Insights, Music, And Chicken Poop

By jjer94 in Self-Actualization Journals,
Howdy, As more and more of the self-structure is sloughed away like some salami on the chopping block, personal insights and anecdotes keep coming up. For the past year and a half, I've been writing all of them for myself. Now I feel the urge to express it to other bodies.  Above all, these are insights. Insight = a realization gained from direct experience. I encourage you to take everything that is written here with a grain of salt. Don't just blindly believe what I say. It is very easy to stay stuck in thought-story-land with this forum platform. Please, please, please see if you can connect the words to your direct experience. Inward is the only avenue for growth on the pathless path to enlightenment. Along with some words, I'll be posting some music that I like whose lyrics are related to enlightenment.  And, of course, there will be some chicken poop as well. Watch your step! Bok bok! Cheers, JJ
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