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Observation: Three Stages Of Awareness

3 posts in this topic

This is a rough sketch model I have inadvertently discovered. As a disclaimer, these  observations are based entirely on my personal experience and have not undergone rigorous examination. Also, I am improvising this post with out really reflecting upon and fleshing out the details, so this is likely a far from 

Level 1 Characteristics:

Deep unconsciousness; unwilling to question; clingy to ideas and worldviews; may be happier than somewhat more aware people due to not realizing the extent of own suffering and ignorance; not very introspective

Level 2 Characteristics: 

Fits traditional notion of a highly self aware person; introspective; analysis toward narrative of self and the external world;  more prone to depression and worry than Level 1 due to being aware of own problems and ignorance -- the type to have existential crisises. This is about as far as one can grow with traditional psychology, philosophy, and literature. This is the level of consciousness reflected in contemporary intellectual culture. Philosophers, self-actualized people, and the like would all sit somewhere here.

Level Three:

This is only achievable through enlightenment and ego transcendence. This is the place of Zen masters, yogis, Jesus, etc. The type of deep conscious development one has undergone to grt here cannot be readily understood by most and on the surface may seem like profound foolishness rather than deep wisdom and connection to reality. Hyper-Rational and intellectual people may especially see no merit in such type of awareness. It is a deep connection to being and only achievable through first person phenomenal investigation rather than through conceptual means such as more thoroughly justified beliefs or sophisticated mental models. This is where awareness goes where thought alone cannot.


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