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Tantric Sex and Tantra

22 posts in this topic

@zeroISinfinity @Preety_India @DrewNows

here is what I think: so many people were so close to God on this forum, but I doubt that all of them were close to God through woman. Maybe only a few ppl here. I myself did not go that far with anyone....but intuitively I know how it feels or should. I just know. 

Your porn and videos about breathing are just kindergarten compared to something I am talking about. 

When you are close to God through man/woman you love,  there is a certain space that is created between you, it is NOT in the reproductive organs. It lies in the deep connection and perception of the other being on the very mystical level. You look at the person you love, you see yourself in there. You drowning in that person.

Ofc, we all know there is no "I", so I am talking about this deep unity with man/woman you love. 

Oh Boy, I read too much of Osho. xD

Sex starts with this beautiful connection between two beings,it is mental and spiritual one, it has nothing to do with crazy passion, crazy infatuation, crazy orgasm and so on. It starts with the feeling: "this is my person and he is so mine, it is all about me in him, it is all about him in me."

I do not know how to explain, it is that feeling when you meet your soulmate.

You let your guard down, you jump in it without any fear.

There is so much trust between you that it is almost shocking and you give yourself to another one without any doubts. It is almost scary how much trust in there. 

Again, I am not an expert. My own relations are far away from "this deep divine connection". But somehow on the intuitive level I know it exists and how it should be.


Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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6 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Yeah I guess. Fucked up last time man. No shrooms for rest of my life or any psychedelic for that matter. 

I am 3. So 9 6 3.Oh boyo everything bends my mind. 

Tantra kudos to that. 

you realize shrooms just give you the "ability" to scare yourself shit-less right? :D 

They do not simply take your soul away, you must hand it over xD 

you have those "bad" trips for the opportunity to work through morality barriers :P 

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