28 cm unbuffed

Can't stop smoking

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I quit after reading Allens Carr book called easy way to quit smoking! 

And it is not the final hurdle! after you will stop smoking you will soon find out that is just the beggining of many new obstacles to overcome!

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15 hours ago, Dany Balan said:

I quit after reading Allens Carr book called easy way to quit smoking! 

And it is not the final hurdle! after you will stop smoking you will soon find out that is just the beggining of many new obstacles to overcome!

interestingly, I will also try this method, I am quite an impressionable person, I hope I will get it the same way as you)

Edited by karl47

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16 hours ago, Dany Balan said:

I quit after reading Allens Carr book called easy way to quit smoking! 

And it is not the final hurdle! after you will stop smoking you will soon find out that is just the beggining of many new obstacles to overcome!

I second this. It's a very good book and it also helped me and many others quit. 

Edited by Shiva99

"I should've been a statistic, but decided to go against all odds instead. What if?" - David Goggins.

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I have smoking addiction too. Just try to reduce it. Instead of having  8 cigs a day.. Just have 5 And stick with it for a while. And then instead of having 5 cigs a day.. Just have two.. And stick with it for a while.. Etc 

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@Shiva99 the thing is that you should read that book at least once a year after you stopped smoking to prevent relapse!

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@Dany Balan

I've read that already, didn't really help me. Thanks for your advice anyway ;) 

@Someone here

I only smoke like a cigarette a day, sometimes even 0. And there comes a day, once in like 3 months, when I buy a pack of cigarettes and I go hard as mofo :D

@Dany Balan

Yeah, but there never even was a year of a break for me.

Dunno, when I get out of the wheel of order in my life, when I lose discipline I get back into bad habits and toxic behaviors, it's not that easy to stay on track all the time. 

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10 hours ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:

I only smoke like a cigarette a day, sometimes even 0. And there comes a day, once in like 3 months, when I buy a pack of cigarettes and I go hard as mofo 

That's better than going as a mofo everyday lol ;)

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7 hours ago, Someone here said:

That's better than going as a mofo everyday lol ;)

I thought in the same way until I realized I started smoking 10 cigarettes a day.. it was shock for me :D

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2 hours ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:

Dunno, I tried every method, read books about that topic, I just let go of that and I'll see what will happen, let's see what God's grace got to offer ? 

Our health completely and completely depends on us, self-hypnosis and willpower should be at the highest level, if you do not want to ruin your health.

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I don't want to ruin my health. I work hard on myself, everything is great in my life right now to be honest.

It's like a last puzzle, that I can't solve. Smoking is something cool for me, I love being that laid back dude, that just doesn't give a fuck, standing with a cigarette. I am conscious of the fact, that it only makes me less chill out, laid back, it puts a lot of stress into my body.

Dunno, I'm stuck with that one ?‍♂️

Edited by 28 cm unbuffed

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On 13.8.2020 at 0:04 PM, 28 cm unbuffed said:

I've tried so many things already. I quitted so many times. Yet, somehow, I still manage to go back to the same habit over and over again. 

There's one thing that's going to be one of the most powerful tool for this. But you'll have to be patient, it could take years.

It took 2-3 years for me. 

First you'll have to minimize the need to quit smoking. Don't take any stress about it.

SERIOUSLY, don't try to quit if you really don't feel like it. It will only be so dogmatic, nerve breaking and harmful to your mind.

All you need to do this: When you go to smoke and light the cig, try and become more aware and conscious of what you're doing. I mean REALLY, like when you take the puff of smoke, seriously think about the situation and all the actions relating to the smoking. 

Next time and from time to time when you go to smoke you're going to wonder and ask yourself some questions about it. Raise your awareness about your actions.  This is actually really sophisticated and time taking strategy but eventually it will produce results.

- What does the smoke feel like when it enters my body?

- What does the cigarette feels like between my fingers?

- How is the smoke affecting my lungs?

- How is it affecting your body and mind?

- Do I really want to smoke?

- Do I really need to smoke?

- And any other question relating to your smoking habits. 

But don't beat yourself up if you don't do it every time you smoke. It's important just to wonder these thing from time to time. 

If you keep doing consciously this technique for years you WILL become more aware about it and the time between your cigarettes will slowly decrease and eventually you will realize everything about it and come conscious of the smoking and all the shit relating to it. You'll just have to be patient, plus it's not harmful to do this technique for almost any other area in life too. Actually I'll encourage and hope that most of the people will do this. 


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On 9/19/2020 at 2:36 PM, Dany Balan said:

I quit after reading Allens Carr book called easy way to quit smoking! 

This ^^^  then completely abstaining. I smoked for a couple decades, then vaped mostly (and occasionally smoked) for another 5 yrs, before I could quit nicotine for good.

I took a week off work and bought some junk food to get me through the first week. Absolutely no nicotine replacements, they are a crutch and keep you addicted. 

Its been 4 years now smoke/vape free.. and I LOVED smoking/vaping, so if i can do it, so can you.

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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Sounds cool, can you share, what things you noticed about yourself during this process? It might be helpful, maybe I might relate to some of these. Thank you man, I'll try that.


I read that book about a year and a half ago, it clicked and I stopped smoking for like 3 months, but I came back, I was drunk or something. It's some kind of deeper psychological issue, not nicotine addiction of itself (or at least that's what I think it is).

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It can be stopped If your will power will be strong. You basically have to divert your mind from the smoking whenever you feel the urge to smoke. If you keep thinking of it, you couldn't be able to avoid it, Just divert your mind and don't let it come in your mind. This way it will be easy for you to avoid at that certain time.

As many times you will avoid it, the urge will start getting decreased automatically.

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I just did what @Rosenqvist told me to do. I understood something about myself and this behavior.

It's something that I do, to convince myself, that I am not fully "healed" or that "there is still something I need to fix about myself". This was my main motivation to do my self-development work and I'm somehow addicted to this kind of desperate motivation, to fix myself.

Every time I smoke there is a dialog in my head about "what is wrong, what I need to do to fix that", instead of inspirational thoughts, dreams, that I want to accomplish in my life. Focusing on the problem instead of focusing on the solution.

That's it, we'll see where I'll go with that. Thank you, guys ^_^


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@28 cm unbuffed Every time you go for a smoke and maybe even every day when you wake up, just say to yourself 'I intend to support my body with what it needs from me to be the heathiest emotionally and physically.'

That's it, nothing else, If you set this intention every time, I would be surprised if you'd be able to smoke after a week of doing this.

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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3 hours ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:

can you share, what things you noticed about yourself during this process?

Well, one of the most notable effect is that I felt this really weird and deep contradiction about wanting to quit...but still just kept smoking :D . It's surely paradoxical feeling. It really goes deep and somehow I realized so many paradoxes in life. 

Then after some weeks or months the smoking actually starts to feel really stupid. Because I was questioning it for so long time. 

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Not sure what's happening, but I got another insight about smoking, just now.

I just watched a speech from a Mr.Robot series, "Fuck society" one. I just realized how this was a mechanism, that I used to get disconnected from reality, and by smoking, I'm just brainwashing myself, I run away from the truth and what's going around me and in my life altogether. Man, the world is so fucked up.

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I have had some issues with health cause by smoking, and I am not sure how to deal with them. I have been taking some medicne which help quit smoking like that from Canadian Pharmacy, for example, and I would like to get any tips from you here too. Thank you in advance for any input here!

Edited by hadynap

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