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Adeptus Psychonautica - a balanced and open-minded critique of

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Adeptus Psychonautica is the Youtube Channel of a long time psychonaut, who has recently (about 4 months ago) made a video in which has was voicing some concerns regarding the path that Leo and are headed down. You should definitely give it a watch!

I was really pleaseantly surprised watching this video. Unlike most criticisms of that I have come across throughout the years, this guy seems to be coming from a place of genuine concern, tries to remain open minded, and makes sure to provide constructive criticism rather than just starting an argument. It's also worth saying that he had a generally positive impression of before stumbling upon some of the videos from 4-6 months ago, so he's in no way closed off towards this stuff.

While a few of the points he criticized might have been due to simple misunderstandings, I found that there was still a lot to take away from this video. I'd say this deserves a response video, which would not only be interesting to see, but could also make a significant difference for the public image and future development of, by showing that Leo is still willing to interact with people outside of the 5-Meo/Nonduality bubble.

What do you think? For somebody who hasn't had anything to do with this community much before, I think he did a great job when it comes to remaining open minded, and some of the points he talked about would probably really be worth adressing!

@Leo Gura Would you consider posting a response to this guy on your YouTube channel? I posted a request with some more details in the Video requests section of the forums! I think an honest and mature criticism like this is a great chance to display some positive interactions with differing viewpoints: Definitely give Adeptus' video a watch, he's a pretty cool dude and would probably be just as glad as me to see you take people outside of this bubble seriously! 

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If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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I watched 80%. I think it's a good video for people who are seeing Leo as a hero. In my view, the perceptions given in the video are about half right. I think many people on the forum know that Leo can overblow it here and there and put too much significance on certain things. Some of the things Leo said in his video's, Leo probably wouldn't say again. But then the understanding of the guy in the video doesn't seem quite as deep as Leo. Of course, the guy has his own biases and judges Leo with that too.

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