
We Are The Universe, And Everything In It. We Are God.

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This is currently the idea I'm trying to embrace. I can understand it intellectually, but subconsciously I'm not quite there. My ego still tried to hold on to the idea I'm a separate, unique entity.

From a physics standpoint, the universe started as a single point: something so incredibly tiny (sub atomic level) and something so dense, we can't even fathom it as humans. That tiny, single point contained every bit of matter, energy, and force that is in the universe today, and then rapidly expanded with the Big Bang. Every bit of particles that make up you, me, and the entire universe were allotted to that single point, meaning we all began from the same exact point in history, we're all connected, and we continue to expand. 


I envision the expansion of the universe like a blooming flower, pictured here (only if this flower started from nothingness). Is the very end of a petal not part of the same organic being that the center of the flower is? It is, and just like you may see another person as physically distant from you, you're still part of the same organic being. Here are a couple of inspiring quotes that relate to this idea.

“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” ~Albert Einstein

“You are not IN the universe, you ARE the universe, an intrinsic part of it. Ultimately you are not a person, but a focal point where the universe is becoming conscious of itself. What an amazing miracle.” ~Eckhart Tolle

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too much mind
try shaving that off and be what remains

"I gently pushed my hand into my pocket and pulled the last one out, it trembled at first and clung to my hand. "Go on, it will be ok," I whispered. Encouraged, it flexed its wings and I knew the time was right. It flew up towards the blue, blue sky and I looked proudly as it's made its way to freedom. The last of my fucks was finally given."

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@Frogfucius A single point? Tiny atoms? Matter? Energy? Force? All connected?

This is all crazy talk. Conceptualization is a bottomless pit. You can divide your experience of reality infinitely small and infinitely large. And every single belief you try to take on as truth will be tested(and shot down) by reality. Science and Spirituality are the biggest obstacles to seeing the truth, in today's age.

Good luck

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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Exactly. What do you really know about science? Have you seen an atom? Have you seen the big bang? Be nothing and therefore become the undefinable something, everything, anything or whatsoever. 

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Appreciate the insights, guys. But my question is: what is wrong with using measurable models to help me understand the spiritual, more significant side of things?

I understand the trap of believing models as truth. But these scientific concepts and labels are just models of the actual reality, and not reality itself. Physics, evolution, Big Bang, etc.. These are all just THEORIES and not the truth. There's certain ideas in them though that help us model the reality of the existence we're in, and we can't intellectually deny these models as quantifiable in some form.

If I didn't have an understanding of the idea we call "physics", "chemicals", and "neurons" and the reactions they create in our brain, I wouldn't even have taken up meditation, I wouldn't believe the existence of no-self, and I would be far more dogmatic and less open-minded, as I was before I started connecting these things to spirituality.

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16 minutes ago, Frogfucius said:

Appreciate the insights, guys. But my question is: what is wrong with using measurable models to help me understand the spiritual, more significant side of things?

I understand the trap of believing models as truth. But these scientific concepts and labels are just models of the actual reality, and not reality itself. Physics, evolution, Big Bang, etc.. These are all just THEORIES and not the truth. There's certain ideas in them though that help us model the reality of the existence we're in, and we can't intellectually deny these models as quantifiable in some form.

If I didn't have an understanding of the idea we call "physics", "chemicals", and "neurons" and the reactions they create in our brain, I wouldn't even have taken up meditation, I wouldn't believe the existence of no-self, and I would be far more dogmatic and less open-minded, as I was before I started connecting these things to spirituality.

If you are genuinely interested in becoming enlightened I will inform you now that there are no need to understand these models and there is no need to avoid dogma, theories and open mindedness are just another way that the I thought likes to get stuck into worldly objects to distract itself from discovering it's real nature, The Self.

Here is the only theory you need to know:

The materialist view is that we are 7 billion minds with 7 billion consciousnesses which can be located inside each individual physical body.  These individual bodies are all located in one world.

This is not actually true.  Nobody has actually ever found this one shared reality that we believe that we share.

The reality is there is only one consciousness and 7 billion minds.  Infinite consciousness can only experience itself through a finite mind which creates the illusions of space and time.  Mind gives rise to thoughts, which gives rise to apparent material objects.

Science cannot understand this because it is still stuck in the paradigm that "we are the body".

The only way to know that what you see is what you think is to assist the destruction of your infinite I thought which gives rise to the illusion and the only way to do this is to either find an authentic Self-Realized Guru and devote yourself to him or her.  Or, practice a method called Self-Enquiry which is the process of bringing the wandering attention, or I thought, and allowing it to rest in it's source, or awareness, until it no longer feels any need to extrovert.  If you are persistent the Self will draw the I thought into itself and permanently destroy it and what will be left is the Universal Self that makes no distinction between subject and object.  This is the only way you can confirm for yourself what reality is actually made of.  And it is not made of mind or matter, it is made of consciousness.  

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@Frogfucius nothing wrong with models. but if you want truth you will have to give them up, no exception.

maybe you need to work through the need to know, thats fine too. if so i recomend the book of not knowing by peter ralston

Edited by InsidesOut

"I gently pushed my hand into my pocket and pulled the last one out, it trembled at first and clung to my hand. "Go on, it will be ok," I whispered. Encouraged, it flexed its wings and I knew the time was right. It flew up towards the blue, blue sky and I looked proudly as it's made its way to freedom. The last of my fucks was finally given."

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"I gently pushed my hand into my pocket and pulled the last one out, it trembled at first and clung to my hand. "Go on, it will be ok," I whispered. Encouraged, it flexed its wings and I knew the time was right. It flew up towards the blue, blue sky and I looked proudly as it's made its way to freedom. The last of my fucks was finally given."

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6 minutes ago, InsidesOut said:

@Frogfucius nothing wrong with models. but if you want truth you will have to give them up, no exception.

maybe you need to work through the need to know, thats fine too. if so i recomend the book of not knowing by peter ralston

Awesome, appreciate it, man. I've only started this work a month ago, and I guess at this moment I'm using physical models as a way to transcend to the next phase. The models are not truth, but I do find them fascinating.

I'm aware that I have to give up beliefs and everything to reach truth. I've already come so far from where I started, it's like a lifetime has passed from where I used to be.

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[[[This is currently the idea I'm trying to embrace. I can understand it intellectually, but subconsciously I'm not quite there. My ego still tried to hold on to the idea I'm a separate, unique entity.]]]

***I have found that with enough careful consideration, intellect is enough to align yourself with the fact you stated. Ego, (your sense of identity) just needs good solid information. That identity is what expands to take in your cosmic status. I have found that it's best to treat the information just like the instructions that come with your computer. No need to treat it like a sacred cow.

The best I can do is point you to some information that gets right to the heart of things factually. Even though you're probably not interested in portrait painting, you'll find that a specific context helps keep your feet on solid ground. See what you think:


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3 hours ago, Frogfucius said:

Awesome, appreciate it, man. I've only started this work a month ago, and I guess at this moment I'm using physical models as a way to transcend to the next phase. The models are not truth, but I do find them fascinating.

I'm aware that I have to give up beliefs and everything to reach truth. I've already come so far from where I started, it's like a lifetime has passed from where I used to be.

@Frogfucius Nothing wrong with that if you see science only as a tool or a springboard. If it helps you to create an opening in the mind beyond all 'this" than it is good and should not be denied. We all want to experience what lies beyond this existence. And understanding what existence is with the mind through science, physics and mathematics maybe the key that opens the door to what lies beyond for some people. Here is a conceptual framework for example. Physics theory says there are 11 dimensions. This existence is said to be the 1st through 4th and directly experienced as the 3-rd+time (the 4th). The 9th being a "probability space" where everything exists in the form of raw information that has not yet been put into action (manifested). So it sits there in a neutral flux state, waiting to happen if it is chosen by cause and effect of an action within this existence. It could be seen from that view that consciousness, through body/mind could be the product of the sum total of all dimensions experiencing itself within the 3rd-D+Time through raw physical manifestation working in conjunction with awareness. Of course the false self image that believes that it is a totally separate entity loves to take credit for what it experiences and in doing so, ignores the fact that it may be something very different that is really causing all "this" to happen from outside of this dimension. Just keep in mind that all these models are no more than the conceptual framework that we place on ourselves as being separate from the whole. The limited mind experiences all this from the limited perspective of this physical plane. If it's science that helps you start to break down the confines of this 3rd-D space- time and transcend it, who knows where that could lead, so that is a start. Look at mathematics also. Everything within existence being #1 through all the others numbers into infinity. Than there is Zero. Zero contains all the other numbers, but yet it contains nothing. Only the fact that it is empty allows it to do so. Zero is Alpha Omega. Zero proceeds all numbers and it will remain untouched after all numbers are gone. So numbers represent existence. But Zero lies beyond and is changeless. What was before the "big bang" could be seen as Zero. Than what is after the big bang (existence) is where the beginning of all numbers start. Zero could be seen symbolically as nothingness, emptiness or the void that everything springs forth into manifestation from. To sum this all up. If you look deeply enough into existence itself, you will find clues that point to the source of it. Like subtle arrows pointing the way to the truth. They are all around us at all times. Many are so obvious that they are taken for granted and we don't see the deeper meaning within them. Nothing is hidden.     *No concept or words are any different than any other, scientific or spiritual. The only thing that truly matters is the direct experience of what you are beyond the limited self as body/mind within existence. What gets you there is not what matters. Use concepts to your advantage than discard them all without exception. Just don't get trapped in them or they will make you their prisoner without you realizing it. Even the concept of what may lie beyond the manifest must be thrown out. I personally don't care what lies beyond "this". For now there is only this that truly exists. Something has sent us here for a reason. I have accepted both sides of the coin but I reside here for now. When the time comes and the lights go out and I stop existing, so be it. I will fully except that than. You said you are "fascinated" by all this that is happing here? Good, that is what the cosmos intended for you to do so it could discover and experience itself! Never let that die! 'You" are here for a reason.

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@cetus56 Well put, my friend. I really enjoy that deep, intellectual perspective. Separating myself from my beliefs and thoughts, separating myself from what my mind thinks I am and what reality is, embracing all of reality through a clearer lens, and experiencing the cosmos as one entity has brought me more peace than any scientific explanation or religious doctrine ever has.

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@Frogfucius Lot's of concepts going on in science and mind. But sometimes that could open a door for some that may not otherwise see or experience themselves moving beyond time and space as we know it. Just watch some Brian Greene, haha   I just watched "The Zeroth Dimension" within a scientific framework it addresses a lot of the same areas as enlightenment work does. Still, no matter how you cut it, it's all just more concepts of mind. The rose is cool!. It is all an unfolding process. What is changeless manifesting itself as change within a field awareness. Amazing! Who knows that? What knows that? More concepts? Oh no!:D

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