
I Consciousness should know all minds simultaneously

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12 minutes ago, Gesundheit said:

But then how will you be able to distinguish that from your imagination?


You could think of it that way. And/Or you could recognize that there has always only been one imagination, the present moment.

I don't know if you're trying to get style points or what is happening. If you really want to help me please try to come down to my level. For me you seem a bit far out with these explanations, and i think you're smarter than this and can see where my confusion or level of understanding lies (maybe i'm wrong) Most likely I'm not at that level of understanding yet, and it's a bit too far of a gap to make it possible for me to understand with your explanations so far.

Thanks anyway for trying, i mean it :) 

Edited by Halm

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It doesn't matter. You exist. Other exists.. Others don't exist.. No difference.  The only thing that exists is that which exists..isn't that obvious?.   

You "me and us" still playing games. Clinging to one perspective or another. All equally false and equally true.  You will only be absolutely true when you are that of a non-perspective. 

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Just now, allislove said:

@Gesundheit please don't confuse relative and absolute truth :)

There's no relative truth, only absolute. If relative is true, it will then automatically become absolute.

However, there's ego-mind that wants to survive so it creates concepts such as "relative truth" to feel less selfish about its desires, and so that the illusion keeps going. The context of a human being wanting to survive does not make this desire any more "true". Absolute truth is literally irrelevant to survival, although they may cross.

Right now you believe that there's relative truth. You don't know what the truth of this "relative truth" thing is.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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Try this: try to see how perception is imagination.

Or the other way around: try to find the differences between perception and imagination.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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2 minutes ago, Osaid said:

Being every creature in the universe does not mean you get to tap into other minds at will. If this was possible you would not be yourself anymore. If this was possible it would completely defeat the purpose of being a human being, you wouldn't be human anymore.

If I was God and I wanted to become a dog, I would not allow that dog to look into other minds because that is not what dogs are supposed to do.

If you were able to look into your friend's mind, you and your friend would not exist anymore, it would become a combination of you and your friend.

Lets imagine that you are God and you want to become everyone

In order for you to be everyone you must rid yourself of any memories of being God, because you are not supposed to be God, you are supposed to be a human. This is exactly why you can't access Donald Trump's POV even though you are Donald Trump. If you accessed Donald Trump's POV, you would not be yourself anymore, you would be Donald Trump.



Thanks for the reply!

You say; “If I was God and I wanted to become a dog, I would not allow that dog to look into other minds because that is not what dogs are supposed to do.”

I say; That dog's mind is made out of consciousness. Not just a product of, actually made out of the “substance” consciousness. That consciousness is knowing. 

Now, the dog looking into another mind sounds wrong. What I'm saying is: That which is aware of the dog's mind (infinite consciousness) should be aware of other minds simultaneously.

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3 minutes ago, Gesundheit said:


Try this: try to see how perception is imagination.

Or the other way around: try to find the differences between perception and imagination.

Ok, perception is imagination. This i know. What do i do with this information?

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1 hour ago, Gesundheit said:

You are conscious of all minds simultaneously but it takes different forms.

The reality is that "your" mind creates thoughts, and you assume that they are something else other than thoughts, as if they have some reality to them.

You want to know what my experience is like, but what you're reading right now is exactly what I am. No more, no less. The rest is you imagining things about these words, that there is someone there sitting somewhere typing them etc...




Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Gesundheit be here to learn :) 

Of course, there is no relative truth but it makes sense to talk about how a person feel in a relative context. 
By letting go of the identifications, by not clinging to what is not true you will feel better. 
That was my original point. If you think something annoys you it's just a sign to let go.


What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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1 minute ago, Halm said:


Ok, perception is imagination. This i know. What do i do with this information?

You stop desiring to perceive other experiences as that would still be imagination. So what's the difference? Your perception, my perception. It's one imagination. Waves in the ocean. See?

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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1 minute ago, Gesundheit said:

You stop desiring to perceive other experiences as that would still be imagination. So what's the difference? Your perception, my perception. It's one imagination. Waves in the ocean. See?

Can't see it, seems like there should be an easier explanation, but so far none have untied this knot for me.

You said this: “You are conscious of all minds simultaneously but it takes different forms.”

Can you elaborate on this maybe?

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2 minutes ago, allislove said:

@Gesundheit be here to learn :)

Realize that there's no difference between learning and teaching.

4 minutes ago, allislove said:


Of course, there is no relative truth but it makes sense to talk about how a person feel in a relative context. 
By letting go of the identifications, by not clinging to what is not true you will feel better.

You're contradicting yourself. "Feeling better" is by definition identical to identification. You can't feel better or worse without identity. There is subtle judgement and a hierarchy of feelings that you subscribe to. Feeling annoyed is not a bad feeling, neither having fun is a good feeling, but they may be that way in your mind.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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2 hours ago, Halm said:


So my original question is still there.

I'm gonna make this real simple for ya.  You are God!  Don't expect when you actually realize you are God directly that you are going to have the magic ability to start drifting into other ego's thoughts because the ego is an illusion in its entirety.  Its only as the ego that you will return to finite form and have this pressing question.  Because the ego wants desperately to believe that it is not alone.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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1 hour ago, Halm said:

That which is aware of the dog's mind (infinite consciousness) should be aware of other minds simultaneously.

It is, but it is also playing the life of a dog and a dog is not supposed to know all minds simultaneously

If you (ego) knew all minds simultaneously you wouldn't exist anymore. A dog could not exist if it knew all minds simultaneously. If a dog knew all minds simultaneously then it isn't a dog anymore.

You limit God by saying that you should have access to all minds. You are trying to say that God cannot create something that is finite and cannot access other minds.

Edited by Osaid

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20 minutes ago, Osaid said:


It is, but it is also playing the life of a dog and a dog is not supposed to know all minds simultaneously

If you (ego) knew all minds simultaneously you wouldn't exist anymore. A dog could not exist if it knew all minds simultaneously. If a dog knew all minds simultaneously then it isn't a dog anymore.

You limit God by saying that you should have access to all minds. You are trying to say that God cannot create something that is finite and cannot access other minds.

It sounds great but rhe problem is you can't split oneness you can only create the illusion that you split oneness.  


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5 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

It sounds great but rhe problem is you can't split oneness you can only create the illusion that you split oneness. 

I agree

I'm just trying to say that access to all minds defeats the purpose of existing as a finite being, that's all




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6 hours ago, Halm said:


This doesn't make sense either for me. I can only see one mirage because there is only perception of one mirage at that moment. If a friend calls me and says he is "having" a perception of another mirage then i would say, why can't i see both mirages as both are appearing in infinite awareness. 

Let's say perception is a mirage. I know there is perception right now. I also know that "you" are "having" a perception right now. If I'm infinitely awareness, why am I only having this one perception at the moment, and not knowing about "yours".

‘Why’ is an apparent finite thought. There is direct knowing of the thought. The thought is about perception. There is direct knowing of perception. There is no perceiving a thought, and there is no thinking perception. There is direct knowing of thought & of perception. There is no separation between knowing, thought, and perception. The knowing is the mirage. Infinite can not know finite. 



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15 minutes ago, Osaid said:

I agree

I'm just trying to say that access to all minds defeats the purpose of existing as a finite being, that's all




Indeed but other minds are still an illusion. 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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11 hours ago, Halm said:

I know that there is only one consciousness.

Can you prove that?

one day this will all be memories

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