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Question about usage of life purpose course

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I've bought the life purpose course really in a fit of despair. Because of my very messed up emotional state I was in at the time I bought the course, all I decided to was to just to watch one video per day and that's it.

I'm slowly starting to get out of this pit and slowly starting to get more energy and capacities, but what bothers me about this approach is that just watching one video each day will take about 3 months, and all the practical exercises to figure out your life purpose course are only in the later parts of the course. But meanwhile, I feel very much depleted of any vision or mission and that really hurts me at the moment. I honestly kind of want to have the strong vision already but even if I do get to the practical exercises so I can get my life purpose concrete, even then it's complicated In which order and in which way I do it.

Would it be an idea to already start making a shot at coming up with a temporary subsitute of a life purpose so to say, so I can already have a certain aim which will help me and energize me to be working on certain aspects of my life during these lonely, dreary days? Have you guys bought the course, and if so, what do you think?

Instead of continuously trying to make the right decision, experiment with making your decisions right instead (own up to them). Consciously making a commitment to a decision IS what makes it the right decision, regardless of the choices you had.

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Bought and completed in a similar state, though probably not as lethargic.

I'd recommend doing some letting go work to alleviate your negativity - so you get the best application of your mind while pursuing the course.

Read ''Letting Go'' By David R Hawkins / Levels of Energy by Fredirick Dodson

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