
What’s a healthy way to deal with a quarrel?

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I find it hard when some one tries to argue with me and seems upset about it. My usual reaction have been to just try to aviod it or ignore(say as little as possible back) it to aviod further discomfort but I don’t think that’s a healthy solution because then you shutoff any possibility of responding back. 
So what’s a healthy way to deal with someone who wants to argue about something and seem upset about it without making the situation worse?

Edited by BjarkeT

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I feel as if trying to understand and diffuse the situation is a good way out. Just saying, ok I'm listening please tell me how you feel. As soon as someone is given the space to express their feelings without interruption, they'll become less upset almost immediately. Truly try to understand, and only when they have said it all, express your own perspective.

This only applies if you want to resolve the issue though. Are you fighting for peace, or victory? (Hopefully peace). 

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@australia1 Thanks that's make a lot of sense. I am hoping for peace however I don't think it's that bad that it could turn to violence.

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