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Great technique for indecision, life & relating: Shinzen Young

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So I've been using this technique I got from Shinzen Young.  It's super simple; instead of thinking about what you're going to say and do, just allow yourself to move, say and do things sponaneously.

I experience a lot of indecision and emotional issues, and this has been so valuable when I'm in a tight spot and feel overwhelmed and not knowing what to do.  

It's amazing how reliable I've found it to be.

He offers some more methods in this video as well.


"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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"The flow of contraction and expansion itself will begin to move your lips and tongue for you, and you'll discover that magically powerful and appropriate things are moving across your teeth, without you actually quite knowing until its too late.  It takes a long to time train this. You have to be willing to somewhat throw caution to the wind."

-Shinzen Young from the video

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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