
Gradual colapse between dreaming and waking state

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Durring this last year i have noticed my dreams start to make more sense, they are more consistent and logical to what i experienced before when it was total nonsense, and hard to make any sense. Sometimes when im dreaming its very surprising to wake up from it knowing it was just a dream, cause it felt so life like. The sights, sounds, bodily sensations seem just like now. Also the dreams are pretty much always nice so much that i would choose to never wake up from them if it would be possible. But i suppose im still dreaming now, since there is no difference between a dream and reality in my experience, i guess everything is just a dream. But if so why people are so desperate to awake from dreaming (seeking liberation), wouldnt that lead to awaking in another dream? Since there is nothing but dreams within dreams..

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Dreams always fascinate me.  It's mind blowing how could a totally fake reality be designed And actualized and appear 100% real.. All out of the blue through sheer imagination.  This isn't conclusive to anything but it surely has to give you some lines to think about the" waking reality " and the possibility of it being brought up in the same way. 

I actually had a very vivid dream last night. Was with my brothers and we were talking and having dinner etc.. I was so involved and living it up as if it's 100 real everything was so vivid to a ridiculous degree that I'm still in shock how could that be a dream .. If that dream lasted for years (let's just assume that's possible) there was basically no way to tell it's a dream. Yet upon waking up..all is revealed to be absolutely nothing. 

Edited by Someone here

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21 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Yet upon waking up..all is revealed to be absolutely nothing. 

Only if we step into perception of time and assume there is a difference between this and that. Am I wrong? Because in that moment, it seemed to be everything, didn't it?

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6 minutes ago, wesyasz said:

Only if we step into perception of time and assume there is a difference between this and that. Am I wrong? Because in that moment, it seemed to be everything, didn't it?

At least it is revealed to be absolutely nothing that you thought it was.

Edited by Someone here

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5 hours ago, Someone here said:

I actually had a very vivid dream last night. Was with my brothers and we were talking and having dinner etc.. I was so involved and living it up as if it's 100 real everything was so vivid to a ridiculous degree that I'm still in shock how could that be a dream .. If that dream lasted for years (let's just assume that's possible) there was basically no way to tell it's a dream. Yet upon waking up..all is revealed to be absolutely nothing. 

@Someone here @Nemo28

I also had a very curious dream last night.

In the dream I was in a bar full of people, and was having a conversation about how "life was all a dream" and that we were all connected to the same universal mind. 

The weird thing about this was that even though I was explaining to people that life was a dream, I didn't actually realise that I was "sleep-dreaming."

So at the bar (in my sleeping dream), I was telling a girl how life was a dream and we were all collectively manifesting in real-time, and I heard someone else at the bar say: "...yes but we're not quite ready to wake-up yet."

I continued to speak with the girl at the bar and I said "So basically each of us has the power to upload imaginations to the universal-mind, which is known as a manifestation," and the girl at the bar finished off my paragraph with "and we're also able to download thoughts from the universal mind, which is basically telepathy."

I smiled at the irony of her finishing off my paragraph with an observation about telepathy, but this was nothing compared to the irony I felt some moments later when I woke up in my bed and realised that the whole thing had just been a dream.

I was that universal mind, and had been imagining the whole conversation.


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