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Thoughts on best way to consume the news - if at all

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Hey all,

Recently I've been thinking about how I interact with the news. I listened again to leo's concious politics series, as I've basically shunned interacting with politics in anyway as I considered it to be a 'distraction' from either my entrepreneurial or spiritual work.

I think its not politics, but the news that I find so unhelpful. With it's constantly pulling you in with increasingly triggering or extreme headlines. I've also generally found the news to be quite unhelpful in developing anything resembling a holistic understanding of the world.

Recently, I've started to try and break down news stories into some of the fundamental truths that govern them, and then seek out books which explore such topics in detail for example:

Coronovirus Pandemic

1. Understanding exponential growth - read up on statistics

2. Understand psychology to risk - read black swan to understand why governments will never be prepared for the 'worst case'

3. Understand what you can do - read stoic teachings.

Perhaps this a  simplistic view of how to make sense of current affairs, I'd be curious to understand what your approaches are.

I also made a video where I attempt to critique the news and offer my solution, check it out if you are curious.



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I stopped watching TV many years ago and never read newspapers or articles. I've missed some things but nothing important. The most important things you hear about anyway without consuming news. 

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@Itsokimok completely agree, important stuff will find a way to your ear. How do you go around making sense of stuff like politics? Do you read specific books for example?

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2 hours ago, PukkaDanks said:

@Itsokimok completely agree, important stuff will find a way to your ear. How do you go around making sense of stuff like politics? Do you read specific books for example?

I'm not very good at that actually, just not a priority at the moment but have watched Leo's videos and blog posts on political matters to get somewhat familiar. 

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