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Leo, what about those who suffers?

8 posts in this topic

Leo, I know you only talk about thinks you know about, but maybe you've got to learn about the real things in life.

The real thing for humans is that humans who suffers dont read about you. You can make normal human better, but those humans who will be better because of you wont understand those humans who suffers for real.

Leo, you can become a yogi, you can help some humans, but I must be honest, the real problem is those poor people who lacks hope. I know you only talk about what you understand.

You wont change humanity Leo. To change humanity, you've got to help the ones who suffer. Those poor humans who lacks education and lacks sanity. I know its not ure goal, but you only create another Leo Gura here. You dont change the world. The people who suffer the most will change the world, cause one day he will be mad at it.

Thanks Leo. You understand everething except pure human suffering, which is key to help. You want to help humanity or you want to help those who doesn't really need help? 

Cause if you want humanity to be interested about nullity and infinity, youve got to talk to humans who have suffered. You cannot get to them  by saying you took some drugs so you know. You dont know human suffering. They know more than you.


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@danton And what if humanity isn’t real? 

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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Of course humanity is not real. Its real for the humanity itself.


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"Wanting keeps me from the awareness I already have it. I already am it.” — Byron Katie

This is very profound, it takes a full human like to get it.


Edited by danton

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But why I want? Why anything would want something, what is the goal?


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The answer, which is impossible, is why there is something instead of nothing.


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How do you know Leo hasn't suffered/suffers a lot?

Do you think suffering only equals being physically hungry or being poor?

Dude, just by inhabiting our bodies we're fucking suffering.

Edited by blankisomeone

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I agree my view on this is that those who became mad through real suffering either take revenge or refuse to escape the 3d world and instead transcend it while within it as to actually truly understand it from this particular position; so of course by definition of the difficulty of such a suffering the masters that ascend first came and/or go somewhere else spiritually speaking; that is, their suffering is not so much our own it might have been something imaginary or they just didn't have to suffer because you don't have to.

Not suffering is the best but that will mean you will discount mundane reality as only imaginary and not both like me for example;there are people who will have suffered even more than me in a 3d type trivial way so their field of reality will be more in direct parallel type world
(maybe that's how psychopath elites are formed through successive slow torturous reincarnation and then pure revenge); there's this dichotomy of true power through total domination, ascension can happen from any position, it is only not understood because we are social creatures but we have dominated the inferior species so to speak, in other words if a psychopath completely dominates other humans there is literally no difference from what you and me are benefiting from right now, they will get their dominance and "evil" will be enlightened as it is and perfectly and just as ultimate if not more if you want to add any other element.

Also assuming pain is what somehow creates the self recursive conscious imagination of reality.

In the end or from the start or whatever it can be all a story/game for fun.It can be some straight up non imaginary type reality though and still enlightenment.Like non infinite enlightenment or enlightenment through literally torturing kids and having pleasure through it.I'm utterly unhinged in my thought process/imagination so please bear with me even here I can only expose 15% of me everyone is too sensitive for real freedom even on this forum it feels like some idiotic anti love prison which is also part of the game and perfectly understandable and even reasonable I just want it my way lol.

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