
When Is The Best Time To Start Enlightenment Work?

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ok.I meditate daily and I watch Enlightenment videos from Leo and other sources and I said to myself that after 5 months of meditation I will start the path to Enlightenment is that a good idea?and I remmember in @Leo Gura's video on Enlightenment he said that before he started to work on self enquiry he removed all the bullshit he had i don't know what bullshit he's talking about and how can I remove this bullshit?  

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There isn't really a path to enlightenment. All you are doing is asking, "What am I?" That's pretty much it. You sit and try to become aware of what you really are, assuming all phenomena (sights, sounds, feelings, and thoughts) are not you.

There's no need to wait to do this.

Do it right now!

Don't you wanna know what you are?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Ya I do...i will try the self Enquiry methods with the questions who's perceiving?who's aware?and also experiment with other techniques and build up from there,I always thought it needed time... but thanks a lot for changing my view point on this!:P

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There is no time, there is only the present moment :P

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Mixing techniques is counter productive.

The only technique you should be concerned with to attain Self-Realization is a method called Self-Enquiry

You can find the method here for free at Ramana Maharishi's Ashram website:


This book will explain to you why mixing methods will only lead to confusion.  Meditation is about fixating the attention (I thought) onto an external object.  This quiets the mind, but as soon as meditation stops then the mind becomes busy again.

Meditation is also takes the I way from the only thing that has the power to permanently destroy it:  The Self.

The Self is pure, ever-present awareness, and is the only part of your experience that has never changed.  Resting the wandering I thought into this awareness and holding it there will eventually destroy the I thought for ever and Self-Realization will be your permanent reality.

Meditation is good for self development and state training, but it will never lead to permanent Self-Realization.



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