
Fear of being born again

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I'm scared of non-duality. Remember that episode (The Radical Implications of Oneness)  where Leo talks about how you will know what it's like to be all other people in all other situations and animals? People and animals that appear other than you in your current life, at one point, you will be them. It's totally terrifying! I can't even comprehend the magnitude and terror of that. This is extremely threatening because I feel like if it's true, I'm basically screwed and not even dying at the end of my life isn't going to do shit because I'll just be born again and who knows who or what I'll be and what a terrible existence I could live. I could be born in the Middle Ages during The Plague for fuck's sake or become a pig in a slaughterhouse. It's like existence is inescapable. Is there a way to stop being born again? Is enlightenment the answer? Nirvana in Buddhism? Exiting Samsara altogether? But my motivation is not positive. My motivation is that of a terrified human who feels trapped. Not a great motivation for awakening. This is why I sometimes wish the materialist paradigm were true because at least that way I'll never be alive again  to worry about the terror of infinity after this life is over. Btw, I don't know what I believe. I'm trying not to believe things without direct experience. Like many of you, I want to have an awakening experience. but with my fear, I suspect it won't be a pretty experience. 

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Live for today. Forget about what you might be missing out on, or what you might endure. You are here, now. 

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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@Nahm I seem to have a body and mind. I'm aware. Or something seems aware and is seemingly in this body and mind. I have no idea how this came to be. It's scary to think I'm here and might be here again in another life.

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@Itsokimok I have good news for you.

You won’t be reincarnated into a life worse than your current one. The mere fact that your life has been shitty meant consciousness experienced those situations through your life. Lessons. KARMA. You’ve drained your “Karma” enough because you’re experiencing being a human being, not a pig being roasted.

You are an eternal mind on a path toward evolution. So is everyone else.

The ant is “X” lives behind you so to speak.

So don’t be afraid. Your next lifetime will be BETTER than your current one.

Thats how your spirit evolves.

You’re an eternal 0 having an infinite number of experiences. But there is a logic to it.

Why would you think reality is as dumb as to send you to be a pig being slaughtered?

This is where watching a video and taking it as dogma is a terrible thing to do.

The way your next lifetime gets created by GOD (you) is by incorporating the lessons from past lives. God is on a path towards reunification.

Do you realize how epic this is?

You, God, are you BECAUSE of the collective experiences of its probes.

What this literally means is that you have an infinite number of lives better than your current one. 

That’s how the wheel works. 

And it’s even more radical than that.

You are the only thing that exists right this second. 

Existence itself is relative.

I am just an echo of you, living this life; but our lives did not happen simultaneously.  

Edited by justfortoday

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Are you referring to reincarnation, or something else?

Reincarnation shouldnt be scary. Though you go to a spirit world after death, i don't think you will reincarnate.

I reference seeing through the eyes of humans and animals as part of mergings. This is transcendent consciousness. You might experience it differently if you get to that point. Maybe Leo was referring to something else, but the thing i am thinking of is good and not scary. It is a deep connection with nature and other people, even non physical entities.

It's all good. Just make sure you seek the truth, whether you like it or not. Do not invent comforting illusions for yourself. The truth is better than what you can dream of, and you will lead yourself astray by hiding from it.

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In my view, non-duality as a concept is nothing to be fearful about. A concept is just that, a concept. Upon actually realising through expansion of consciousness or awareness in stillness, that all is one ... it becomes a clear recognition.

Put another way, ascension is about expansion. Ego or delusion orientation leads to consciousness contraction. So there is nothing to fear per say, about reaching a non dual stage of awareness.

Reincarnation and karma entwined is another story. No one judges us, since all is one and Gods energy is love. However, we ourselves choose reincarnation for consciousness correction or we may say alignment of our core, with our own divinity within.

Edited by Unseeking Seeker

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15 hours ago, Itsokimok said:

@Nahm I seem to have a body and mind. I'm aware. Or something seems aware and is seemingly in this body and mind. I have no idea how this came to be. It's scary to think I'm here and might be here again in another life.

I’d really scrutinize direct experience. Body, mind & I are only really thoughts. To say I or you will experience multiple lifetimes isn’t actually correct. Likewise, it’s not actually possible your experience is that of a human who feels trapped. Examine with more detail precisely what you’re thinking / talking about. Be clear on what you are saying & believing a human is, and be very literal in examination of exactly how you’re trapped. You’ll find these are only thoughts, about a you, but there isn’t one. The feeling likewise labeled to cover this up, “fear”, is you, and it’s being, love. If self as unconditional love is not realized and the 24/7 actuality, don’t watch triggering videos, watch liberating videos. When it is clearly realized a you wasn’t ever born, it’s impossible to fear, and to fear being born. 



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15 hours ago, justfortoday said:

@Itsokimok I have good news for you.

You won’t be reincarnated into a life worse than your current one. The mere fact that your life has been shitty meant consciousness experienced those situations through your life. Lessons. KARMA. You’ve drained your “Karma” enough because you’re experiencing being a human being, not a pig being roasted.

You are an eternal mind on a path toward evolution. So is everyone else.

The ant is “X” lives behind you so to speak.

So don’t be afraid. Your next lifetime will be BETTER than your current one.

Thats how your spirit evolves.

You’re an eternal 0 having an infinite number of experiences. But there is a logic to it.

Why would you think reality is as dumb as to send you to be a pig being slaughtered?

This is where watching a video and taking it as dogma is a terrible thing to do.

The way your next lifetime gets created by GOD (you) is by incorporating the lessons from past lives. God is on a path towards reunification.

Do you realize how epic this is?

You, God, are you BECAUSE of the collective experiences of its probes.

What this literally means is that you have an infinite number of lives better than your current one. 

That’s how the wheel works. 

And it’s even more radical than that.

You are the only thing that exists right this second. 

Existence itself is relative.

I am just an echo of you, living this life; but our lives did not happen simultaneously.  

What da. 

Holly fuck I am the only one. Maybe I am just Mind tricking itself? 

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Something like being in this exact same place forever tripping balls out for eternity. 

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@justfortoday  Hey man :) ... I do not think that is the case... Just read the book "Many Lives, Many Masters" ... She tapped into her past lives - 95 out of 100 were full of suffering as a slave, housemaid, full of illnesses etc... BTW She's been a monk as well... Did not count for her "ascension" ...

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@Nahm Yeah, I think that I'm here and that I'm a person. I don't know for sure though. I guess I'd just hate to be here again as another "person" and going through "life" which seems to have circumstances, many of which aren't pleasant. Something seems to be suffering, whether it's a person or not. That something seems to be me and other people also seem to be suffering a lot. If this is not what's actually happening, I'd like to know. I guess I do want an awakening experience to see how things actually are..

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On 10/08/2020 at 5:56 PM, justfortoday said:

@Itsokimok I have good news for you.

You won’t be reincarnated into a life worse than your current one. The mere fact that your life has been shitty meant consciousness experienced those situations through your life. Lessons. KARMA. You’ve drained your “Karma” enough because you’re experiencing being a human being, not a pig being roasted.

You are an eternal mind on a path toward evolution. So is everyone else.

The ant is “X” lives behind you so to speak.

So don’t be afraid. Your next lifetime will be BETTER than your current one.

Thats how your spirit evolves.

You’re an eternal 0 having an infinite number of experiences. But there is a logic to it.

Why would you think reality is as dumb as to send you to be a pig being slaughtered?

This is where watching a video and taking it as dogma is a terrible thing to do.

The way your next lifetime gets created by GOD (you) is by incorporating the lessons from past lives. God is on a path towards reunification.

Do you realize how epic this is?

You, God, are you BECAUSE of the collective experiences of its probes.

What this literally means is that you have an infinite number of lives better than your current one. 

That’s how the wheel works. 

And it’s even more radical than that.

You are the only thing that exists right this second. 

Existence itself is relative.

I am just an echo of you, living this life; but our lives did not happen simultaneously.  

@Leo Gura , this guy just said the opposite of what you said in a previous post. You said that chances are you'll reincarnate into an even worse life. Because you said chances of you being born in a good life amongst 8 billion people are very slim. You also said it's possible that you reincarnate into a fly that will get smashed on the window of a car.

This guy is saying it's a sure thing that your life will be better because reality isn't dumb as to send you to be a pig about to get slaughtered after doing so much work as a human that's putting in work.

So who should I believe? lol fuck off guys haha, y'all confuse me :P

My first reaction is to call BS on both of you...

Edited by blankisomeone

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1 hour ago, Itsokimok said:

@Nahm Yeah, I think that I'm here and that I'm a person. I don't know for sure though. I guess I'd just hate to be here again as another "person" and going through "life" which seems to have circumstances, many of which aren't pleasant. Something seems to be suffering, whether it's a person or not. That something seems to be me and other people also seem to be suffering a lot. If this is not what's actually happening, I'd like to know. I guess I do want an awakening experience to see how things actually are..

Very understandable. You might find insight in the writings of Rumi. He wrote a lot on revealing light, divinity, beauty, truth & love from pain & suffering. There truly are no words which can communicate how the entire experience of reality can flip in regards to your op. So much so, that it couldn’t be believed or imagined, prior to experiencing it. I wish that for you very much. I feel continuing to scrutinize direct experience, especially feeling into the pain or suffering, though it is not always easy and is very counter intuitive at first, is the best way to go. 

I have come across people in very similar situations a few times and what I believe has been the most help is looking at events in a timeline fashion. Simple put, if you write down whatever comes to mind as events in your life in which you experienced or witnessed intense, sudden, or unfair pain, a new light shines on the situation. That light often also shines on the many other subjects or situations which were discolored by the original event(s). You might say there is a realization as to why one person can be more skewed towards the aversion than most, which occurs, or ‘clicks’ when considering events which made a significant impression. Events like spending time in a hospital, or someone passing unexpectedly, especially if you witnessed these at a young age, can be worth considering. 

Also, and this is a hit or miss there excitement, enthusiasm, eagerness, in your experience of living? Might be just the thing. Please don’t take this personally, but as you’ve shared at least on this topic, your outlook on the path feels a bit daunting, maybe as if it’s something you’re considering that might be ‘just something you have to go through’. I’m wondering if it wouldn’t be most helpful to liven it up, to reframe more like an adventure, a mystery to solve. If that resonates, I highly recommend Abraham Hicks on YouTube, and the book Ask & It Is Given. 


Sometimes people who suffer and or fear the most, become the happiest and most enlightened btw. Often, that leads to living a very fulfilling life in passion, with a profound connection of our source. Wishing you all the best. ?



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Somehow I have a feeling that it's almost radical to say you should hate the experience of hate/pain when you are indeed actually hating it.

The sequence of words isn't epic or complex enough or doesn't appeal or stimulate you enough I understand we're all humans I'm exactly the same.

For me simply holding hate/dislike for something is enough to trigger an internal automatic reaction that errs on the side of effectively integrating it in the interdependent organization of the individual/universe by just simply having it internally automatically arranged in a similar way to pleasantly tasting your favorite food and consciously tuning out and/or noticing that tuning out of slight unpleasantness in the taste of the food are happening which optimizes said taste which only got optimized by you disliking and separating yourself from that very slightly unpleasant sensation or has in any other mundane experience.The taste doesn't get better because of contrast it gets worse and something that's worse is pushed away by self definition of it being worse and we liking better things it's that simplistic;this is mostly the useful starting interpretation for small or maybe near ultimate things(might just be a scale thing).

We usually don't intentionally create our suffering but we can avoid it.

Too many people failed to notice important details in small things because bigger experiences are simultaneously easier to get engrossed in but harder to intellectually process in a mathematical reductions type way through a memory tho probably more useful as a trigger for major overhauls; anyway I digressed too much from my initial intention so I'm leaving(I almost hate myself for exposing myself so much but it has been cathartic).

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4 hours ago, blankisomeone said:

So who should I believe? lol fuck off guys haha, y'all confuse me :P

My first reaction is to call BS on both of you...

Yeah lol

This is the part where you gotta find the answer for yourself

But, my intuition is telling me justfortoday is correct, because why would Infinite Intelligence base your reincarnation on something as dumb and material as the population on a planet? And why only the creatures on Earth, why not other dimensions and creatures?



Describe a thought.

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My Opinion:

The probability of a human being to not have been a human being in a previous life and not going to be a human being or better in the future life are slim. Most probably you will be a human being or better in your next life. The tendencies, impressions, the accompanying knowledge, intelligence and mental structure being very much in compatibility with its immediate experience of being a human being, along with the further Knowledge of liberation and enlightenment in case of a jnani and devotion towards some god in case of a devotee, combined with atleast socially accepted moral and ethical standards ensure a better life in the next incarnation. Other possibilities are also possible, but are not the norm. 

Here is the proof: 

Before a reincarnation occurs, there is a gap in-between(actual earth time differs from person to person) two incarnations where other experiences are experienced, which are either heavenly or uncomfortable depending upon the impressions & tendencies you have accumulated in your life. This is very much similar to the dreams we have at night, which are based on what we do during the day time in our waking state.

Having once attained enlightenment and merged completely into Non-Dual brahman(absolute truth / absolute unity), there is no individuation for that particular entity ever again. Other countless individuations may be happening. But, that merged entity is done for, never to be born again or indivduate again. It may be possible to bring the same entity into existence if needed, because ultimately everything is just an imagination. But, for brahman, who is really the doer in the form of prakrithi(Nature/reality). There is no need to depend upon one single entity for anything.

Dear friends, it is wonderful that all of you have come so much closer to knowing the truth which is very much worth knowing. But, without studying this truth systematically from the knowledge pile which already exists for thousands of years, and simply depending on your own direct experience for everything is not going to get you so far. Even direct experience without proper knowledge will lead to further illusion and ignorance.

As you can see, even the enlightened people will keep changing their teaching as new insights and truths unfold for them. What insights and knowledge one enlightened person has, the other may not have had. All these confusions & fear are there because of not undergoing proper study under a proper authority. These days its very difficult to find a proper authority. Atleast you can read the authoritative books which are accepted by many enlightened for thousands of years. In that regard Yoga Vasistha can answer many of your questions which are irking everyone.

This ancient work(Yoga Vasistha) is atleast 10 times better in entertaining than the movies The Matrix, Inception and Interstellar combined

Edited by PopoyeSailor

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@Itsokimok I don’t really see the problem in this if is truly the case. Because if you look around you, at all the people and whatever other sentient things are knocking around, it’s not a problem to them. So if that for instance is you your looking at sat on a bench on the other side of the road reading the newspaper, and your gonna experience being that, where’s the problem? Because the guy over ther road doesn’t seem to be having a problem with it he’s just cracking on with his life with likely no idea what your on about here. So in other words this issue you have isn’t really an issue, because look at yourself across the road, or as any other person or animal or whatever, it’s working perfectly. 100% perfectly in the only way that I can work

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In Summary, Solipsism is real

14 hours ago, blankisomeone said:

@Leo Gura , this guy just said the opposite of what you said in a previous post. You said that chances are you'll reincarnate into an even worse life. Because you said chances of you being born in a good life amongst 8 billion people are very slim. You also said it's possible that you reincarnate into a fly that will get smashed on the window of a car.

This guy is saying it's a sure thing that your life will be better because reality isn't dumb as to send you to be a pig about to get slaughtered after doing so much work as a human that's putting in work.

So who should I believe? lol fuck off guys haha, y'all confuse me :P

My first reaction is to call BS on both of you...

God / the cosmos knows exactly what it’s doing. 

You’re a metaphysical entity growing and evolving with each loving act, each loving moment.

Your next life will be another chapter in the growth of you, the eternal mind.


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Suffering in the large scheme of things is very much necessary and useful from the absolute perspective. Please read this:


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