
Cant Stop Thinking About A Guy

65 posts in this topic

3 minutes ago, Matthew Lamot said:

You both must realize that YOU are the resistance.  At the root of your thoughts and feelings is an imaginary self, when looked for cannot be found anywhere.  When that is seen then the problem ceases to exist.

What's left in the absence of unhappiness?

So we are left with happiness.

Because being so independent,give us power to be untouchable by anything!

So there is happiness.

Edited by popi

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7 minutes ago, popi said:

So we are left with happiness.

What popi said


Absence of unhappiness is happiness

Edited by Orange

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2 minutes ago, popi said:

So we are left with happiness.

Because being so independent,give us power to be untouchable by anything!

So there is happiness.

Yes.  But it's not an attitude, it's an inquiry into the true nature of you.  Who is there all the time since day one of your life?

What part of you has never changed?  Therefore has never left you, abandoned you, let you down, judged you?

If you look into the nature of the witness, you will find that it CANNOT resist, because it always already allows all things to be.

Get in touch with that, and flush out the identity and you will discover what happiness really is about.  Happiness and power have never left you, ever!:)

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7 minutes ago, Matthew Lamot said:

the witness

The cinema screen? :)

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The reason you think about a guy is because since the day you were born you were treated as an individual object who had to grow up to take responsibility.

There is nothing wrong with that, but in the process of creating this self, you forgot who you really are, pure uncompromising love for all things, because you are the cognizant space that allows all things to be.

This is happiness, to Realize the Self permanently and be done messing around as this fiction is true happiness

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4 minutes ago, Orange said:

The cinema screen? :)

Take an hour.  Relax and watch this movie.  


Then come back to this thread for more videos.

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3 minutes ago, popi said:

Time to sleep. Im not American. Time here is pretty late,shit!

Good Night:P

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7 minutes ago, Matthew Lamot said:


This is happiness, to Realize the Self permanently and be done messing around as this fiction is true happiness

Nice :) this is going to take me a while I feel. 

And yes i should be in bed too ..It's almost 2am but at least my mind was off for a while, thanks peeps <3

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4 minutes ago, Orange said:

Nice :) this is going to take me a while I feel. 

You're not going anywhere.  Where would you go?  You have existed independent of time.  Before Abraham was, I AM. :)

Sleep well!

Edited by Matthew Lamot

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I also forgot to mention something else, something important!

Something you can begin to work on immediately!

It is a quick fix, in the sense that it is instant, but it is also a very healthy long term way of dealing with issues and the "ego".

Too much thinking (getting lost in thought) is a problem.  You can verify this for yourself if you begin using self-enquiry as a method, but I'll give a little overview now.  Too much thinking can be a defence against feeling.  It can be a way of off-loading feelings, or avoiding feelings, discharging feelings in order to feel a kind of pseudo relief.

This might be a reason for your over-thinking, it may not, I don't know, just throwing theories out there that you may consider at some point.

When the thinking stops, or is not indulged in anymore, there is a time of silencing of the mind and then sometimes an emotion reveals itself acutely. This is what the mind had been working overtime to avoid, it was too much so the mind tried to cover it up. This is the time to switch practice and begin to focus on an "object" - the object being the emotional feeling

It might be uncomfortable, even overwhelming, but if it can be worked through properly then good things will happen, trust me:)

This is the time to notice who is the real problem.  The problem is not the feeling itself, but the one doing the resisting.  Just noticing that and taking the side of the feeling is enough to start to evaporate the feeling.  Also, part of the identity that was keeping the thoughts and feelings locked in also dissolves.  

You will know when the problem has resolved itself, you will no longer get lost in the dream like nature of the memories and the attachment will be gone.  

I think this will help :)

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Sounds like you got too little going on in your own life. Focus on building a better life for yourself (career, life purpose, health, wealth, friends, self-improvement, reading, etc), until all of it becomes more exciting and interesting than flirting with boys.

Create a larger vision for your life, and get to work on it. Guys will come and go.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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40 minutes ago, popi said:

Hey @Orange ... how are you now? Do you still have these kind of thoughts??

Yea... :/

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1 minute ago, popi said:

@Orange did you managed to accept them?

Accept what?

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Oh yes. I have. But it doesn't prevent them from coming again. 

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