
Holy f*ck, it’s all consciousness

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So I I just had my second BIG awakening experience, and what I realized was literally mind blowing.

I don’t really know why it happened but it went very fast and it lasted for quite some time too until my level of consciousness kind of ”tuned down”

After a deep meditation session I went outside for a walk and my perspective totally shifted. I was listening to music and I started to realize that the ”substance” of music and sound is exactly the same as everything else. To explain it better, it felt like music was not sound anymore. It was rather a sort of substance that was made of the same fabric as everything else.

When I understood this then suddenly the entire visual field became a part of me and my head. Imagine opening up your skull and you see the entire world in there, that is what it felt like. It was like the fabric of reality was the same and it was basically so pure that it was ridiculous. It was so ”BASIC” and ”right there in your face” that it was like hitting the wall of the Matrix. It was like all air became floating plasma. Like there was no distance except for that things were ”bigger” or ”smaller” (like a stillshot of visual perception, but still fully alive). It was basically all consciousness. The small chain between experience and experiencer, but now only the chain left keeping nothingness together.

I began to think (”I” still felt separate from the experience) about how it could be that I never saw this before. I automatically added myself to the equation and understood that the idea of me was just a part of it. Really the only thing that I was, was the nothingness of everything. The place where everything has to happen.

I also for the first time ever realized what it meant to be ”in the moment”. I looked up at a couple of birds flying and I just got totally lost in it. It was like everything went out of focus and suddenly just the observation of the birds was enough. It was perfect already. And to be present and ”here” in the ”now” is really just about being aware of what is going and just witnessing the perfection of what already is. It is all a part of the same substance anyway, and the only thing causing separation and value are the thoughts, that actually are mostly just disorganized and not used in an efficient way (aka. ”Monkey Mind”).

I was starting to wonder, what if I just entered a psychosis of Solipsism? It got me a little bit scared but I tried to transcend it and see Love in everything, fully accepting. By the time I was about to do this my body became more grounded in reality (or less, lol) it felt and slowly but safely the experience faded.

It was kind of sad but I felt like I gained a great insight, to try and see the perfection of the current moment. I did not get the time fully to dive into the next level, but I also guess I was not ready for that yet. I did feel that there is a sense of Love in everything, but it was also in a way overwhelming for me. It was like I had to release myself to Be It.

not there yet... maybe some day


PS: I get it if nothing makes sense but this was the only way I could describe it

Edited by QandC

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55 minutes ago, QandC said:

And to be present and ”here” in the ”now” is really just about being aware of what is going and just witnessing the perfection of what already is.

This the clearest explanation of "being in the moment" that I have encountered. Thank you!

Your experience was wonderful. Could you please tell us about your meditation practice thus far and how you got to this stage, as it were.

Edited by Demeter

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@Demeter Thank you :)

I just do 30 minutes of meditation per day, doing nothing technique

But I spend a lot of time contemplating, trying to shift my perspective, opening up to new ideas constantly and I always try to see things in different ways. 

I think that what is going on around me in my life currently plays a big part of it. Many things I've experienced lately has had me questioning my identity and who I think I am, so I am kind of stripping away "myself" every day in a way. 

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