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Grateful Dead

Psychedelic Prayers

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There is a small book called "Psychedelic Prayers" by Timothy Leary.

It is after the Tao Te Ching and contains prayers for before, on the peak and after the trip. I use it for a few years now and I am still in love with it :)

Most of the time I use it at the end of the trip when the intense part is over.

So check it out!

And there is also a german version of it which is just called "Gebete" von Timothy Leary. I tried both versions but I like the german one more.


here is a example:

Returning to the source-repose:

Be empty
Watch quietly while the ten thousand forms
Swim into life and return to the source

Do nothing
Return to the source

Deep repose is the sign
That you have reached the appointed goal

To return to the source is to discover
The eternal law of seed

He who returns to this eternal law is enlightened
Being enlightended he is serene
Serene he is open-hearted
Open-hearted he is beyond social games
Being beyond social games he is in tune with seed
In tune with seed he endures

Until the end of his life he is not in peril

in german:

Sei leer
Sieh ruhig zu, wie die zehntausend Formen
zum Leben erwachen
Sieh, wie sie zum Ursprung zurückkehren

Tu nichts
Kehr zum Ursprung zurück

Zum Ursprung zurückkehren bedeutet
das ewige Gesetz des Werdens
zu erfahren

Wer in diesem Gesetz lebt, ist erleuchtet
wer erleuchtet ist, ruht in sich selbst
wer in sich selbst ruht, ist offen
wer offen ist, braucht keine Masken
wer keine Masken braucht, erstarrt nicht
wer nicht erstarrt, dauert

Bis an sein Lebensende
ist er nicht in Gefahr

Edited by acidgoofy

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