
Trying to understand duality

36 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, humanProcess said:

@Carl-Richard If he can get 5-meo-dmt into it . And people start getting endogenous release of 5-meo and getting non dual. Wowa! Could be a very nice move.


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@Carl-Richard No that wouldnt be to controversial. Joe is talking about psychedelics a lot of the time. And he can keep it simple for Joe's poor head.

Edited by humanProcess

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9 hours ago, Johnny5 said:

What about it? You tell me... ? 

Thanks I like your explanation of concepts and boundaries. Regarding "non-thing" isn't it a paradox? You can't have a non-thing because anything you name would be a thing? Wouldn't that make "thing" nondual?


8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You need to get out of concepts altogether to access the highest understandings. The entire domain of concepts is like one grain of sand on a beach. Don't limit yourself to that one grain.

Sounds interesting and I'm willing to try to explore it. I just recently became stage orange and very materialist minded so struggle to understand nonduality, but open to new things.





Edited by Ancestor

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3 hours ago, Ancestor said:

Regarding "non-thing" isn't it a paradox? You can't have a non-thing because anything you name would be a thing? Wouldn't that make "thing" nondual?

So you just completely skipped over my rather lengthy posts about how any finite thing, if it existed, would necessarily be a duality...  ?

"Thing" and "non-thing" are just more concepts. You can't have a non-thing, but you can't have a thing either, that's the whole point. They were always only concepts, remember? They can never be anything more than that. That's the lie, and right there you already fell for it.

Any two opposites that you'd care to conjure up make for a duality, including thing v.s. non-thing. Even if you conjure up only one, you automatically imply the other, for all the same reasons. Whether you'd ever come across a non-thing in your life is moot. At most it suggests that the question is completely irrelevant. And I would recommend that you stick with what's relevant, or you'll fall for that other trap I mentioned about going around in circles forever and never getting anywhere with it.

Also, unless you're just playing candid camera here  ? ...  don't try to validate your propositions, try to invalidate them. See if anything you come up with can withstand honest scrutiny. That's the only way to understanding.

Edited by Johnny5

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6 hours ago, humanProcess said:

@Carl-Richard No that wouldnt be to controversial. Joe is talking about psychedelics a lot of the time. And he can keep it simple for Joe's poor head.

Leo's shtick is so much more than just "that's cool, but have you tried 5-MeO-DMT?". Joe will never ever concede on the fact that he is God, that he is creating everything in existence, that he is the only being that exists, that people don't exist, that matter, time and space doesn't exist, that reality is imaginary, that MMA is low consciousness, that he imagined his own birth etc..

If you mention just one of those things, you will get laughed at and not be taken seriously for the rest of the conversation. Then again, he has people like Alex Jones on his show who talks about interdimensional aliens and other brain-meltingly obscure conspiracies, so who knows.

Maybe it would be cool if he focused on trying to teach him Spiral Dynamics, but they would or later have to talk about his main ideas, and that would either require a stoned Joe or an unserious Joe. Either way, the audience will not be happy.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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20 hours ago, Red-White-Light said:

@Leo Gura Do a Joe Rogan podcast, please!

It's not up to me.

Joe just isn't interested in inviting me. His show is mostly focused on big name celebrities, not guys like me.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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10 hours ago, Johnny5 said:

So you just completely skipped over my rather lengthy posts about how any finite thing, if it existed, would necessarily be a duality...  ?

Thanks for you replies, I have read them many times over, but I find it hard to understand. I don't know what my propositions are, I'm just throwing ideas out there and seeing what sticks.

I have only just become a stage orange materialist, being stage blue religious all my life before that. Being newly orange I am interested in rationality and concepts. Is that what will lead me to go around in circles forever?

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2 hours ago, Ancestor said:

Thanks for you replies, I have read them many times over, but I find it hard to understand. I don't know what my propositions are, I'm just throwing ideas out there and seeing what sticks.

No worries, it's just food for contemplation. It takes time.


2 hours ago, Ancestor said:

I have only just become a stage orange materialist, being stage blue religious all my life before that. Being newly orange I am interested in rationality and concepts. Is that what will lead me to go around in circles forever?

No, only if you get stuck in it. But that's no reason not to explore it. Rationality can be a good thing, it's just not the end-all-be-all that many people think it is.

By all means go for it. Sounds like you know exactly what you want and need right now.

"Those who know how to think need no teachers." -- Mahatma Ghandi

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On 8/18/2020 at 4:18 AM, Ancestor said:

Thanks for the replies, all are helpful, I'm quite new at this and I find it very interesting.

I understand there is no non-dual thinking now, makes sense.

...yet (below) go immediately into attempting again to do so....?....never settle into understanding btw...all thinking is absolutely nondual. 

Can you explain more about "all duality can only ever be illusory"?

Can you explain more about mental categories ultimately not being true?

Are you saying that because finite things only exist in a duality, there is no foundation to build on, therefore reality is not real?


5 hours ago, Ancestor said:

I have only just become a stage orange materialist, being stage blue religious all my life before that. Being newly orange I am interested in rationality and concepts. Is that what will lead me to go around in circles forever?

Congrats on the liberation from blue. Point rationality & conceptualizing to vision & practicality, bringing your most desired dream for this life into actuality, rather than pointing it at metaphysics and actuality. Look to direct experience & feeling for those instead. Crush orange you beast! 



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WTF is with you @Nahm.

You beast, what type of vocabulary is that + you made me horny.

Don't fall under my influence please or you will start swearing soon. 

You already did with vaginas. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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@Nahm I do. Oh you.... well I guess you must be. But bring it on.I win at everything even that. 

It seems like I bet on wrong things. 

Ok it's your fault  "most desired dream" let me activate "sneakiness of thoughts" my man. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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1 hour ago, Nahm said:


No wrong things, only wrong view. 

ZeroISinfinity: “God damn absolutist”.

Pls don't expose me it's my dirty little Secret or yours? Ain't no mindfucking myself anymore for No5150. Will stick with vaginas. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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