I need your help to assemble a list of juicy Stage Purple examples!
List of Stage Purple Values:
The tribe/clan, community
Family & tribal bonds, blood relationships
Living together, contribution to the tribe
Group activities, group celebration
Respecting elders, ancestors, customs
Taboos and customs
Ritual, ceremony
Mother nature, harmony
Magical powers
Spirit realm, spirit deities
Mystical intuition
Rites of passage
Sacred objects & places
Traditional music & dance
Myth, sharing stories
Retaining ancestral and tribal memory
Reciprocity, sharing, cooperativ-interdependence
Warding off evil spirits
Cursing/hexing one’s enemies
Psychic powers
Out of body travel
Respect of elders for their wisdom & experience
Wisdom of the elders
Family relics and heirlooms
Religious medals, lucky charms
Sacred words
Stage Purple Examples:
Carlos Cataneda’s Don Juan, Amazon tribes, African tribes, Indonesia tribes, Native Americans, Middle East, New Guinea, Bosnia, the Zulu, Bwiti, Hawaiian culture, Indian culture, Arab culture, Japanese Shinto religion, Tibet, rural China, Afghanistan, Aborigines, Maori, Pocahontas, shaman, medicine man, Avatar: Na’vi, Legend of Zelda, Patapon, Turok, Dances With Wolves, The Medicine Man, the noble savage, ancient mythology, voodoo, witchcraft, curses & hexes, animal sacrifice, gift economy, sharing resources, paganism, cannibal tribes, sun worship, animal-human hybrids, animal gods & spirits, ethnic cleansing, the paleolithic, cave paintings, Stone Henge, Ubuntu: I am because we are, suicide bombing, Kamikazi, human sacrifice, eating enemies, chanting & drum music, herbal medicine, Ayurveda, acupuncture, Qi, shrines, totem poles, ayahausca, peyote, saliva, mushrooms, datura, iboga, amanita muscaria, sweat lodges, vision quests, tribal tattoos, the evil eye, magical healers, ancient burial grounds, knocking on wood, lucky rabbit’s foot, black cats, prayer altars, Day of the Dead, Halloween, urban legends, fertility goddesses, astrology, fortune cookies, folk tales, fairy tales, Maneki-neko, graffiti, gypsies, face paint, symbolic costumes, secret handshakes, mating ceremonies, dowries, blood oaths, communal eating, missionaries in tribes, burial rituals, small company work environment, the Sacred Tree of Life, Don Miguel Ruiz: The 4 Agreements, The Alchemist, Teotl