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Should an ant remember it's life after death?

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Many people have hang ups about death (nothing wrong with that; it's the scariest thing) and they want to be able to understand the nature of after death experience. Will I wake up from a dream? Will I enter an ethereal state where I assess the soul and chose to reincarnate? Will there be an experiencer after death? 

Well, look at it this way: everything that is alive must have an essence of what we call soul. So the process that occurs after the death of the body, when you return to essence, should be the same for every living thing right? 

So it follows the after death experience you encounter must be intelligible to both you and a dog, a tree, an ant and anything else that's alive (potentially inert as well, if you believe everything is consciousness.) 

If you think it has any meaning that can be groked by you as a human right now but is somehow more grandiose than the experience of an ant, rat or mosquito, then you are suffering from an egoic delusion.

In this case you ought to investigate why your ego feels the need to create an after death story and face that demon. This limiting belief about after death experience may actually block you from awakening so do yourself a favour and shatter it

Divest from the conceptual. Experience the actual.

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