
Is there progress in history/evolution or just change?

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There is an evolution of the stages of consciousness/awareness through history but I don´t think it is the same that the increase of consciousness/awareness at the individual level.


At the individual level, more consciousness = less selfiishness = more love

At a evolutionary/historical level, more awareness seems to have no moral qualities.. It looks like it is just change.


Yes, this is a rant against Ken Wilber.


Edited by RedLine

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You have it backwards in my opinion. People haven't changed that radically as individuals, but it still culminates at the evolutionary/historical level where we have things like abolition of slavery, toppling of corrupt monarchies, the United Nations, etc.

A better more evolved society isn't necessarily the product of everyone being more conscious/aware, but it certainly helps facilitate SOME individuals to become extremely developed.

It's important to acknowledge a simple thought experiment here that people like you and me wouldn't even have the luxury to entertain such things as personal development and raising of consciousness like we're doing right now if we were planted somewhere in the jungle 3000 years ago.

It literally wouldn't even be possible because we'd be so busy trying not to get bitten by venomous snakes haha.


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A little bit of column A, a little bit of column B IMO. Humanity is always progressing towards greater consciousness, freedom and Love, but at the same time our lower human impulses (ego, greed, violence) are a fact of life and can't ever truly be eradicated no matter how developed we become. It's a paradox, but that's how you know it's true, lol.



“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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