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Talking To Ego Vs Talking To Being

2 posts in this topic

Hey guys!

I noticed that Leo tends to speak to the ego like in the first mushroom video from minute 45 to 60.

JustinS on the other hand tends to talk to the Being.

Leo berating me about not working hard enough worked on me to mobilize myself, but then I noticed when I felt that attitude towards others it hurt me.

I want to play around with talking to the ego in people and talking to the Being in people.  And in myself.

What are your thoughts on all this?


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As you do more of the inner work, you begin to develop a sense that allows you to see where every person is at in their psychological/spiritual development. It'll happen on its own.

If you really want to accelerate it, learn to categorize your friends and family based on their "psychological age." Don't say anything about this to them! Just keep it to yourself. You'll find that most of the people surrounding you are, as Jed McKenna put it, "Human Children."

For instance, my grandma may be 80 years old, but she's still very much a child. Agoraphobic, afraid of nearly everything, you name it. My former roommate is psychologically much older than she...


“Feeling is the antithesis of pain."

—Arthur Janov

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