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God is an infinite Potato

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God is an infinite potato. The identity is potato, and the state is unified. Or in other words, the identity is Consciousness, and the state is perfect omniscient non-duality.

Then one day God, as the perfect infinite potato, decides to chop itself up into a pile of potato chunks.

So now we have an infinite pile of potato chunks. I am a potato chunk, you are a potato chunk, the homeless guy down the street is a potato chunk. We are all potato chunks.

Crucially, the important part to note is that the identity has not changed. The identity is still potato. All that has changed is the state. The state has changed from being a perfect unified potato, to a pile of potato chunks. I am still potato, merely now in the form of a potato chunk.

Or in other words, the identity of each potato chunk is still God Consciousness, but the state has changed from being perfect omniscient non-duality, to seemingly separated monads of non-omniscience.

We can assume God did this to go on vacation from non-omniscience. (Are we having fun yet?)

Until we return home (that fateful day of the reconstituted potato) we must take care of the entire potato, while the potato is fast asleep to its true identity. Get that one thing right, and you are free to enjoy the rest of the vacation.

Protect the potato, and enjoy the vacation.

Protect the potato, and enjoy the vacation.

Protect the potato!



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Well God is Infinite Love. 

You are always at home. 

Potato is one we are getting rid of here. 

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