Eren Eeager

How many hours of meditation I need on average to enlighten?

44 posts in this topic

This is a very important question but rarely asked or answered.

Can some of the more advanced seekers share with us their experience of meditation or kriya yoga? Did you enlighten? If yes , how much time did it take?

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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Not an advanced seeker or anything. 

But i have an answer for this. There is no amount of hours that you need and then you are enlightened. It's not a goal to achieve. Just try to meditate in everything you do all the time until this is your reality. Watch your thoughts and emotions all day long. Take the feeling of emptiness and make it larger. I don't believe that you will become enlightened if you meditate everyday for an hour for years but after your practice you forget all about it and return to your 'normal' 

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Less than one.  Simply sit in a quiet room and be aware of the silence.

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You'd wanna do at least an hour a day. I like self enquiry and concentration. Full kriya yoga is said to be good, and I can see that it's very powerful in it's practitioners, but I really find it difficult. 

Although you defo won't get enlightened if you don't use psycs. 5meo is ideal

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49 minutes ago, Eren Eeager said:

This is a very important question but rarely asked or answered.

Can some of the more advanced seekers share with us their experience of meditation or kriya yoga? Did you enlighten? If yes , how much time did it take?

You are always in meditation as awareness.  For me meditation practice helps with alligning with that ultimate truth of reality.  You are always still as Awareness. And always awake.

Enlightenment is not added on to you, it is noticed when the clouds of the mind become transparent. 

So yeah, formal practice would be specifically to calm the mind and so the waves slow down and you experience the depth of the ocean. Which you always are, even when there are waves.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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16 minutes ago, Aaron p said:

Although you defo won't get enlightened if you don't use psycs. 5meo is ideal

Granted, it’s a relative reference you make to someone there....and in kind this is a relative question....but out of curiosity, who do you consider to be enlightened? Is there anyone presently or in the entire history of the world, whom you consider enlightened? 

@Eren Eeager Meditation is non-time, non-expectation, non-enlightenment. 



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It's very problematic to look at enlightenment as a function of time. It's more a function of effort.

You can meditate for 40 years and never awaken. Because your effort is still weak.

If you are serious about awakening you need to start doing week-long and even month-long retreats.

Awakening via 1 hour per day of meditation is virtually impossible. You need to reach a certain escape velocity, which is almost impossible to do but through uninterrupted retreats.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 minutes.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Don’t know about enlightenment but if we look at each micro awakening experience, possibly we may agree that it occurred by grace alone. Our effort in fact, comes in our own way.

Once we have a burning yearning to connect with our own divinity within, this prioritisation is itself all we need to do. Lovers do not look at the clock!  Nor do they compute outcomes. They are simply joyous to be together.

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2 hours ago, Eren Eeager said:

How many hours of meditation I need on average to enlighten? 

What does enlightenment mean?

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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1 hour ago, Nahm said:

Granted, it’s a relative reference you make to someone there....and in kind this is a relative question....but out of curiosity, who do you consider to be enlightened? Is there anyone presently or in the entire history of the world, whom you consider enlightened? 

@Eren Eeager Meditation is non-time, non-expectation, non-enlightenment. 

@Nahm isn't it that nobody is enlightened and that the key is to become nobody lol

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Mate Im just extremely impatient with these 5meo orders atm. I've ordered 3 different batches to get the nicest batch but it's taking ages and then I'm gonna have to wait for ages again after I order more from the batch I want. Once I get my hands on a large amount of really awesome 5meo I'm gonna be aiming to build up to 20 day 5meo retreat slowly. 

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@Nahm no mate I literally think that no-one is enlightened because God is no-one. Is that not right?

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2 minutes ago, Aaron p said:

@Nahm no mate I literally think that no-one is enlightened because God is no-one. Is that not right?


3 hours ago, Aaron p said:

Although you defo won't get enlightened if you don't use psycs. 5meo is ideal

Maybe I’m missing something or misunderstanding. Can you explain / reconcile those two statements? 



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If your asking me who I think has achieved "personlessness" I'd probably say at least leo haha

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10 hours ago, Eren Eeager said:

This is a very important question but rarely asked or answered.

Can some of the more advanced seekers share with us their experience of meditation or kriya yoga? Did you enlighten? If yes , how much time did it take?

It is not so much a question of time, it is more a question of our inner state of readiness.

How long before we are ready to completely surrender and let go of everything?

And in letting go of everything, we realise that we are everything.

Some people may meditate daily for years without realising.

Others may not meditate at all, and it happens spontaneously. But who knows what they had done in the past to reach such a point?

(Incidentally, my background is 40+ years of meditation and kriya yoga).



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