
Why Stage Blue "represses" Sex

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Stage blue is not necessarily trying to repress sex.  Let me explain:

I've spent a lot of time in third and second world countries.  Take the Philippines for example.  They elected Duterte - the guy who established a death penalty for weed - b/c they're sick of gangs, drugs, and pre-nationalist Muslim insurgencies.  While we may see him as ignorant and backwards, this is actually a necessary advance to stabilize the Philippines.

In stark contrast, their neighboring country of Vietnam has mostly finished making the transition into Stage Blue.  Yes, there are still harsh penalties for drugs, but they're severe on tax fraud as well.  There's also still a mafia, but you won't see drug addicts screaming at the walls on your way to lunch. And yes, there are homeless people, but you won't see them living with dozens of stray dogs and cats with broken legs and bite wounds.

Structurally, the biggest difference in values I noticed was the nuclear family.  Once, I spoke with three ladies who were receptionists at my hotel in a Filipino city.  Each of them had 3 kids from 3 different fathers per woman.  Contrarily, Vietnam boasts one of the lowest divorce rates in the world.  Why is this?  Everyone in Vietnam wants to ensure their kids have good Long Term partners to have a stable relationship.  While there are a few very conspicuous red light districts in Saigon, most cities in Vietnam aren't as heavily influenced by international culture from Thailand, East Asia, and the West.  Supposedly in Hanoi, if a Vietnamese woman isn't married by a certain age, most Vietnamese men will pass on establishing a family with her because they assume something is 'wrong' with her.

Back to a Filipino tourist town, and the taxi driver has no idea how many kids he has but will claim a large number.  He also looks like a drunken slob that no one has touched in 5 years, You can choose what to believe.  If he ever does manage to make a little bit of extra money - which isn't likely except through gambling - he'll blow it on a hooker and drugs.  Such a red non-system tends to concentrate wealth and sex into the hands of fewer and fewer and people.  Blue on the other hand has designed a marriage system in an attempt for everybody to have a mate and partner.  The main purpose of this is to create sexual motivation for people to live stable lives, thereby stabilizing society.


;TLDR in bold

Edited by GenuinePerspectiveXC

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Males that don't find partners can become super dark and violent (incels, school shooters etc).

Females that are promiscuous tend to get pregnant a lot, in a time that there were no contraceptive methods + no safe abortion + high probability of dying giving birth + no way of surviving as a single mother.

Different times/reality.

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34 minutes ago, Recursoinominado said:

Males that don't find partners can become super dark and violent (incels, school shooters etc).

Females that are promiscuous tend to get pregnant a lot, in a time that there were no contraceptive methods + no safe abortion + high probability of dying giving birth + no way of surviving as a single mother.

Different times/reality.

Males that don't mate often will engage in risky behavior to increase their odds.  Hence, you see drug dealing, gambling, riding a motorcycle without a helmet, and attacking enemy castles.  Those things are/were a lot more common than school shootings.

It's very prevalent in the ghetto for guys that are competing with cocaine dealers for the hoes to switch to high risk behavior.



Edited by GenuinePerspectiveXC

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1 minute ago, GenuinePerspectiveXC said:

Males that don't mate often will engage in risky behavior to increase their odds.  Hence, you see drug dealing, gambling, riding a motorcycle without a helmet, and attacking enemy castles.  Those things are/were a lot more common than school shootings.

Very prevalent in the ghetto for guys that are competing with cocaine dealers to get the hoes.



Yeah, and they also rape, steal, murder. That's not desirable in a society. Marriage is stability, all blue want is stability/certainty. 

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Because Red uses sex in an animalistic and predatory way, so of course Blue will want to control that via guilt and morality to enhance survival.

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Sexual Repression is very high in my country. But I have always been against sexual repression. 

You marry by choice. 

You have sex, by choice. 

There is no point in having a culture that tells you to do that which you don't want to. 

Because what you do without your heart in it, is lacking in passion and therefore without authenticity. 

If you can't live life the natural way, then you can't live. 

How long will you keep suppressing the inner nature? 

You will end up creating shadows and traumas 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Want a perfect example?


Plot twist: Waldo finds himself.

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Because Red uses sex in an animalistic and predatory way, so of course Blue will want to control that via guilt and morality to enhance survival.

You missed the point.  They don't actually repress sex, they make it utilitarian, stable, and communally divvied up.  You're speaking from an orange or green standpoint which comes after blue, not before. 

Edited by GenuinePerspectiveXC

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7 hours ago, Preety_India said:


Sexual Repression is very high in my country. But I have always been against sexual repression. 

You marry by choice. 

You have sex, by choice. 

There is no point in having a culture that tells you to do that which you don't want to. 

Because what you do without your heart in it, is lacking in passion and therefore without authenticity. 

If you can't live life the natural way, then you can't live. 

How long will you keep suppressing the inner nature? 

You will end up creating shadows and traumas 


India is a country of variety. 

I see prostitution, nuclear families, open gay culture, a low divorce rate, and tibetian monks getting with nuns in romantic relationships.  Primarily though, it looks like society is structured around nuclear families. And to fair, I can't imagine what some of these women would do if there weren't men working with them in the regions I visited.  It would be devastating.

In Thailand, you'll see several generations of women living together with no man in sight because they don't even know if the kids are theirs.  Paternity testing would probably solve this issue, and once again, create nuclear family based society.

Edited by GenuinePerspectiveXC

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45 minutes ago, GenuinePerspectiveXC said:

You missed the point.  They don't actually repress sex, they make it utilitarian, stable, and communally divvied up.

That was the point. Blue morality is utilitarian relative to red.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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41 minutes ago, GenuinePerspectiveXC said:


India is a country of variety. 

I see prostitution, nuclear families, open gay culture, a low divorce rate, and tibetian monks getting with nuns in romantic relationships.  Primarily though, it looks like society is structured around nuclear families. And to fair, I can't imagine what some of these women would do if there weren't men working with them in the regions I visited.  It would be devastating.

In Thailand, you'll see several generations of women living together with no man in sight because they don't even know if the kids are theirs.  Paternity testing would probably solve this issue, and once again, create nuclear family based society.

India is very behind when it comes to sex

 Indian government has been trying to ban porn.. I don't know if they really did it or not. 

Premarital sex is considered a taboo. Men are not encouraged to openly express their sexual feelings. As a result their sexual development can get screwed up. Same with women. 

Prostitution only happens in secrecy. Prostitutes are not respected in public. 

It's a very conservative and restrictive society where if a woman tried to be sexy with her clothing and fashion she would be shamed. 

And you say that this is not sexual repression? 

The government in my area doesn't allow couples to hang out. 

I remember a few years ago when I was hanging out with Indian ex boyfriend at a park, the police showed up and threatened us for simply sitting there on a bench.. 

You have absolutely zero clue about India. 

Most eastern cultures are strongly sexually repressive. They just hide it under the garb of religion, morality, government, legality etc. 

Deep down the idea is sexual repression, especially of the female gender

These cultures are scared of something, I have no idea what. But it has something to do with women. 

Maybe the men are scared that the sexually liberated woman would have more power, or they wouldn't get the kind of women they desire, so they train them to be repressed. 

It's primarily male Insecurity and fear, basically nonsense. 



Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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1 hour ago, GenuinePerspectiveXC said:

You missed the point.  They don't actually repress sex...



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35 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

These cultures are scared of something, I have no idea what. But it has something to do with women. 

The problem is that sex is the vehicle of reproduction. So prior to contraceptives, there was always the risk of unwanted pregnancy. If the parents weren't ready to have kids, say they were just teenagers, then raising the kids would become the responsibility of the rest of the tribe, which would lead to internal clashes. This is why the notions of 'marriage', 'nuclear family', 'parents being responsible for raising their own kids' were created by religious institutions. This is also why there are so many restrictions on sex. For example -

  • You shouldn't have sex outside marriage.
  • You shouldn't divorce. Single mothers shouldn't exist. The reason for this is to have parents do their 'duties' towards their kids whether they want to or not.
  • Cheating is bad because it violates the rules of the 'nuclear family'.
  • Prostitution is bad, because if the man of the house cheats on his wife and brings in STDs, that's bad for the health of the family. This is also why prostitutes are looked down on, seen as 'low' and 'dirty'.
  • Recreational sex, hook-ups, etc. is irresponsible and disgusting. If you're deliberately trying to be attractive to the opposite sex, or you're wanting to attract your partner, that's 'immature cuz you aren't seeing the consequences of it'. This is also why taking ownership of your sex life is culturally frowned upon.
  • Marriage should be arranged by the community, because young adults will choose partners who they find attractive, as opposed to material compatibility. Conditions for material compatibility include the man having a stable income, the woman knowing how to cook and clean, etc. These conditions for compatibility as a couple are, in reality, conditions for compatibility as co-parents.
  • LGBT shouldn't exist, because LGBT sex is too complicated to regulate. So it's convenient for us to make it a sin.

Yupp. If we live here too long, we will go crazy. We must find a way to get out of here asap.

"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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1 minute ago, Parththakkar12 said:

live here

What do you mean by here? 

What place are you referring to? 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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India. I assumed you live here too?

I haven't changed my location on the forum profile.

"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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@Leo Gura

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:


How many people do you think actually used that?  My guess would be ZERO in Vietnam which is a blue society. 

You have a tendency to focus on rare extremes and create stereotypes based off of those which is really screwing up the usefulness of the model for you.

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1 hour ago, Preety_India said:

It's primarily male Insecurity and fear, basically nonsense. 



In the Philippines and Thailand, a lot of men don't stick around due to this lack of organization.  They're not going to marry a woman just to raise some other man's kid if they can avoid it.   You severely underestimate how unappealing this prospect is in pre-blue society.

India is not at an economic level of development right now where it's reasonable for a single parent to run a household in the overwhelming majority of situations

Edited by GenuinePerspectiveXC

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@GenuinePerspectiveXC  I have no idea about your social structure 

At the end of the day, the child belongs to someone. There can't be two biological dads. There has to be one dad per kid 

So what about that dad? 

You mean to say these men don't father their kids. That's sad.

A fatherless society is always a problem. 

Don't blame it on women. At least they are being mothers 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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18 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

@GenuinePerspectiveXC  I have no idea about your social structure 

At the end of the day, the child belongs to someone. There can't be two biological dads. There has to be one dad per kid 

So what about that dad? 

You mean to say these men don't father their kids. That's sad.

A fatherless society is always a problem. 

Don't blame it on women. At least they are being mothers 


In pre-blue societies, people don't usually know who the father is because the women in stage red and (some) purple societies usually have sex with a lot of partners.

So the whole point of the blue system's organization of coupling is to motivate fatherhood by establishing accountability.  Paternity testing though... would do a lot to speed that along.  Unfortunately, it can be met with a lot of resistance from both genders when transitioning from red to blue.

Edited by GenuinePerspectiveXC

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