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Weird phenomena

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I've noticed this phenomena that i wanted to share here for some insights.

First thing is, i want to mention that i can't interact or talk with anyone while simultaneously being in the state that i'm about to share with you.

Lets get to it.


I reached a point in my meditative practice where i could shift to a state where i am extremely conscious of the NOW whenever i intend too. It takes about a minute or 2 of what i like to call "Complete Silence".

Complete silence is not the type of silence where you don't hear anything. It just happens when i put my complete awareness on my body, and keep it there with extreme concentration for about a minute or 2 until i can no longer identify it as "my body". What i call "my body" now is just "something called body" in that state, and everything is completely unknown and mysterious. Some of you might know this state by the name of "No mind", at least that is what i think it is called.

During that state, i am completely detached from my body and mind, and i just am. Now, who am i? i'm still trying to realize that truth, but that is not the point here.

I've noticed that whenever i am out in public (with people whom i don't personally know OR with a group of friends) and i consciously shift to that state of awareness that at some point, (This point, it is so fucking subtle), people either start looking at me in wonder, engage in a conversation with me, make statements about me or ask a me a question. In other words, when i try to, or get to this state in public, something weird happens;

From the POV of transitioning through that state, there is this sudden interest in "this body" which is "me" to "those" who are interested in. This sudden attention is diverted to "me", to "Mosess". 

From the POV of someone watching me go through that state, He/She will see a person who is completely still and silent, not reacting to anything (which is weird/ freaky to many, i know lol)

I personally somewhat fear being intimate with people due to past traumas that i am currently working on. I try to avoid gaining unwanted attention from people which is a bit hard because i am somewhat considered an"attractive guy" by many, and therefore when entering that state in public, i cannot maintain that state for long due to people engaging conversations with me. I can't hold that state while interacting with anyone, It almost feels like i am getting pulled back into identifying with my self to interact or engage with people.

Has anyone experienced this? Is this "Normal" for you truth seekers/ Enlightened beings?

Edited by Mosess

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Could be that they represent your own latent interest in "Mosess". Remember, you are creating those people too, they have no independent existence outside of yourself. Everything they do is by you and for you, it's your dream. Maybe something clicks when you consider it in that light?

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4 minutes ago, Johnny5 said:

Could be that they represent your own latent interest in "Mosess". Remember, you are creating those people too, they have no independent existence outside of yourself. Everything they do is by you and for you, it's your dream. Maybe something clicks when you consider it in that light?



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It could be total bullshit what I just said, mind you...

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43 minutes ago, Nahm said:


Great work. Yes, perfectly normal for no mind. 

Is there a reason for this?

And how can i maintain no mind while interacting?

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2 hours ago, Mosess said:

During that state, i am completely detached from my body and mind, and i just am. Now, who am i? 

Enlightenment works in mysterious ways.

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when i was meditating on not doing and succeded i felt totally free while interacting with people which i wouldn't feel comfortable normally. but i think it was a process of letting go of ideas rather of what you say (focusing on sensations till reach mental silence).


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Don't worry keep going on your path these are crumbs your going the right way 

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