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Top 5 self-actualization books?

4 posts in this topic

What are your top 5?

After reading about 20 books off of Leo's Book List this year, my top 5 are:

1) Spiral Dynamics, by Don Beck and Christopher Cowan
This book is the ultimate map to realizing why you think and act the way you do on a rock-bottom level. Truly mind-blowing stuff. The book is written relatively well, but the concept and the practicality of it make it paramount to self-actualization work. Become a Spiral Wizard today!

2) The Big Leap, by Gay Hendricks
Mr. Hendricks is a very authentic man, his words resonated on a very personal level as I read his book. In fact, previously being a non-reader, I don't think I've ever enjoyed a book so much in my life. This book will show you some ingenious tricks for pointing you toward your life purpose. And even if you think you already have your life purpose figured out, it is still worth the read. I refer to the advice in it weekly.

3) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, by Thomas Kuhn
If you want to discover how science has evolved as a practice through time, then you best read this book. You will be shocked by what the history of science really is about (hint: it's not a linear accumulation of facts and truths). Rather, there are many twists and turns in science and the rules have changed time and time again to accommodate for new phenomena and surprises that have arisen. As a masters student pursuing a science degree, this book helped recontextualize what science is, such that now I can be more flexible with my work. If you are a scientist or are pursuing a science degree in school, this is mandatory reading.

4) Mastery, by George Leonard
To become a master at something, is to follow a certain set of principles. Leonard shows you just what principles you need to live by, and how each will help you on your path to mastery of _____________. He also points out how American culture is toxic and distracting, and how you will have to go against the tide if you want to be a master. It's a lonely road, but truly worth it.

5) Labyrinths of Reason, by William Poundstone
As someone who was previously devoted to strict reasoning skills, I did not see what blind-spots this way of thinking had. In this book, Mr. Poundstone shows you where you can find some holes in logic. He lays out dozens of puzzles and riddles that turn into clear examples of reasoning gone astray. I thouroughly enjoyed this book, although it was difficult to read at's like a labyrinth to read!

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Mine are:

Can't hurt me by david goggins.

So good they can't ignore you and deep work by cal newport

Ultra learning by scott h young.

Peak by anders ericsson and robert pool

And for a bouns The road less travled by scott m peck.

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1. the Fourth Way. PD ouspensky

2. Walking In Zen, Sitting In Zen. osho 

3. Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Robert kiyosaki. 


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