelings will compel you to be in love? Also aren't soul mates destined to meet? I don't see this happen lol.Also if she is your soul mate she should want to do anything for you to love her too. You see it's a crazy self perpetuating fantasy. People are fickle their feelings change, see even science proved some people have promiscuous genes.

It's all about survival here on this little rock and the program doesn't care about how you feel, only if the human race survives. However i don't really care about that myself. I have seen god and what game it is playing and i don't want to fall for it's lies anymore. I can do what i want now.

Also look at this and have your own conclusions. I am here to have a constructive argument, as when your fantasy falls apart you would be more sorry.

The women i loved most, cheated on me and left me. I can't trust my heart anymore that is all i'm saying.  I used to be like you man i thought my ex was the one. But it was a lie and i was ready to do anything for her. It was all a lie i believed in and created in my heart. An illusion. Dude save yourself the pain seriously. I wanted that fantasy so bad fam i know how you feel.

The final argument i would like to add is the spiritual argument. If you are a soul(ultimately god in disguise) you are complete on your own without needing a woman or anyone. This is just a type of neediness that comes from the human loneliness factor, but man seriously no one can complete you, the love you feel towards your "twin flame" is created in you . You always feel your love not hers. So basically be that love and you will be happy, that is the spiritual path. 

Sounds easy on paper, but i am having problems with it myself hahah,

And last but not least, fellow spirit i wish things were different myself too. I wish twin flames were real. Reality is disappointing and doesn't seem to comform to our desires. I hope somewhere there within infinity such a reality exists and i get to experience it one day. I wish you the same :)





Edited by Bulgarianspirit

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26 minutes ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

Dude look around the relative and you will see soul mates are not real. People are failing miserably at relationships, also too much cheaters for there to be soul mates. Oh no i cheated on my soul mate. Shouldn't that be impossible as your feeling will compel you to be in love? Also aren't soul mates destined to meet? I don't see this happen lol.

Also look at this and have your own conclusions. I am here to have a constructive argument, as when your fantasy falls apart you would be more sorry.

The women i loved most, cheated on me and left me. I can't trust my heart anymore all im saying.




I've also experienced strong heartbreak due to my 4-year girlfriend cheating on me with my university tutor. I understand man, its normal. But we live and we learn - and sometimes we do not see that perhaps we were also not so saintly and we deserved all that crap... Life is teaching us lessons and so there is always some magic in store... If we are open to it. 

Bro some girls are worth all the pain.... There are also those who get you on the right path... There are so many ways a twin flame can make your life better and that doesnt necessarily mean they will be with you. Only one touch with your flame is enough and your fire is refreshed. Its metaphorical, but it is so true as well.


This past month I have completely changed, seriously. This girl that the thread is about has completely turned my life and made me find the missing pieces to my spiritual practice. It's like God communicates and sends me events, people and situations to guide me. Seriously mad shit bro. 

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Believe whatever makes you happy bro.

Maybe for you it is a good thing.

It really depends on the person.

Glad to hear you are doing well :)

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I'm skeptical of twin flames.  I tend to think every main character in my mystical experiences is my twin flame only to be disappointed. 


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11 minutes ago, Proserpina said:

I'm skeptical of twin flames.  I tend to think every main character in my mystical experiences is my twin flame only to be disappointed. 

thats probably because you expect your twin flame to satisfy you, but it is there to awaken you. 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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The reason why most twin flame unions and soulmates (I don’t care for labels, soul to soul connections work best) fail is because people are calling them relationships in this first place.  Meaning you are placing all this dysfunctional baggage that relationships have had in the past onto a soul to connection that is suppose to transcend that. The problem is that one or both parties (it is usually the women, but sometimes the men too) are only interested in being in a relationship rather than the spiritual growth that a soul to soul connection entails.

I had an opportunity to have the “twin flame” experience with a woman who I would call a soulmate (I do agree that anyone can be your soulmate, but only a few people can be your legit twin flame).  It did not work out.  Instead I went into a deep, loving, healing relationship...with myself.  That is the biggest lesson that these soul to soul connections teach you.  To love and heal yourself.

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6 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

The reason why most twin flame unions and soulmates (I don’t care for labels, soul to soul connections work best) fail is because people are calling them relationships in this first place.  Meaning you are placing all this dysfunctional baggage that relationships have had in the past onto a soul to connection that is suppose to transcend that. The problem is that one or both parties (it is usually the women, but sometimes the men too) are only interested in being in a relationship rather than the spiritual growth that a soul to soul connection entails.

I had an opportunity to have the “twin flame” experience with a woman who I would call a soulmate (I do agree that anyone can be your soulmate, but only a few people can be your legit twin flame).  It did not work out.  Instead I went into a deep, loving, healing relationship...with myself.  That is the biggest lesson that these soul to soul connections teach you.  To love and heal yourself.

So resonate with all you're saying in your posts. It feels rather true from my point of view also. 

I have been prompted by the Universe to improve and I began Brahmacharya (Semen retention) because of my TF. I would not even know what that is and continue to waste my lifeforce energy due to ignorance on the subject. But when I met her it began naturally, then I found material online that helps me make this a lifestyle now. It's as if that was the plan all along. 

I'm also breaking through other destructive habits. It seems like they are falling apart more naturally after my addiction to porn and masturbation (sorry ladies) is being defeated.  Seems like this is one of the addictions that are most close to the root, so removing it is also causing the rest of the weeds to wither away naturally. 

Love works in mysterious ways.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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3 hours ago, Dodo said:

So resonate with all you're saying in your posts. It feels rather true from my point of view also. 

I have been prompted by the Universe to improve and I began Brahmacharya (Semen retention) because of my TF. I would not even know what that is and continue to waste my lifeforce energy due to ignorance on the subject. But when I met her it began naturally, then I found material online that helps me make this a lifestyle now. It's as if that was the plan all along. 

I'm also breaking through other destructive habits. It seems like they are falling apart more naturally after my addiction to porn and masturbation (sorry ladies) is being defeated.  Seems like this is one of the addictions that are most close to the root, so removing it is also causing the rest of the weeds to wither away naturally. 

Love works in mysterious ways.

You both more than likely came into each other’s lives to ignite growth in one another.  This is another reason why most twin flames do not come into Union.  One or both parties are not mature enough to handle it and have to work on themselves first.  I have found that your soul does not care to see you suffer if that is what it takes for you to grow.


You are cleaning out your “closest” so to speak.  Which is the right move.  So you will either attract that woman again or attract another soul to soul connection who you will have an even stronger connection with.


Try doing this, should help you.  For five minutes a day focus on your heart center.  See a sun ball there.  Then focus on your throat chakra.  Bring your throat chakra down to your heart center.  Bring your mental body down into your throat chakra.  Breathe in and out deeply three times Then say “I request a soul connection with a female who has gone past, risen, experienced and cleansed all these hindrances so that we may do a sharing.  In return, I will share any knowledge that I have.  Then let it go.  Bring your throat chakra back up.  Breathe in and out deeply once, then come back to full, waking consciousness.  Do this for thirty days straight.  

Edited by Thestarguitarist14

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3 hours ago, Dodo said:

thats probably because you expect your twin flame to satisfy you, but it is there to awaken you. 


I also have other missions as well that sabotage relationships. 

Edited by Proserpina


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@Proserpina Imagine a person that you really want. I don't mean physical looks, but what kind of person they are. How it feels to be around them.

There is that warm, sweet feeling while being around or chatting with TF.

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11 hours ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

You both more than likely came into each other’s lives to ignite growth in one another.  This is another reason why most twin flames do not come into Union.  One or both parties are not mature enough to handle it and have to work on themselves first.  I have found that your soul does not care to see you suffer if that is what it takes for you to grow.


You are cleaning out your “closest” so to speak.  Which is the right move.  So you will either attract that woman again or attract another soul to soul connection who you will have an even stronger connection with.


Try doing this, should help you.  For five minutes a day focus on your heart center.  See a sun ball there.  Then focus on your throat chakra.  Bring your throat chakra down to your heart center.  Bring your mental body down into your throat chakra.  Breathe in and out deeply three times Then say “I request a soul connection with a female who has gone past, risen, experienced and cleansed all these hindrances so that we may do a sharing.  In return, I will share any knowledge that I have.  Then let it go.  Bring your throat chakra back up.  Breathe in and out deeply once, then come back to full, waking consciousness.  Do this for thirty days straight.  

Thank you for this one <3 Sounds great. I will add this to my practice 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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"I have found that your soul does not care to see you suffer if that is what it takes for you to grow. I have found that your soul does not care to see you suffer if that is what it takes for you to grow."

Ughh... Maybe the highest no self watcher.. But i can tell you the more i suffer and don't want to stay here the more out of body experiences i have.

Recently i had a dream where i was mocking god with the devil and asked him if he had a twisted sense of humor. Had an obe became the soul in a tunnel, then became the nothingness, the no self watcher watching the soul go around. Basically that proved yes, the true self has a twisted sense of humor.I have a twisted sense of humor. Eventually fell down and woke up.

I had another experience before that angel like transforming being were holding me up on a weightless platform i was levitating in my dream... They said love and i surrendered. One of the beings said now you are going to die in 3 seconds. I surrendered then i went out of body... I saw the tunnel but my soul remembered and told itself :"hey wait aren't I a human" oh what a mistake that thought was...

I might have chosen to come here, but due to unforseen circumstances this self can't stand itself. You can have obes from suffering,pain and hate.

Hell it makes sense, when the dream becomes a nightmare you wake up :D

... Even my dreams sometimes just lead me to a tunnel with multiple realities and i'm flying through.... Wanting to escape lol. 

My soul suffers as i suffer that much i will say.

Sometimes i wish i could stay in another dream and not wake up here.

Edited by Bulgarianspirit

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On 8/20/2020 at 6:23 AM, Dodo said:

I just wanted to share my experience of finding the love of my life and subsequently getting another lesson in why not to believe in miracles. I had just started to believe,  because it seemed she felt the same way for me. But now two weeks later she doesn't want me to text or call her. She has a boyfriend.

Tears stream down, because she is my perfect reflection in this world. I love her. The synchronicities between us are out of this world. We even came into this Earth just 10 days apart and the moment I saw her, before even speaking to her, i told my friend that this girl is my future wife.

I want to be better, to deserve her. If even my reflection prefers to be with someone else, then I really am in trouble. I love her,  and we have only ever met one time.

We spoke 2 hours on the phone, she thibks im a psychopath that wants to kill her. She doesn't believe we have so many things in common so thinks im lying about everything.  

What does it matter though,  she's fucking some guy who plays the guitar. I have never stood a chance. My world is about to end and the pain stings so much. This girl is perfection in my eyes. I do hope she finds happiness. She shared with me that she is depressed. 

   First of all, you can let yourself grieve for a bit, but don't let this overwhelm you. The sneaky mistake made here is you put her over your soul, and made her your revolving point in your own life. If you put yourself first and develop yourself in other areas, you'll have an easier time attracting another woman similar to you. Make dating the last priority, and focus on making your life more better.

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53 minutes ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

"I have found that your soul does not care to see you suffer if that is what it takes for you to grow. I have found that your soul does not care to see you suffer if that is what it takes for you to grow."

Ughh... Maybe the highest no self watcher.. But i can tell you the more i suffer and don't want to stay here the more out of body experiences i have.

Recently i had a dream where i was mocking god with the devil and asked him if he had a twisted sense of humor. Had an obe became the soul in a tunnel, then became the nothingness, the no self watcher watching the soul go around. Basically that proved yes, the true self has a twisted sense of humor.I have a twisted sense of humor. Eventually fell down and woke up.

I had another experience before that angel like transforming being were holding me up on a weightless platform i was levitating in my dream... They said love and i surrendered. One of the beings said now you are going to die in 3 seconds. I surrendered then i went out of body... I saw the tunnel but my soul remembered and told itself :"hey wait aren't I a human" oh what a mistake that thought was...

I might have chosen to come here, but due to unforseen circumstances this self can't stand itself. You can have obes from suffering,pain and hate.

Hell it makes sense, when the dream becomes a nightmare you wake up :D

... Even my dreams sometimes just lead me to a tunnel with multiple realities and i'm flying through.... Wanting to escape lol. 

My soul suffers as i suffer that much i will say.

Sometimes i wish i could stay in another dream and not wake up here.

That’s not your soul.  That is your ego.  That’s egoic pain.

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6 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

That’s not your soul.  That is your ego.  That’s egoic pain.

Maybe, i don't really know.. Spiritual experiences are weird in that way. When i am out of body it is liberating,free and no pain. You could be right.

But being in that state man... Knowing there are better lives out there for you, happier lives... 

Or the other state of feeling bliss and the grace of self...

Man you come back to this ego.. 

And be like fuck what am i doing here :D

Edited by Bulgarianspirit

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8 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   First of all, you can let yourself grieve for a bit, but don't let this overwhelm you. The sneaky mistake made here is you put her over your soul, and made her your revolving point in your own life. If you put yourself first and develop yourself in other areas, you'll have an easier time attracting another woman similar to you. Make dating the last priority, and focus on making your life more better.

Man i made the same mistake, being sold the lie that she is the love of my life and being sucked into it. It sucks ass. Snap out of it she is just a girl.This advice of focusing on self is so true. Eventually you wont care  about her though.It is you who creates these feelings of love within you. If my current ex goes and fucks a thousand dudes it's not my problem. I used to hurt over thoughts like this. To me she is as good as dead now.

Edited by Bulgarianspirit

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22 minutes ago, Hello from Russia said:

It seems like you invented a spiritual slang for common teen problems

Not everyone has had the opportunity to meet their twin flame and everyone has their own journey. If you are to meet her/him, you will. I understand that not everybody is having the experience that I am having and not everyone will see what I'm seeing. So ;P Sure, its all spiritual slang. 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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2 hours ago, Dodo said:

Not everyone has had the opportunity to meet their twin flame and everyone has their own journey. If you are to meet her/him, you will. I understand that not everybody is having the experience that I am having and not everyone will see what I'm seeing. So ;P Sure, its all spiritual slang. 

@Dodo But in my experience 99.999% people experience something that you describe. Who knows tho

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