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This forum is more useful than you think.

6 posts in this topic

Greetings everyone.

Let me share something with you.

Forums in general are a very good source of exchanging ideas, tutorials e.c.t. just about anything, wether it is about music prodution, eurorack compontents, cars, pick-up, an online multiplayer game or even a forum for modding a certain game. I have found various uses from forums in the past.

However, this very forum, which i was planning to leave at some point, turns out to be the best social media platform by far i have ever been. Why is that? 

There is pretty concentrated amount of people who are on their journey of learning a skill, fixing a life problem, practicing something or seeking enlightenment and just being curious about what is here. Not to say that here are no devils and trolls. But i would farily assume that here gathered good amount of compassionate people who will take their time to respond to you and empathise with you even if you insult them. Here also are gathering people who want to recieve advice and are out on looking for help. So this dharma beautifully goes on so that this forum turns out to be helpful for good chunk of people, and people acctually give out a decent effort to give advice and share their perspectives which sometimes are different.

Why do i personally love this forum so much?

Constant entanglement with topics about spirituality and enlightenment, where you just spend more time thinking about topics bigger than your mind and body and you spend more time blissfull because of that. I love to check this forum at work sometimes just to catch that upbeat vibe.

You will meet some REALLY pleasant people here, that you can interract with. So you can contrast, internalize and wonder about each individuals story, skillset, and characteristics, which i find really interesting and it makes me more involved in this forum.

Sometimes also you get into some interesting topics, where a guy tried to read some details about my private life by channeling hindu deities, or some good stuff about dark night of the soul or even describing enlightenment experiences, to which i do relate really well. It kinda subtly gives me more hints about that click with the insights of my personal life and so many more stuff.

You can read alot about what is happening all over the world and see how people live in Iran, India, USA e.c.t. what their personal stories are what the trends are there its very interesting. Why they form the beliefs that they do believe in e.c.t.

I personally sometimes want to say about some topic or give advice to somebody from my point of view. I am not saying my point of view is the best, so it is good that its challenged first of all and secondly, if people post different perspectives, it makes me think and the person in need to consider multiple approaches to a problem or a topic. So i feel so much better if i read somebody's post and empathize and reply or just read somebody's journal or problem in a post and i can empathize, relate and see how people really feel. What the problems of self-actualizing people have, what problems people who are on the path of enlightenment feel, which only other people who are on the path will underestand e.c.t. And it's just good to see what the problems of 21st centrury humans have in general and how do we each deal with them.

So i think i will get personally involved with this forum alot more, because i feel this is the best entertainment if i feel down, helpless, stuck in a meaningless job, facing toxic people, facing dark night of the soul, this is the place i come to keep myself together sometimes.

AND if i have learnt one thing from sanathana hindu darma, its that if you cause/help somebody, good things are on the way for you, aka. the things that you want manifest faster, better e.c.t., this has been my experience too many times to deny, so what better way to do it, than giving advice or a perspective at least for people WHO ASKED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE and are open to change or growth.

So just ignore the normies and keep enduring your struggles and celebrating your victories and to the people who post their posts and write their journals, don't stop, people are reading them, i read them, thank you for these posts, i really found some interesting reads and insigts that match from my personal life to your personal lives. Are you kidding me, this is like one of the best places to relate to other people and recieve some humanity most of the time back.

So if you are feeling that your life sucks, you are bored, uninspired, have a shitty job, toxic relationships, can't find a spouse, want to direct your life into something, even want to get some lifestyle advice or insight, just come here and put the issue on here. There are so many wonderful people contributing to the responses. Thank you guys, thank you Leo, you really do deserve to the wealth, because you are acctually providing value to people, unlike normies who will say i am right because i am older or might is right because i don't like you or keep bullying you or otherwise draining your life away that you have left, so its better to listen to people who know they feel displaced and that they feel they have a problem.

Yes, this forum is not perfect ofc and has its flaws, but its really the place to be in 2020 i feel. I also do have some grievances of overuse of spiral dynamics that it almost becomes another tool of stereotyping (Not for people like Leo, who acctually studied it in depth but who watched a few vids on it and are like, ohh this and this is Orange now with a little bit of Green, which doesn't really explain anything, but i may post that another time.) And i still don't get how can you apply SD to art, it becomes so vaegue, to the point that it's like pointing at the solar system and sying that Earth is somewhere here, however its a working model i guess with its wisdom.



Edited by Applegarden

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I agree. This is the only place on the internet I have found that the collective consciousness is much higher than my own, helping to raise my own vibration and gives me a media to do so. 

It is, in my opinion, the perfect echo chamber for this work, and that includes any of its flaws. 

I have learned so much here, and even though I don't watch Leo's videos, I applaud him for creating this space. Thanks! 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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