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Do conscious people mourn the death of family members

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My grandpa 'died' recently, had an amazing relationship with him, great guy. But feel absolutely nothing for his 'death'. 

Had huge pressure to feel deeply sad for him, but just couldn't. Pretended well enough though.

I'm perfectly fine, this post isn't here because I feel depressed. Its here rather because the whole experience was rather... confusing to me. 

Meant to feel one way, but just don't to be frank. 

But everyone but me feels that way... the pressure, the thoughts saying "is there something wrong here?"

Who knows, maybe this post wont get me anywhere, but thought I'd see what happens. 

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Well, I guess it's just that you understand death isn't really that bad and they don't but part of you wants to be accepted by them and tries to adjust to them.

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The more concious the less attached as a general rule.

Edited by Fran11

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@electroBeam In my view, detachment is diametrically opposite to indifference, even though outwardly both may appear to be the same. Just like aloneness & loneliness are opposites.

Perhaps the recognition that manifested duality is transient makes some of us so stable that any happening does not cause a ripple in our tranquility. 

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Would you feel something if someone even closer to you passed away? Like your mom or dad?

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My mother died 13 years ago. Life has never been the same. It would be a bad thing if it were.

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Highly enough conscious people know family is an illusion since blood ties are imaginary lol

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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How many trillions of dreams did we already have? Is it even a number? If consciousness is about pretending to care when nothing matters then cut me into pieces or something.

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