
Spiral Wizard input needed

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For all of you spiral wizards out there, what are your strategies for helping middle stage green evolve toward the second tier? I live in a very progressive, communal city and one of my desires is to help facilitate movement up the spiral.


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Study systems thinking and do some exercises.

Systematics: the systems Bible has lots of exercises if you want to practice.

Your main focus should be systemic conceptual understanding of reality. Gather as much models as you can and mix them, create alternatives and apply them to your reality to see how you could use them to improve the world.

Psychedelics and questioning of your stage green dogmas would be really nice too.

Edited by Espaim

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@dflores321 , those are some good thoughts. I like your idea of balance. It's a high leverage point, which is certainly a yellow approach. I think that showing green how to use psychedelics to explore reality and gain insights, rather than just to feel good could also be a strategy. Lots of people that I know here are into that stuff purely for feeling, haha. 

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Just one more suggestion:

Adopt a "I don't know" approach to life. This will get you curious about things and deprogram your default positions.

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@Espaim Right on. That may be hard to catalyze, but definitely worth it for the relatively high rationality that tends to still be in green.

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I'm just going off of how I shifted from green to more yellow

I would try to convey how if you want to make lasting change that helps women, minorities, and people disadvantaged by society, you need to tackle things on a systemic level to prevent false hierarchies from happening in the first place (this appeals for their value for flattening the hierarchies). Green in general advocates for the marginalized and opens their heart to them and I guess you could frame systems thinking as opening your heart to more than each group of people and rather to everyone as a whole. 

As far as shifting from more collective to individualistic again, I think that will happen more as a side effect of the above. From what i understand about yellow, its not that they don't value groups and interactions but it just comes in second to analyzing systems. 

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Mature stage green is a sweet spot for psychedelics. They can learn more in one trip than I could teach them in a year. 

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Spiritual topics.

Psychic abilities, synchronicity, life after death etc.

Banned ted talks like war on consciousness and the rupert sheldrake science talk.

Focus on harnessing inner abilities, while viewing the world from higher, more global perspectives.

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8 hours ago, WonderSeeker said:

For all of you spiral wizards out there, what are your strategies for helping middle stage green evolve toward the second tier? I live in a very progressive, communal city and one of my desires is to help facilitate movement up the spiral.


I think the best way to move solid Green up to early Yellow is by gifting them the Spiral Dynamics book.

Learning about the model itself is a game-changer. And solid Green is the perfect stage to learn it.

And if a person is unwilling to read a book, they aren't ever gonna become a Spiral Wizard.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I had the same thought as Leo: tell them about Spiral Dynamics! I think most stage Green people sense that they're the most "progressed" one can be at the moment, except for maybe a handful of unobtainable enlightened masters living in ashrams somewhere. To teach them the spiral and open their eyes to the 2nd tier could be a game changer itself.

I'm almost finished reading Wilbur's Integral Life Practice book. It does such a beautiful job of distilling all of Wilbur's complex concepts into a very practical and approachable book that I presume most stage Green people could resonate with. Thinking about life integrally could help one begin to shift.

If they're spiritual and especially if they have Christian roots, I highly recommend Richard Rohr's book Falling Upward about the "two halves" of life. Rohr, who has taught Spiral Dynamics, nonduality and other integral maps, basically talks about the difference between 1st tier and 2nd tier but does so in his own words which are very approachable and inspiring. I read this book before I discovered Spiral Dynamics or any of Leo's work, and it was the book that made me understand why I suddenly felt so disconnected from Stage Green. It was a small miracle that it came to me at exactly the right time when I was transitioning into Yellow. 

Lastly, in additional to psychedelics, another consciousness-shifting transformational experience for me was a 4 day vision quest via Animas Valley. Bill Plotkin started Animas and has some amazing books about Soul Initiation, which doesn't entirely overlap with SD 2nd tier but is certainly heading in that direction. The Animas vision quest programs are incredibly powerful and life changing experiences. 

Good luck!

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@Leo Gura@tuckerwphotography , great suggestions! I think I'll buy a second SD book just for lending to people. Everybody who I've explained the model to are at least intrigued by it. Most aren't willing to take the book right away, so perhaps using examples of healthy yellow may help draw a more true interest. 

@soos_mite_ah , I like your way of building a bridge between green and yellow by highlighting what green does well, yet showing how its blindspots can be realized and worked on in yellow.

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