Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Purple Examples Mega-Thread

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26 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


I'm from Nepal. Its so difficult to watch these problems are still prevelent. Its like i want to deny that such tradition still exists, although child labor, child marrige, castism, poverty, gender violence, unemployment are so common and is completely visible to me in daily basis.

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There is a Spiral Dynamics Integral audiobook on Audible as well

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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Drinking Siberian reindeer antler blood:


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Example of tribal warfare and how genocides happen at stage Purple:

That's what happens in a true free market without a monopoly of force.

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27 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


Example of tribal warfare and how genocides happen at stage Purple


You mean happens to stage purple? Or are you saying ISIS is also stage purple?

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3 minutes ago, Akemrelax said:

You mean happens to stage purple? Or are you saying ISIS is also stage purple?

Of course ISIS is hugely Purple + Red.

Purple is not all peaceful rain forest tribes. Purple tribes will commit genocide when forced by their circumstances.

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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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19 minutes ago, Hello from Russia said:

Damn, this is such a great movie!

Good to see one of you kids even know what it is ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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For anyone who might be interested: here is a huge vault of purple-ish info, tools, products.  "Hoodoo rootwork" (voodoo), magic spell work, altar tools/accessories, amulets and charms, and so forth.   http://www.luckymojo.com/

Great series of anointing oils for all kinds of purposes -- attract love, money, good luck, etc. Each one with a unique "personality" and olfactory signature; sometimes wonderful whether or not they work for intended purpose.  Also really great label art (you'll see what I mean when you look at them). https://www.luckymojo.com/mojocatoils.html

No, I am not associated with the company. Just a satisfied customer.




Edited by alan2102

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12 hours ago, electroBeam said:

Ayurveda and astrology are not purple. They are tools. 

Saying ayurveda is purple is like saying a hammer is purple.

You guys use spiral dynamics way too much to describe things. When you've got a hammer, everything looks like a nail. When you're indoctrinated into spiral dynamics, everything has a colour. Including your penis apparently.

Ayurveda, like all tools exist on all stages of the spiral. It exists in purple, but also in green with holistic medicines.

Astrology exists in purple, but also exists in green with new age beliefs.

Spiral dynamics is simply a model for describing how societies evolve. How people communicate and work together.

it DOES NOT describe the inner workings of tools, or even people. If you use spiral dynamics to describe tools or to describe the psychology of a person, you're basically a clown, because that's got nothing to do with spiral dynamics. No human being is a colour. Only groups of people can be colours. 

Beg to differ, somewhat. Tools have vMemetic associations, resonances. I agree that it is wrong to say that a tool (or a person) IS some color or other. It is not a matter of BEing something, but rather of being in resonance with something. And of course humans are much more flexible in this respect than things; I can resonate with purple, blue, yellow and beige at different times all inside of 24 hours.

The idea that tools ought not be characterized in terms of* the vMemes is a carry-over, I think, of the old Cartesian dualism, prominent in the SD community as elsewhere. Mind and body -- spirit and matter -- as separate things, with subsequent (and I would say consequent)  privileging of the one over the other. ("The real me is up here [motions to head], not that lower base stuff down there".)  "Mind over matter", rather than mind IN and THROUGH matter -- a glorious dance and lover's embrace.

* Pls note I said "characterized in terms of"; I did not say rigidly categorized AS. See my first paragraph.

I am still pondering all this, so everything I say is tentative. Or should I say "true but partial". I pray that my understanding, and ability to articulate, will be better in coming years.

Background reading, which I have not yet fully digested myself; some of it goes over my head; still working on it:


"In Western religious and philosophical thought, beginning with the platonic tradition and continuing through to Gnosticism and Hellenised Christianity, Medieval Christianity, Cartesian dualism, and contemporary Empiricism, the soul or spirit or mind, or in empiricism the conscious observer, is distinguished from the body or matter or nature. The former is good, the latter is ontologically inferior (Platonism), a prison for the soul (Gnosticism), a source of sin or shame (Catholicism, Puritanism, etc), or something to be experimented (empiricism) on exploited (consumerism)."

"Instead of body and mind (Descartes' dualism, and its derivatives such as Wilber's exteriors and interiors), there is body, emotional feeling, and thinking. In this way the simplistic Cartesian and post-cartesian (including Teilhardian, Dual-Aspect philosophical, and Wilberian) dichotomy of subject-object or interior-exterior (with mind or consciousness on one side and body on the other) can be replaced by a more phenomenologically appropriate understanding, by which I mean corresponding to individual experience rather than abstractions."

"[ We must go ] beyond the current Western academic, pop new age, and popular integral (Wilberian and much of post-Wilberian) paradigms. To begin with, it is necessary to get away from simplistic ideas of Cartesian dualism (mind and body, spirit and matter, etc), and for that matter also Wilberian integral theory holistic dualism (left and right quadrants) which maintains the same shortcoming but within a "dual aspect" or "quadra-aspect" framework which gives it a more holistic (and hence "New Age') feel."

Edited by alan2102

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i believe Jean Michel Basquiat created many stage purple inspired art pieces :) 

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