
Just finished my first 4 day Water Fasting

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Hey everyone just finished my first ever water fast that lasted 4 days.

Thought I'd share some insights as its goal wasn't weight loss or anything like that but for mental discipline. 

I guess the initial thing that comes to mind is that your state of mind alters around day 2 into starvation mode.  It almost felt like a psychedelic experience for me where I had a constant train of thought clouding my mind. When I was having conversations with friends, my speech felt alien and unnatural as well. On top of that my sense of touch felt off.  In day 3 and 4, it was a real challenge to try meditate to keep my thoughts clear.  

The fasting also really puts things into perspective with food and water.  By the end of day 3 I was feeling great -lots of energy, though the mornings were always tough.  Every time I had a negative thought, my initial reaction was to find something to consume, usually some sort of carb.  But really, as my body got water in it, the day got easier and easier, and by night I was full of energy.  The concept of consumption was something that I meditated a lot about during my fast.

Although I was planning on fasting for only 4 days, I got onto this through a friend who does water fasts throughout the year for weeks.  He's also a father and a professor that works and researches every day.  It was a fascinating time to figure out how to keep productive while fasting.  For the first 2 days, my day consisted of fixations and distractions such as TV or video games.  However, 3rd and 4th day I forced myself to do productive work and light exercise.  To my surprise, work was a great fixation as I ended up working 8 hours straight and have been productive than ever!  Also, as for the light exercise, it was hard at first but once I got a few push ups in it was good!

This is strictly from my own personal experience but I'd love to hear about others as well.  It was such an interesting journey and I'm planning on doing 5 days in December. Tips or suggestions are welcome!

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@BlackMaze It wasn't meant for weight loss so I'm not sure but my roommate did tell me that I looked skinnier.  My intention was for mental discipline and to push limits.

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@david2 congrats for doing it. It seems very hard. I never fasted but i want to try a 24 water fast. I just don't want to lose any weight because i don't have much bodyfat that's why i asked. But from your post i can see that is probably worth it. 

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@BlackMaze cheers! You should definitely try it -definitely puts life essentials into perspective and how we over consume everyday. I'm also a thin with no body fat but definitely lost even more fat during the process...so maybe be wary.  For mental fortitude it's incredible! One of my earliest form of fasting was in high school and a few of my muslim friends were fasting for Ramadan.  I remember the hardcore friends did a water fast for the entire month!  I think at least for me, knowing that people around you are able to do it is a great motivation.  It's like running a marathon as a grown man and watching children zip pass you and you know you have to make it to the finish line!

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4 hours ago, david2 said:

Every time I had a negative thought, my initial reaction was to find something to consume, usually some sort of carb.

Yeah it really brings into perspective how much you distract yourself with food

You will notice more productivity because the fast acts as a sort of dopamine detox as well, since you get so much pleasure out of eating food all the time

Nice job

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@Osaid right haven't thought about the effects it must have on dopamine levels! More reason to do it again!

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Dont forget to put salt in the water. It makes a huge difference. 

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