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Love energy shooting out from neck region

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Hello my selves :D

So I had a dream where I dreamt I was chosen to be the one who would create new human by trusting the universe to fill me with love energy. So as I lied down to merge with love I experienced intense overwhelming sensations of love that came in and out from my throat region. So was wondering if this means my throat chakra is opening? I was never into the whole chakra game but weird things start to happen to me, the same thing also happened from my chest few times.. And I wouldn't say it was a dream it felt very real. Does anyone experience something similar? 

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I do have something I dont understand. I do qigong. QI means energy. At a certain level you start to draw earth and heaven energy. I do as if energy comes to me from earth and heaven. And it is very strong! If I do it to long my body starts feeling sick. If I do it shortly its as if I feel energized and bodypart get more opened up. I can then also feel the pulse of the bloodcirculation more in for example the tips of my fingers. It's really real the effects! This brings a dent in my materialist thinking. How can I get something like that out of thin air?

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“Chakra’s” is just a word of course, like love, but it points to ‘energy centers’ which can be distinctly directly experienced and activated / utilized when helping others with awakening (As well as just to experience some out of this world bodily sensations & feeling). They can be individually felt & made useful, as well as all felt as one. The ‘trick’ I’ve found, overall, is the ‘energy’ ‘going to our heads’ / thought getting involved and contextualizing the experience. In that same manor, I don’t have anything I can really explain regarding shaktipat, but it does seem awakening / opening & aligning all of the chakra’s, along with no mind, letting the samsaras go, sincere intention / life dedication / surrender, leads to it. Seems to, anyways. 



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