Aaron p

Strange 5-MeO Dosage...?

10 posts in this topic

I bought "35mg" of 5meo, it came and I weighed it on my brand new precision mg scales...it came to as 180mg so i was confused. I already tested the scales, it's highly unlikely that they're wrong...

Then I weighed out 20mg according to the scales (it looked like a tiny amount, what I would have visually estimated to be more around 5mg or so (see picture).

I plugged it and SUCCESS! FINALLY. Fuck sake haha. I can plug! Awesome. Studied plugging and administered carefully and accurately. Trip was weak (what I expected). Experienced slight nausea. Going to research antinausea methods and use that for tomorrow when I'll try a 40mg according to the scales. The dosage looked like 5mg and felt like 5mg, but the scales are super accurate...

...the only thing I can think of that might make sense of this is that there is *35mg's worth* of pure 5meo in the batch. Could it be the potency?O.o

Anyway, I don't care I'm just going to slowly increase my dosage until I experience God...or until..... God.. experiences God.

I reckon I took 5mg...

Logically though, I could also deduct that, because the "180mg" was listen as "35mg" I could say that it's possible that 50mg is actually 10mg (since 180÷3.5 is about 50). The trip today was certainly veryyyyy weak. I might just weigh out 50mg (10mg) then 75mg (15mg) then 100mg (20mg)

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I always have two disposable spoons from which I have torn off the handle, and I have written the weight with a marker, for example 780 and 595. and I weigh the 5meo on top of one, then I change it to the other spoon and I weigh it again, so I know that the scale does not deceive me. Looking the picture...I don't know, very difficult to say if there are 20 or not

Edited by cobalto

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Congratulations for plugging successful!!

I have the same weight. According to the picture I See this amount of 5 meo is 20 mg hcl

5 mg I get the same effects like you describe. Please dont go up too fast. plugging dose raising is exponentional in its effect. 

If you find a method against nausea please share :)

Take 10 mg next. This is a whole different level, Dont go up too fast

Edited by OBEler

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5 hours ago, cobalto said:

Really don't look 20. 


1 hour ago, OBEler said:

Congratulations for plugging successful!!

I have the same weight. According to the picture I See this amount of 5 meo is 20 mg hcl

5 mg I get the same effects like you describe. Please dont go up too fast. plugging dose raising is exponentional in its effect. 

If you find a method against nausea please share :)

Take 10 mg next. This is a whole different level, Dont go up too fast

Yeah well like I said, if what the vendor said was "35mg" is being read as "180mh" by my scales then 50mg according to my scales will actually be 10mg. So I'm gonna try weighing 50mg. The trip will be just over 2 times stronger than the one I had yesterday, but yesterdays one was so weak. 

Also...with regards to nausea, I'm considering trying Gaviscon. It's just medicine, seems to work for "severe nasuea" so I think it'll be good :P

Going to do a 75mg (15mg) trip tomorrow if all is well today. I'll watch out for those exponentially intensified effects. I think I do remember leo saying that plugging can potentiate the drug to


Edited by Aaron p

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Ok you have 5 meo hcl here.  The vendor converted fb 5 meo maybe with lemon juice (alternative to vinegar). In lemon juice there are other substances like shugar which have a lot of weight. Therefore you could really have just plugged 5 mg 5 meo.

why not start with 40 mg of your batch and see how you can handle nausea?

plugging needs practie and patience :) 


Edit: sorry overread that you try 50 mg today before going higher. Ok nice, I will await your report!

Edited by OBEler

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23 hours ago, Aaron p said:

I plugged it and SUCCESS! FINALLY. Fuck sake haha.

CONGRATS! I've just started studying this ROA and I read some of your earlier posts, so I'm thrilled and reassured that you made it :)

Did you use FB dissolved in vinegar or HCL in water?

I'll be asking some questions as my plug-blast-off date approaches. For now I wanted to mention something about measuring doses.

With 2C-B I always go the liquid volumetric route. I weigh out 10 doses on my Gemini mg scales, then I dissolve the powder into 100ml of water, measured with a syringe. That way I know that 10ml is a full dose, and I can even inch higher or lower easily. I've never tried plugging 2C-B yet, but I will next chance I get.

Any scales, even professional ones, are going to struggle being accurate (+-1mg) under 20mg, so one solution could be to weigh 100mg and dissolve them in 20ml of water (or vinegar for FB). That way every 1ml will give you 5mg, a convenient increment. I haven't actually done this with 5-MeO-DMT, so I'm just suggesting it to hear what y'all think.

If you really want to use the scales for individual doses, cobalto's technique is the best option. When the scales are close to 0 (even within a few mgs) they assume you're not using them and they lock on 0.


For nausea, I always take Dramamine before I do shrooms. I wonder if it's safe with 5-MeO...

Looking forward to the next report...

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On 8/14/2020 at 11:27 PM, sponge said:

Did you use FB dissolved in vinegar or HCL in water?

@sponge well the first batch of (really powerful, pure, blissful) 5meo was HCL, however it was also unfortunately very insoluble. So it wouldn't dissolve in the vinegar no matter what. And what was even more unfortunate was the fact that the second batch of [different] 5meo was soluble, but incredibly weak and not at all like regular 5meo. So I've ordered some of the stuff that was good before, except I've ordered freebase this time in the hope that it's more soluble than his hcl

I like getting freebase and dissolving it in vinegar. Leo says that freebase is more potent than hcl I think. 



On 8/14/2020 at 11:27 PM, sponge said:

For nausea, I always take Dramamine

Hmm interesting, how long does it take to kick in?

Edited by Aaron p

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9 hours ago, Aaron p said:

@sponge well the first batch of (really powerful, pure, blissful) 5meo was HCL, however it was also unfortunately very insoluble. So it wouldn't dissolve in the vinegar no matter what.



Why would you be trying to dissolve a salt of 5 MeO DMT in vinegar? What would be the aim of this?

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Sorry I meant to say dissolving it in water

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