
My Twin Flame?is with another

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2 minutes ago, DrewNows said:

Your entire reality is out to get you! ? 

it doesn’t matter what we believe, it matters how we feel. I feel I empower the world when I am empowering myself, my expression, my love, it’s connection with the divine. Learn, don’t judge, you deserve the experiences you create, it’s a blessing 


<3 Not sure how people perceive my words, but I am not implying the reality is out to get me. Haha! No, I see on one hand where you're coming from, but also wanted to add that I am not a big fan of duality also :D So when people start having relationships with themselves, I cringe a little :D 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Dodo hahahaha, you are reality, the ego is running around trying to control it, that’s the relationship I’m talking about....between you and how you separate yourself 

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3 minutes ago, DrewNows said:

@Dodo hahahaha, you are reality, the ego is running around trying to control it, that’s the relationship I’m talking about....between you and how you separate yourself 

I guess we can speak about a relationship between the form self and the formless self. Guess that's what prayer and meditation is all about. But when the identification with the form self is gone, so too goes any kind of relationship, because that relationship was based on the illusory identification with form. Thinking that you are both the body AND the subject that knows the body. I can't say I'm there, but I am applying various spiritual practices to make my form identification transparent enough to disappear. 

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@Dodo Well you’ll know it when you feel it, the meaning is for you to choose

To create instead of react, that’s our med-station 

creating is one side, reacting is the other, they are one 

Edited by DrewNows

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15 minutes ago, DrewNows said:

@Dodo Well you’ll know it when you feel it, the meaning is for you to choose

To create instead of react, that’s our med-station 

creating is one side, reacting is the other, they are one 

its actually funny that creating and reacting are using the exact same letters. Im sure thats why you are using them tho lol! 


But I know the common new age stuff is Felling is the secret etc etc, you have to feel it and so on, for it to be real...

But if we are really intellectually honest, we see that all feelings are an object to the Self, so the Self can never be felt. The Self can never be thought about, it is that which knows all thoughts. The Self can not be an object to the Self. You know you are having a relationship with something other than the Self if you are feeling it/seeing it. It's an imposter if you can know it as an object to you. 

Well there is nothing other than the Self, that would be a duality, but that doesnt mean that what you are seeing/feeling is the Self. It's more like a mirage, generated by the Self's imagination. It's not really there and it's dreamlike in nature... But lets dive into the relative now and continue talking about Twin flames 

Edited by Dodo

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9 minutes ago, DrewNows said:

@Dodo xD if it’s (the Self) not really there then neither are you, enjoy! 


But the Self is Here, there is nothing other than the formless Self right now. There is an object that APPEARS to be you, doing things in an apparent world. Both the character and the world are witnessed by the Self. All of the states are objects to the Self. The Self is the container, the prerequisite for anything to be there and be known. But it itself can never be known, it can only be "beinged".

A good contemplation to see what I mean is to inspect your experience during a dream at night and to see how easily you can be fooled into believing that you are a different character - the character in your dream is different to your waking character. Both of which are not you. You are that which knows the states of Dreaming and Waking. You are that which remains in deep sleep when all objects are gone. Don't underestimate nothingness - it's not really nothing in the sense that it is not there, it's God, it is everything. 

Edited by Dodo

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@Dodo yes to everything /nothing, yes to over/under/inner estimation xD 

There’s always the mystery that awaits, it probably never ends, i guess it’s a balancing act of knowing and feeling it out 

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1 hour ago, Dodo said:


I want to mention that me and this girl have a strong passion and attraction for each other. But unfortunately I am not evolved spiritually enough to meet her where she is currently. Meeting her has caused me the aforementioned shift that the guitarist is talking about. I was/am addicted to a lot of things and now I see clearly. Synchronicities keep happening and I know everything is happening for a reason. It all makes sense in hindsight. 

Maybe once I have cleared all I need to clear, the Universe will bring us together. But selfless action is important, I must not clear in order to achieve something, that would be tainted with egoic pursuit. I actually have to completely let go of her, completely. So too I have to let go of my form identity. Brahmacharya is the way to find the eternal peace and Love of the Lord. Twin flame touches you, now your fire burns twice as strong even when she is not there. She was sent by God to do exactly what had to be done, otherwise the karmic cycle continues. 

She really was like an instrument to get me to "awaken" or see the right path for this guy right here. Even though I thought I was very awakened beforehand (as if) :) 


I think this proverb applies here

"A woman's highest calling is to lead a man to his soul so as to unite him with source.
Her lowest calling is to seduce him, separating him from his soul and leaving him to aimlessly wander the Earth.

A man's highest calling is to protect woman, so she is free to walk the Earth unharmed
Man's lowest calling is to ambush and force his way into the life of a woman. "

Sounds like you are going in the right direction.


Soul to Soul connections are meant to be a catalyst for growth in both people.  I am sure that she is going through an awakening herself.  Remember, if she was so “advanced” you two would be together.


Perhaps you two will be reunited.  Or perhaps you will lose all feelings for her and meet someone better.  Time will tell.


People need to realize that the most important love affair that one can have is with themselves.  A loving and healing relationship with themselves is the key.  I promise you, each and every one of us will have a loving connection with someone.  But, you do not need it. 

1 hour ago, Roy said:

Wow that's insanity, 15 years! What a colossal waste of time.

This twin flame stuff is the definition of cringe. It's like people who never grew out of a 13 year old's naïve fantasy of what a relationship should be lmao. There are literally tens of millions of people out there (probably even more to be honest) that any one person is compatible with for a very deep, passionate, long-term relationship.

It doesn't even take much digging to realize the kinds of people that are susceptible and fond of the twin flame stuff have either low self esteem/image issues, attachment/neediness issues, or a severe hole or lack in their life that's gone unaddressed.

What's really happening here is a person has come into their lives that they really like and hit it off with, and because they conveniently fill the holes or alleviate some of the problems mentioned above, their mind seizes the survival opportunity to blow things out of proportion. It comes up with rationalizations and projects/creates a massive amount of fantastical stories about them being "literally perfect" or "the one and only" for them. It can even get to delusional levels like the story you mentioned with that woman.

That's not to say those feelings can't be real and to discount the connection that's there, it's just that it will never put a dent in the Absolute Truth that everyone is completely 100% whole on their own and there is no ultimate destiny for any two people to be together.

If it's really meant to be as some meta-physical truth then there would be a transcendent magnet like force, and there wouldn't be any doubt, complication, or hesitation and it would be a two way street every time. Not a one way like it is here for the OP.

The experience he's described here should make something abundantly clear; He's lacking something (probably hasn't had a relationship yet? idk) and lost in the delusions and emotions that his mind has conjured up about this person, and he's too lazy and fearful to move on from the story he's created. He doesn't want to acknowledge that there are more options for him out there, it's too scary to let go of this and do that work.

Let go. You're amazing as you are.

Well, the issue is the culture.  It’s 80% of women who all they want to do is get into relationships.  Then they complain when it does not come into form, they call their guys “karmic twin flames”, etc.  They also believe that twins flames “must” get into a relationship (which is not always the case).  They completely ignore the kundalini and heart center awakening.  They completely ignore the fact that the love that they felt while they were in the “bubble love” phase was actually fit themselves.  The problem is that we have all been brainwashed in this society that you cannot feel love without someone else being there.  Which is a crock of shit.

I have met one of my twin flames.  Dated her last year.  It was a hellish, but eye opening experience.  I learned a ton.  Most of all that I need to love and heal myself and not seek approval from others.  Even if it is a strong soul to soul connection.


The twin flame experience is meant to expand the consciousness of both parties and it usually happens because both parties are too stubborn to change.  It’s really all about evolution.

1 hour ago, Dodo said:

@Thestarguitarist14 I think I have another twin flame also, whom I know since she was born and there is angelic synchronicity around her and she was born in 20/09/1999 (has birthday today) - I';ve even dreamt her as an angel before. My numerology main number is 9..

This is from a medium/channeler that I really respect as she has been posting very relevant things ever since I met this girl and has been guiding me through spirit. I've placed the timestamp where my jaw drops.

But I was/still am in my lower nature and I am only now seeing how I was doing the devil's work with all my addictions. I feel disgusted in myself and I really am not in the position to make anyone happy. 

Until there is even a trace of the addict here, I do not want to be with any of my twin flames. Why would I? Why would I want to hurt them? :) I am happy that I am not with them, because otherwise they will suffer. 

That is interesting, I will check her out. 

And don’t worry.  If you don’t get j to with this woman, you will have another stab at it.  It will be an even stronger connection.  Just focus on yourself.  Love and heal yourself.


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36 minutes ago, DrewNows said:

@Dodo yes to everything /nothing, yes to over/under/inner estimation xD 

There’s always the mystery that awaits, it probably never ends, i guess it’s a balancing act of knowing and feeling it out 

Ok I think I am preaching to the choir, I feel you're way ahead of me on this one and I look like a fool trying to force-teach his "theory" lmao soz

I know how I would feel if someone started teaching me something I already know :D It's one of the worst. 

Edited by Dodo

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6 hours ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

You are just reading fluff.  Check out goldraytwinflames on YouTube.  He is a 76 year old man who has been in union with his twin flame for years.  Best source for twin flames and soulmate info.


Also, no one is “destined” to separate.  Separation is a result of one of the parties hanging onto the old relationship paradigm.

Thanks, nice source, I will check this out, I really need it right now in my life.

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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6 hours ago, DrewNows said:

@GalynaThese folks would offer some good perspectives i imagine, long video but bet it's worth the time

Lol, another synchronicity, the universe gives me the info that I need the most!

Thanks, my friend.

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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5 hours ago, Keyhole said:

Exactly.  This conceptual dynamic brings more harm than good.  

Y'all Google soul mate effect.  Predators can mirror you and take advantage of this.  That could be what she looked into when calling you a psycho, Dodo.  Predators mirror their prey.

Twin flame is literally just the masculine and feminine energies at their most base.  Idk how else to explain it, like yin yang

It is everyone of the opposite gender.  We are all each other's twin flames because that base energy encompasses all people, idk how to explain it but I had an awakening into this.  The two souls that split are the very first, like Adam and Eve.

All the tf thing is, is if two people wake up to this understanding around the same time.  And when you do it is more like, 'Hello every man who ever was, ever, all right now.'

This is deep. I resonate with this. Thanks, as an advaitan and semi versed in the great dao, I see no fault with what you're saying 

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On 9/21/2020 at 1:26 AM, Roy said:

Wow that's insanity, 15 years! What a colossal waste of time.

This twin flame stuff is the definition of cringe. It's like people who never grew out of a 13 year old's naïve fantasy of what a relationship should be lmao. There are literally tens of millions of people out there (probably even more to be honest) that any one person is compatible with for a very deep, passionate, long-term relationship.

It doesn't even take much digging to realize the kinds of people that are susceptible and fond of the twin flame stuff have either low self esteem/image issues, attachment/neediness issues, or a severe hole or lack in their life that's gone unaddressed.

What's really happening here is a person has come into their lives that they really like and hit it off with, and because they conveniently fill the holes or alleviate some of the problems mentioned above, their mind seizes the survival opportunity to blow things out of proportion. It comes up with rationalizations and projects/creates a massive amount of fantastical stories about them being "literally perfect" or "the one and only" for them. It can even get to delusional levels like the story you mentioned with that woman.

That's not to say those feelings can't be real and to discount the connection that's there, it's just that it will never put a dent in the Absolute Truth that everyone is completely 100% whole on their own and there is no ultimate destiny for any two people to be together.

If it's really meant to be as some meta-physical truth then there would be a transcendent magnet like force, and there wouldn't be any doubt, complication, or hesitation and it would be a two way street every time. Not a one way like it is here for the OP.

The experience he's described here should make something abundantly clear; He's lacking something (probably hasn't had a relationship yet? idk) and lost in the delusions and emotions that his mind has conjured up about this person, and he's too lazy and fearful to move on from the story he's created. He doesn't want to acknowledge that there are more options for him out there, it's too scary to let go of this and do that work.

Let go. You're amazing as you are.

You sound quite right Roy.

One question though, do you have an active partner?

I bet the answer is no, else how do you put logic to being with another person as everyone is 100% complete in themselves.

And if you don't how do you know what can be the deepest levels of being involved with someone feels like... Remember lLeo's video on why god exist as 'other' it is just a probe in itself, similarly twin flame or not.... 'Relationships are meant for self discovery'... you can only see yourself better when you reflect on something... isn't it :)

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@K Ghoul Do you even know what twin flames are?  And I am not talking about 80% of the fluff that is out on the Internet.

Edited by Thestarguitarist14

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1 hour ago, K Ghoul said:

Is this a trick question? Videos and replies explaining what twin flames are have literally been posted into this very thread. How would I not know?

Then how the fuck can you say it is not real?

Most of ya’ll are so spiritually immature that it’s not funny.

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19 minutes ago, K Ghoul said:

Not telling you how I can do it :) it’s a family secret.



Smh.  Open your mind.  

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16 hours ago, K Ghoul said:

Dodo there are no twinflames stop this nonsense 

Truth. All is one soul, twin flames don't exist.  You could say everyone is your 'soulmate'.

Edited by Bulgarianspirit

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47 minutes ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

Truth. All is one soul, twin flames don't exist.  You could say everyone is your 'soulmate'.

Yeah don't oversimplify. That's from the ultimate perspective. In the relative perspective you and me are humans on Earth and there are girls ? and there are guys. 

Evolve out of this nondual nazi attitude. It's not what nonduality is about. I am the same as you sometimes, but we have to be able to see the relative and appreciate it. The illusion is borrowing reality from the ultimate, but while borrowing that reality it is also true. 

Dont throw the Yang to your Ying.

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