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Message to those who suffers!

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After initial awakening or whatever you wish to call it, I'm ocassionally just thrown into this space of Love that i cant describe. And my whole body just  snaps and I cry the way i never cried in my whole life. Its a creation of love! Every bird, every sound, every human being, from terrorists to my neighbours. Amazing! 

It these moments i feel like only purpose of my life right now is to celebrate it, and the only purpose of this post is to say to people who are suffering :

Everything is okay and is gonna be okay. I love you. God loves you. You are part of him. Love is the key. I am you and You are I.

Ego just drowns in love, laughter, kindness,so share it! The world needs it.




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Are you kidding me, God? You are really going to be stuck with me to the end of eternity until I surrender to all your desire? And I can't even say anything about this? No opinion, not a single word? And you dare calling me what, evil? What kind of cosmic joke is this? You are telling me that the only way to be Pure Love is to give up the idea of others? I just don't want to be alone! Why is this so hard to understand? It doesn't matter how much raw pleasure I can get from myself if it's all meaningless. I would rather keep running away and chase myself forever, the illusion IS the meaning!

Just let me out... it's not funny anymore...

Edited by gswva

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@gswva it will be Okay. I know how you feel. Be now in the present moment, forget about enlightenment! It is only in your mind. Sooner or later you will stop seeking, because you will not find any, and space will open in you. Best of luck ❤️

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4 hours ago, gswva said:

I just don't want to be alone!

You don't have to be.

Even God likes company.

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