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Missing puzzle piece, God = Me, then why is... ?

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Key mistake you are making is looking through things with human lense. Will. Just say that. You are still doing it. 

Even desires for dream are just human. 

Is it no how no no no yes. Pure and effortless but beleive it or not you can discover. 



Edited by zeroISinfinity

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25 minutes ago, allislove said:

You can only Understand Consciousness through Being not through "figuring out". 

To really uderstand coffee table you must become coffee table to put it in metaphore. 

To really understand how it's all getting created you must become how it's all getting created. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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That's the main lense people have and they try to figure out pretty much pure Infinity of God. Infinity of God in almost every possible way. 

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