Aakash Vijayan

Jealousy, Ego (Newbie)

3 posts in this topic

@Leo Gura

Hey Leo, 

I've been following your content since 2012 and sadly Ive been once of those people trapped for a long time of just watching videos and thinking that it is growing me when in fact I wasnt taking any action amd just watched stuff all the beginner and advanced stuff while unconcsciously staying a newbie with ideas/ mental masturbation at a conceptual level for about 8 years now. Im 27 now, just got done with medical college and realised that medicine isnt my passion. Long story short Ive gone back to some of the older content now to fix newbie level issues

So here it is:

In your How to stop being jealous video, you mention that its about ego being threateed and that in short you need to see that it is destructive and you need to dismantle that idea of self/ or ego/ self image. You also mention that its die to low self esteem

So I've been trying to tackle low self esteem and Ive been reading Six Pillars of Self Esteem and in that Branden says that "people often talk about letting go of their ego when in fact they've in fact failed to acquire a healthy "ego" to let go of of in the first place. So I find this to be paradoxical. If im really self honest here it feels contradictory than to be a paradox since being a paradox implies one can entertain both ideas in some form.

How should one approach this? Because I have some intense jealousy issues and comparison issues and have also realised that I have a huge victim mindset and have been trying to slowly inch towards taking ownership as well. (Watched your content on those many times as well )

Sorry for the long post, how does one approach this paradox and any other advice regarding whatever I've mentioned? 


Edited by Aakash Vijayan

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Your ego is not who you really are, more so it is a picture of who you think you are. 

Imagine you are an artist and put all your self worth in your artworks, now on one hand you could try to improve your art to improve your self-worth, on the other hand however you could realize that your self worth has nothing to do with your artwork.

Both attempts might work. But realizing that your self worth is not attached to the art seems like a more permanent solution. 

So ultimately, do both! (I hope you can decipher what I was trying to say here)


Edited by Godhead

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watch his video "Responsibility vs Blame" 

and do all the exercises in that six pillars book consistently 


Also You need to develop a healthy strong ego before you can transcend and let go of it. Trying to transcend a dysfunctional or low self esteem ego might cause some problems.

Start a meditation practice, journaling practice: anything to help you introspect is great.


Meanwhile figure out what you really want to do in life. Find out what you love and go do that. Follow your heart, follow your dreams. 

Maybe even by Leo's LP Course, it's pretty great.

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