
Islam vs Atheism

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You can clearly see the Muslim man say at 12:30 that it's impossible for universe to come into being from Nothing. He has totally shot himself in the foot. That's what the miracle of Allah is! Coming into being from Nothing! He tries to use mathematics to validate his claim claiming 0+0+0 cannot = 3. This is dualistic nonsense. Absolute Nothing doesn't contain dualism, thus does 0=3. There is no separation from form and formless. 

Edited by Red-White-Light

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He is right. The idea that there is Nothing and then the Universe starts so there is something is complete stupid. This is not science, this is a believe. Science can´t prove before big bang there was Nothing, because the idea itself does not make sense. 


The Universe is and was always Nothing or is/was always Something, depending if you are talking in a Absolute or relativistic way.

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@Red-White-Light he (the guy who is muslim) doesn’t know much about Quran, which says that 

117- Creator of the heavens and the earth from nothingness, He has only to say when He wills a thing, “Be,” and it is.(2- The Cow, 117)

The Arabic word “beda’a” means creation of something out of nothing. This word also connotes the fact that something is created not on a pattern previously designed of something but as a completely new entity having no precedence. The greatest marvel of the creation is the creation of all concepts out of nothing. Think of the spectrum of colors. None of us can visualize a color that we have not already seen, nor can we produce that color. We are familiar with colors that already exist, but we cannot possibly create a new color. God, on the other hand, created all colors at a time when the concept of color did not exist, just as the universe did not exist before. To create a concept and its range of contents out of nothing is beyond human imagination and power.

Atheists contend that matter existed from eternity, that it had no beginning and that all formations evolved fortuitously. For example, in his books, famous materialist theoretician George Politzer contends that the universe was not created; had it been so, the universe would have been the work of a God who would have created it at a given moment out of nothing, that in order to be able to accept the theory of creation, one had to posit the existence of a moment when there was no universe, as it was to emerge from nothingness.

Atheism is the belief that God does not exist and materialism is the belief that only physical things have reality. These two words are often used as synonyms. Atheists who refute God’s existence accept the infinite existence of matter, and are, consequently, materialists. Atheists contend that matter was not created but existed from eternity. The postulate of the eternal existence of God and that matter was created goes back to the monotheistic religions. All the monotheistic religions postulate that God existed from eternity and that matter was created by God. The fact that matter was created also proves the existence of God and that Judaism and Christianity and Islam are religions revealed by God.

God is not exist because it is nothing and exist as nothing therefore doesn’t exist. And material is just a thought. And you cant understand nothing, you have to be it. 

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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10 hours ago, Red-White-Light said:

You can clearly see the Muslim man say at 12:30 that it's impossible for universe to come into being from Nothing. He has totally shot himself in the foot. That's what the miracle of Allah is! Coming into being from Nothing! He tries to use mathematics to validate his claim claiming 0+0+0 cannot = 3. This is dualistic nonsense. Absolute Nothing doesn't contain dualism, thus does 0=3. There is no separation from form and formless. 

Lawerence was far more unconvincing in this dialogue. I watched this a few years ago and I feel Hamza is quite an intelligent guy, he just slips up by using science and philosophy to disingenuously substantiate his religion. 

His argument regarding the universe cannot come from nothing is one based on duality. He assumes creation is seperate from its creator, from this point of view he is correct. However, if he was to consider reality as an indivisible and absolute whole, his argument would completely collapse.

Unfortunately, religious fanatics are just as materialistically inclined as atheists. They believe in a subject/object reality.  Both Lawrence and Hamza require more nuance thinking beyond merely the minds ability to conceptualise. They fail to grasp that all this debating is just mental fixations.

Edited by Jacobsrw

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If you're gonna watch Dumb and Dumber, at least make it the original ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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